View Full Version : UEFA Complaint re booing

pineapple stu
25/06/2003, 6:07 PM
According to the Irish Times, there's an formal complaint being made to UEFA about the booing at recent Ireland games. It's an independent complaint from the founder of Sport Against Racism in Ireland, Ken McCue, who called the booing "disturbing". He's also quoted as saying "I am afraid there is a nasty element creeping into the game in Ireland that has heretofore not been evident among out fan base." and also says that he's "very concerned about the degeneration of our reputation and the use of our game to peddle hatred and bigotry". He's calling for the implementation of a UEFA-endorsed anti-racism plan to be used in Ireland.

It's not a complaint from an official UEFA delegate, so nothing's giong to happen to the FAI over it, but it's good to see a public anti-stance on the booing.

25/06/2003, 6:36 PM
i'm delighted, fair play to him and the fact that it's been reported in a major national daily. maybe the next complaint that comes in will be from a UEFA observer and it'll spur the FAI into action on this.

26/06/2003, 9:24 AM
Will make it that bit harder for people to justify the booing as acceptable.

ccfc till i die
26/06/2003, 9:59 AM
These annoying little ****wits can shove their Celtic up their ass

Do you think UEFA should word their warning like that

26/06/2003, 1:15 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
What are they going to do? Close down Landsdowne because a Rangers player gets booed? I think not....

They can do exactly that. If the level of booing becomes unacceptable (and many of us here feel it already has) then UEFA could force us to play some matches behind closed doors. In other words, the bigots and assorted other muppets could cost us our entertainment, and the FAI about half a million quid.

max power
26/06/2003, 2:55 PM
just because it hasn't happened in the past doiesn't mean it won't happen in the future, all the boo boys are muppets !!!!!!!!

max power
26/06/2003, 3:20 PM
these are not a few boos, have you been there and heard them, it was disgrecful, with the brains these muppets have it should be moo instead of boo.

26/06/2003, 4:02 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
Picture the scenarios:

1. Italy v Holland in the San Siro. Are you telling me that Davids doesn't get a hell of alot more abuse than the Landsdowne boos.

2. Spain v Brazil in the Nou Camp. Ronaldo steps onto the pitch and doesn't get as much abuse as Averladze got?

Come on. A few boos have never closed a ground down before, or even come close, and never will....

Don't know how you equal Ireland V Georgia to those examples. You seem to be suggesting that the georgian player plays for thre ivals of the Landsdowne home team.


pineapple stu
26/06/2003, 7:11 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
There's not a snowballs chance in hell. Can you cite one example of this happening in the past...?

Slovakia made to play their home game against Liechtenstein behind closed doors after racial abuse against England.

And that wasn't even audible on TV.

Anyway, if you'd have bothered to read the post fully rather than jump in automatically with your idiotic bigotry, you'd have seen the answer to your own question - yer man is calling on UEFA to implement an anti-bigotry programme in Ireland. Or did reading the post sound like too much hard work?:rolleyes:

A face
26/06/2003, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
So Rascist Chants=Booing now? Since when...?

No matter what kinda cráp word play you come up with here, it is really up to what everyone else thinks ..... and that is that it was racially motivated abuse.

That is the short of it.

And as long as they keep doing it and we all complain about it, it will happen. And i for one would take it on the chin, if it meant shutting these fools up for good. Keep all that tripe for Sell-Thick park. idiots ....

14/07/2003, 8:23 PM
from www.examiner.ie, the booing fiasco taken a step further. if this crap doesn't stop it will damage our reputation in the long run, it's a shame that this mindless, indefensible rubbish should occur. :mad:

FAI makes ‘robust response’ to charge of racism

By Bill George
THE FAI were obliged to counter a charge of racism from UEFA after Rangers’ player Shota Arveladze was booed in last month’s European Championship qualifying tie against Georgia in Lansdowne Road.

An FAI spokesman yesterday confirmed they had made “a robust response” to the charge and affirmed their support for the anti-racist campaign waged by the world governing bodies of football.

“We emphasised to UEFA that the FAI is very strong on the issue of racism” said the spokesman.

“And we pointed out that it was just a very small minority who had engaged in that activity. We take the issue very seriously and showed UEFA how pro-active we are in that regard.”

The demand from UEFA that the FAI answer the charge was a huge embarrassment to the FAI and will come as a severe blow to genuine Irish football fans and members of the supporters’ club.

The fans exemplary behaviour earned several international awards for fair play but this latest episode has tarnished that image.

The letter from UEFA followed the ridiculous behaviour of the minority who concentrated on Arveladze solely because he plays for Rangers.

Regrettably, it was not an isolated incident for other Rangers’ players were also booed at Lansdowne Road.

Tore Andre Flo was booed when he played for Norway in April as was Peter Lovenkrands with Denmark in March 2002.

The UEFA action was taken on foot of a complaint from a supporter who was at the match. I was unable to
establish whether the complaint had come from an Irish or a Georgian fan.

The UEFA observer at the game, I believe, did not include any reference to the booing in his report.

The FAI response to the charge was delivered quickly and was with UEFA within 48 hours of the complaint.

In their defence, the FAI were able to point to an anti-racism notice they included alongside the team-sheet in the centre page of the match programme.

The FAI is actively looking at possible ways of stamping out racist behaviour and it is likely they will look for the active support of the genuine fans at future matches.

Their embarrassment was heightened during the match against Denmark when a request over the PA system for fans to quit booing Lovenkrands sparked more booing.

There was an element of good-nature about it when fans started to boo the Irish players as well as if to level the playing field, but it was an action open to conflicting interpretations.

There was a sequel to the incidents at the recent match against Georgia. Arveladze took ill on the team coach returning to the hotel after the game and spent the night in a Dublin hospital.

His illness had nothing to do with the booing incidents.

The FAI medical team remained in close contact with the player and when he returned to his hotel the following day, FAI chief executive Fran Rooney made a call to his room.

Arveladze was not there but returned the call and on receiving Rooney’s apology for the fans’ behaviour stressed that it had not upset him.

Indeed, the Georgia FA later sent an official letter to the president of the FAI Milo Corcoran, paying tribute to the FAI for the way in which they had looked after Arveladze and the level of co-operation the entire party had received on their visit to Ireland.

15/07/2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
The chap is a Hun.
Who is?

15/07/2003, 12:24 PM
more proof than ver that these simple minded bigots are dragging our reputation thru the mire. Let them fcuk off to drumcree or something if they want to boo huns

ccfc till i die
15/07/2003, 1:21 PM
Silvio Dante you pathetic ****. As well as being a bigot who thinks less of people because of their religion, you also got the wrong religion. Shota Arveladze is a muslim.

15/07/2003, 2:15 PM
Originally posted by tiktok
His illness had nothing to do with the booing incidents. :confused:

15/07/2003, 2:17 PM
Originally posted by Schumi

i suppose some people might have thought it was stress related from people booing him. maybe?

15/07/2003, 3:13 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
Rascism...??? Come on. This is sooo over the top its untrue.

do me a favour Silvio, and give me your definition of what Racism is so we can all be clear:confused:

Seamus #1
15/07/2003, 4:55 PM
Originally posted by pineapple stu
Slovakia made to play their home game against Liechtenstein behind closed doors after racial abuse against England.

And that wasn't even audible on TV.

Small point but I watched this game live on BBC and the 'monkey noises' made at Heskey and Ashley Cole every time they touched the ball, were clearly audible on the TV and seemed to be coming from large sections of the crowd. The commentators even commented on it. It was the first thing Beckham talked about in his post match interview.

Seamus #1
15/07/2003, 4:58 PM
Originally posted by tiktok
do me a favour Silvio, and give me your definition of what Racism is so we can all be clear:confused:

Maybe you could clear up this one up for me as I'm not sure what your getting at?

15/07/2003, 5:41 PM
fair enough, you might not consider it racism, in that attacking averladze wasn't based on his race and his nationality. but it's misleading (or just daft) to deny that the celtic led abuse of rangers players is free of religious bigotry (when historically the rivalry of their fans is steeped in it), which in my book is tantamount to racism.

i don't see how anyone can defend or even justify these absolute morons who carried this abuse out, even moreso now that our football association has had to answer the charge on it. is it really worth the damage this abuse can do to the reputation our fans have built over years so that a few idiots can get their bigoted jollies.

15/07/2003, 8:54 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
The FAI will get a small fine and a slap on the wrist...

ah sure, that's grand so. 'twas only a bit of fun :rolleyes:

the FAI will get a needless fine and a slap on the wrist... this time! let's hope it doesn't happen again and lead to more serious action.

Seamus #1
15/07/2003, 8:59 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
The FAI will get a small fine and a slap on the wrist...

The FAI wont get any punishment whatsoever for this. It says this in the first post.

Seamus #1
15/07/2003, 9:17 PM
Originally posted by tiktok
fair enough, you might not consider it racism, in that attacking averladze wasn't based on his race and his nationality. but it's misleading (or just daft) to deny that the celtic led abuse of rangers players is free of religious bigotry (when historically the rivalry of their fans is steeped in it), which in my book is tantamount to racism.

religious bigotry maybe, racism no. I say maybe because even though you are probably right (although it is speculation) about the motivation of the said Celtic fans, its nearly impossible to prove. They would simply say they are Celtic fans booing a player who plays for the rival of their club. If they start using abusive, racist, religiously motivated language or whatever than this is certainly something which the FAI and UEFA could and would take serious action over.

Originally posted by tiktok
i don't see how anyone can defend or even justify these absolute morons who carried this abuse out, even moreso now that our football association has had to answer the charge on it. is it really worth the damage this abuse can do to the reputation our fans have built over years so that a few idiots can get their bigoted jollies.

I agree they are morons but it can't be compared to the racist abuse Heskey and Cole experienced in Slovakia and so wont receive the same punishment. Simply booing a player is not the same as making monkey noises at him because he is black.

15/07/2003, 9:33 PM
but what if the fans in the slovakia case had been booing them because they were black, yet claimed it was because they were man utd fans who disliked these particular liverpool and arsenal players. i realise this is a stretch but premeditated abuse of a player (who has no tangible negative connection with the team being supported) is inexcusable regardless of the severity of the abuse doled out.

you can have more serious cases but not cases which should not be taken seriously.

i recognise the argument that has been offered, that it's celtic fans booing a rival teams player, i just think it's pathetic and no excuse whatsoever.

who was it who said all it requires for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing, let's hope that the FAI take this as the warning it is and act on this rubbish quickly and effectively.

16/07/2003, 9:01 AM
Originally posted by tiktok
but what if the fans in the slovakia case had been booing them because they were black, yet claimed it was because they were man utd fans who disliked these particular liverpool and arsenal players. i realise this is a stretch but premeditated abuse of a player (who has no tangible negative connection with the team being supported) is inexcusable regardless of the severity of the abuse doled out.

Ridiculous, they weren't booing they were impersonating monkeys, a signifcant difference!

16/07/2003, 12:45 PM
First of all it is more than just the booing that is the problem here it is the sectarian abuse terms such as "dirty proddie", "orange *******", "hun *******" as heard by me at the Denmark and Norway games in the west upper stand if heard by a UEFA observer could have the ground closed.

Not to mention the damage to our country and the reputation of our fans.

I organised tickets for Danish and Norwegian colleagues for those games and was disgusted at the comments.

16/07/2003, 2:45 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
From the sublime to the ridiculous. That will not happen....

By closed I mean having to play a game behind closed doors - ie no fans and no revenue.

Yes it would happen - happened to Slovakia

16/07/2003, 4:29 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
What on earth can the FAI do? Sweet F A in my opinion that will have any effect anyway.

They can use the successful English FA method which was as easy as appeals from the manager, captain and players followed by a brief media campaign asking for restraint. sounds really difficult.

Originally posted by Junior
Ridiculous, they weren't booing they were impersonating monkeys, a signifcant difference!

As I said, IF they were booing, i acknowledged the difference when i said there were more serious cases but not cases that shouldn't be taken seriously

Silvio, if UEFA consider this abuse to be excessive (and why shouldn't they, many of us do) they can and will make us play behind closed doors. that is a stigma that irish fans will spend a very long time trying to put behind us. sh!t like this sticks and stinks for a long time.

Seamus #1
16/07/2003, 5:43 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
This is 'League of Gentlmen' stuff here. You'd swear Landsdowne is the centre of Uefa's attention. those boys have alot more to worry them than a couple of thousand Irish people giving an odd Rangers nobody boos every couple of years.

I agree UEFA have a lot more important things to do than worry about this which is still very much a minor incident when compared to what gos on in the rest of europe.

pineapple stu
16/07/2003, 6:06 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
I note my point regarding the booing of Roy is burried deep under the Cork carpets.

What was wrong with booing Keane when he was booed? He'd left the team in the lurch - for a minor tournament, granted - but he just decided not to bother heading out to the competition and to inform the manager at an unacceptably late stage. Don't see any problem with booing him for letting his and our national team down.

Just to point out by the way - didn't read any stuff by Dervan or anyone else in the papers back then - this is just the way I see it. Not saying it's right or wrong, just offering a reason where one was asked for.

16/07/2003, 6:13 PM
The bottom line here is that the fella was being booed because he plays for a club who's history is the "wrong" religion. I have no time for the kind of idiots who perpetrate this vile crap. Anyone who says it isn't wrong is themself guilty of extreme prejuidice- if you attack (physically or verbally) a person on the basis of colour, ethnic origin or religion it is wrong; full stop. Those who do it, and those who ignore it are bigots. I like Celtic, I have said that countless times on these boards, but I'm not sad or stupid enough to think that means I must hate rangers. The people who are dong this should, IMO, be kicked out of the ground and banned for life from attending any football match anywhere. They have been asked by the manager and the FAI not to this and yet they persist, if they are supporters, they would get behind their own team.

I don't subscribe to the idea that what happened heskey is more or less serious than what happened arveladze: does it make a difference how prejuidiced one is? IS there a real and substantial difference to the upset one is likely to cause (for example) a black person by calling them (a) "a monkey" or (b) "A dirty f*ckin n***er." Is one more serious than the other, or are both despicable acts? In my opinion, anyone uttering any of this pathetic prejuidiced sh!t wants a good kicking, however "mild" or "serious" they believe it to be

As for Silvio Dante's point re Judas Keane, there's a huge difference booing someone based on religion and booing someone because they are perceived to have done wrong- for the record, what Dervan did was a disgrace- I think a supporter booing their own players is ridiculous except in the most extreme circumstances: such as if the SCUMBAG came back now.

16/07/2003, 7:33 PM
silvio, silvio, silvio, :rolleyes: you can't possibly rest your case based on what eanna said......unless right now you can explain to me what Averladze did wrong with respect to the irish side .

as to the question that UEFA have more important worries, that is probably the case. However, the international observer they send to the next irish international only reports on that game, so he's only got one thing to be worried about, doesn't he.

for the record, the keane booing affair was a disgrace and cathal dervan annoys me.

16/07/2003, 7:39 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
So the FAI putting Paul McGrath or Mother Teresa Quinn on the box asking Celts not to boo a Rangers player will be heeded?

jesus, and there was i thinking i'd said management, captain and players.

the celtic fans might take a bit of notice if it was Brian Kerr, Kenny Cunningham and Colin Healy, and if the ring leaders didn't take notice then i'd imagine that the kids who only join in because they think it's cool might think twice, and the real fans might feel more support when telling them to shut the f*ck up.

17/07/2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Éanna
The bottom line here is that the fella was being booed because he plays for a club who's history is the "wrong" religion. I have no time for the kind of idiots who perpetrate this vile crap. Anyone who says it isn't wrong is themself guilty of extreme prejuidice- if you attack (physically or verbally) a person on the basis of colour, ethnic origin or religion it is wrong; full stop.

Another view on this is that the guy got booed because he plays for Rangers, arch rivals of celtic. A club whom a significant proportion of Ireland fans support

I don't believe he was verbally attacked because of his colour, ethnic origin or religion. If he was it would be totally unacceptable.

17/07/2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Junior
I don't believe he was verbally attacked because of his colour, ethnic origin or religion. If he was it would be totally unacceptable.
That was why he was bening booed- in the mind of the simpletons who do this, this guy is a "hun" i.e. a protestant, just because he plays for rangers, and therefore must be booed. It IS that simple

17/07/2003, 1:32 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
Since when is the word Hun associated with Protestantism....?

(from the word 'hanoverian' - protestant monarchy from hanover, germany who came to the british throne in 1714 with king george 1st, which in turn led to the jacobite rebellion)

1714 long enough for you.

I really am sick and tired of you defending the indefsible. There were sectarian comments at Lansdowne Road from "so called Celtic fans" directed at a few different Rangers and ex Rangers players.

They hav eno place at any football match but particularly at an Irish game considering they involve a battle between 2 British sides.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

17/07/2003, 2:19 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
It was a rhetorical question for Gods sake. My point is that I couldn't give a toss what their Religion is. The fact is that Rangers players, past or present, know what to expect and they're not disappointed....
gspain I wouldn't bother arguing with this guy- he's clearly a total Irish celtic "fan" stereotype: ignorant, predjuidiced and totally unwilling to see reason.

17/07/2003, 4:26 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
That was why he was bening booed- in the mind of the simpletons who do this, this guy is a "hun" i.e. a protestant, just because he plays for rangers, and therefore must be booed. It IS that simple

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one, yeah its done because he's a "Hun" i.e. a Rangers player, nothing to do with his religion.

I happen to know a few Celtic fans who are of protestant faith, do fellow Celtic fans of Catholic faith call these Huns?...No they don't, simply because its a term associated with the team not the religion in this context.

There are indeed Religious bigots on both sides of the OF divide, and its pathetic, but you simply cannot claim that this is anything more than booing, if it happened at an OF game, I don't think you would be calling it Bigoted, Racist etc.....(admittedly, you probably wouldn't care less) but it would simply be all part of the club rivalry etc.. etc... Have you never booed rivals player?

I agree it has no place at an Ireland match, simply because it is a club rivalry issue but I don't subscribe to this religious, racist issue that some on here are suggesting.

17/07/2003, 4:36 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
It was a rhetorical question for Gods sake. My point is that I couldn't give a toss what their Religion is.

Silvio, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and accept that you don't give a toss about religion, i'd agree with you that considerations like that have no place in football (or life in general..live and let live and all that).

But i don't buy that there wasn't an anti protestant/royalist undertone to the abuse by any of celtic fans at the games (for the record i'm not tarnishing all celtic fans, many don't go in for the 'love celtic must hate rangers' rubbish)

Originally posted by Silvio Dante
The fact is that Rangers players, past or present, know what to expect and they're not disappointed....

i'm going to call you on this one right away, the booing of rangers players at ireland internationals is a very new thing. i"ve been to two scotland -v- ireland games without hearing a rangers player booed. there's been players like terry butcher and trevor stevens who've played against us and not been booed. so that statement is incorrect.

17/07/2003, 6:08 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
Oh please. Enough of your moral high ground EL bull. I'm an Irish Celt and proud of it bud. Now get over it....
Nothing to do with me trying to claim the "EL moral high ground"- I have a Celtic jersey and cheer on the Bhoys too. As I said, I'm just not sad enough to think it means I have to hate rangers. I tried saying it nicely, now I'll just say it plainly- you are the kind of fool football could do without.

Barna Bee
19/07/2003, 12:20 PM
look at back over the last few pages...most people disagree with you...do you think that you are right and everyone else is wrong?

Booing, for whatever reason is for losers !

Get behind your team !

19/07/2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
In fairness most people here on this thread Cork City/EL people with serious issues when Celtic are mentioned

There are people on here who have a passionate hatred for Celtic, but that doesn't make your arguments more credible, also many of the people who have come out against booing averladze are pro-celtic , Eanna, Junior and even myself.

Originally posted by Silvio Dante
Booing, for good or bad, is a part of football and always will be....

again, our argument is that there is no reason for an IRISH supporter to single out averladze in an international match as he has no connection, good or bad with ireland or the FAI.

it's not just about booing a player because of something like a bad tackle or because he has a history with your club.

21/07/2003, 5:06 PM
i'm actually sick of this so i'm done with it,

you claim that the fundamental point is that celtic fans are going to boo him simply because he's a rangers player

i claim that the fundamental points are that averladze has no connection with ireland and the FAI therefore should not be booed and that the petty bigoted grudges of scottish club football should not enter into the irish international game.

we're obviously not going to agree on this, and are only going around in circles, so i quit. i just can't understand how anyone can defend this crap.

Seamus #1
21/07/2003, 7:08 PM
I agree I think this thread is a dead duck. I's been going round in circles for about a week now. We know everyones views on the subject so I think we should just drop it.