View Full Version : Once the Movie

11/02/2008, 10:04 PM
Anybody seen this, what did they think. I saw it ages ago when it first came out and thought it was very good but I can't believe how successful it has become. Fair play to John Carney.

11/02/2008, 10:14 PM
I hear it's good, but I honestly can't support Glen Hansard in any of his projects so I'm not watching it

12/02/2008, 12:58 PM
why not?
Ive seen him on telly a few times and he seems interesting enough guy.
wouldnt be mad fan of his music and once looks like it would bore the sh*te out of ya tho.

12/02/2008, 1:00 PM
why not?
Ive seen him on telly a few times and he seems interesting enough guy.
wouldnt be mad fan of his music and once looks like it would bore the sh*te out of ya tho.

I just find something very offensive about him. Plus he got off with one of my mates a few years back, to her eternal shame, and she reckons he's a bit of a muppet, so that only re-enforced my moral outrage

12/02/2008, 1:00 PM
Friend who is new to the guitar(aswell) told me about it, he liked it, so i found it online last night, knocked it off after 15mins, looked like they were going to be just singing songs the whole film

12/02/2008, 1:18 PM
Rented it out a while back without realising it was a musical.
Was in a bit of a daze, couldnt see anything decent and half
recognised yer man on the cover but couldnt remember from where.

Switched off after bout 20-30mins!

12/02/2008, 6:44 PM
why not?
Ive seen him on telly a few times and he seems interesting enough guy.
wouldnt be mad fan of his music and once looks like it would bore the sh*te out of ya tho.


Used to be a fairly big Frames fan to about 3-4 years ago, got fed up with same sound music and Glen's booring 5 min stories every 2nd or 3rd song. "Just play the f*cking song & shut the f*ck up"

12/02/2008, 7:05 PM
Friend who is new to the guitar(aswell) told me about it, he liked it, so i found it online last night, knocked it off after 15mins
Your one's not great looking, but fifteen minutes is pretty impressive. New record?

12/02/2008, 8:26 PM
Yeah I dont think its the type of film if you want action or anything like that. But for character development and for a film that touches the soul and lifts the spirit and heart it is a very good film and it has done unbelievably well for a film that cost €130,000 to make. and has now take millions at the box office on the back of Grammy and Oscar Nominations.

Glen is pretty sound any time I have met him, not that has anything to do with it as a persons personlity in my view is secondary when I listen to their music. I am sure John Lennon was a dick but still make great music.

12/02/2008, 10:42 PM
I just find something very offensive about him. Plus he got off with one of my mates a few years back, to her eternal shame, and she reckons he's a bit of a muppet, so that only re-enforced my moral outrage

Seconded. I can't stand him or his poxy band.

26/02/2008, 1:09 PM
Dont now him from adam, but was proud seeing an Irishman winning an Oscar..nice song that one it.

Also thought ur one Saoirse Ronan was great in the interveiws on the Red Carpet. Just hilarious how she followed all the stars, Clooney, Camern Diaz etc.. then this real Irish girl, so down to earth. Commentator actually called her a 15 year old english actress before correcting herself:)..in fairness with her accent dont know how anyone could think she was english:D

26/02/2008, 2:25 PM
I enjoyed the moving. Sweet, sensitive and kept wanting them to get together. Have recommended it to my mum and sister.

Lim till i die
26/02/2008, 2:32 PM
I enjoyed the moving.

Ah, but was the film any good?

26/02/2008, 2:40 PM
yes. was great.

Headache, trying to work and type on foot.ie is wrecking my ability to make sense by the looks of things.

26/02/2008, 2:40 PM
I enjoyed the moving. Sweet, sensitive and kept wanting them to get together. Have recommended it to my mum and sister.

Is it a bit of a Before Sunset rip off with music so?

26/02/2008, 2:41 PM
Kinda. Very innocent and with some nice quirky moments.

Lim till i die
26/02/2008, 2:42 PM
Headache, trying to work and type on foot.ie is wrecking my ability to make sense by the looks of things.

I know ze feeling.

Must. Try. Harder. :o