View Full Version : Display v Fingal

11/02/2008, 12:11 AM
A few of us were thinking of putting a display on for the first match against fingal.Myself and cabs are planning on putting in an order in into tifo for some flares and smoke bombs so if anyone will chip in let us know.We're also planning on having 8 seperate mini banners to hold up spelling out section o.As I said,we'll def need a bit of help with money so if anyone can chip in that would be great,any left over money will probably go towards any other displays we have.If anyone else has any other ideas for a display let us know...

11/02/2008, 1:26 PM
Might have a few spare flares hanging around from a few years ago. Proper marine ones mind, not those crap tifo ones that spit on everyone. If I'm down I'll pass them on.