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24/06/2003, 11:08 AM
I am posting this here in the city forum as this generic topic happens to be sparked by two recent incidents involving city, and i'd like to see what people think.

On reading the ccfc official matchday magazine (ucd/waterford) i noticed on the commercial page that there was a little dig at Pats. I think it read something like this, while congratulating JOhn O'Flynn for his U21 performances vs Albania and Germany, 'Perhaps the result would have been better against St Patrick's athletic if they had agreed to reschedule the game'.

Moving on, i was talking to a Longford fan who posts regularly on this board yesterday about coming down to cork (where as most of you probably know i am living) and it came across that he was pretty peeved about the match switch to the 4th of July, as is understandable in the situation. His understanding of the situation in brief (and im sure someone will probably explain further) was that Longford had been pushed and left with virtually no time to decide? Without any problem he was able to say that he hoped Longford did the same to Cork for the next fixture. I made the point that was a very defeatist type attitude but he had a solid point and i couldn't argue with him. My fear is that LTFC might be of the same opinion and that they might do same (completely hypothetical).

My point is simply this; we (referring to us all as a part of this league) could really do without all this begrudgery and needless tit for tat messing between clubs. Between fans it generally boils down to a bit of fun, and reading the 'out of the west' (?) article in the latest ccfc matchday mag you can see a prime example of what it is to be a football fan in this country. I for one am looking forward to visiting the cross as often as possible this season while i am here and rooting for city when it doesn't clash with my obvious allegience to UCD. On the fourth of July i intend to shout for Town simply because they'll be in the minority and i have known one Town fan who will be travelling down and i don't see often for a good few years. On the 11th i'll be in the shed 'cos Rovers are our closest rivals and i'm looking forward to the craic.

When the rivalry extends to the management of clubs, and goes as far as the confrontational attitudes like the shels/pats ones (again very relevant to city seeing as Dolan was the pats supremo during that time) of a couple of years back (and i'm not condoning shoddy administration in clubs here) it makes the league look like a disgrace.

Referring back to the City/Pats situation, without getting into blaming anyone, i understand that Pats made a presentation to Pat Dolan on the pitch that night, a really nice gesture indeed. I'm sure it was a really nice welcome Pat recieved at the club he put so much into. If relations are this friendly on the surface, then surely each club would do their utmost to accomodate and oblige each other. Yet in an official City publication, created for the fans, it is published, from the pen of a CCFC official, that this wasn't the case, or that it was of the writers opinion so. Should we all have a grudge against St Pats so?

Obviously these situations arise many times a season. Obviously regarding the most recent one, City/Longford, the Longford fans, whether right or wrong in their opinions, are disappointed and with the information they have are disappointed in Cork City Football Club.

How do we get away from this crap?

ccfc till i die
24/06/2003, 11:56 AM
I agree that we shouldn't bother with this in fighting, but like was said before it would have taken Longford's agreement to change the match and since they also have a league cup semi final with Derry coming up next week it is in the clubs interest to switch.
I don't think Longford will try to change the return fixture just to be petty.

24/06/2003, 1:10 PM
Well @ndy, I was at the Pat's agme and while the presentation was nice, I felt that following events rendered it merely window dressing. Andy O'Callaghan gave Dolan the piece, and he seemed very genuine, while most fans seemed to be against the idea.
The team and management acted in a very different way as well, especially in their way over the top celebration to the (extremely dodgy) penalty goal, trying to goad Dolan, and the after match comments of Collins were disgraceful. Some of the gestures to Dolan were petty at the least.
Pats would not entertain in any way a fixture switch. Dolan has said that he wrote to the FAI and he got a letter from Rooney in the dressing room before hand, thus verifying that he went through the proper channels.
City cannot be blamed for the pathetic attitude of Pats to a former manager of theirs (who did an awful lot for the club).
City were very accomodating for the opening fixture, doing what suited TV3 and the FAI, but not City.
I do not know about the Longford game, but surely they must have agreed to it, or else it could not have been switched.
So I feel City have been a club who has acted with the best intentions before. Yet a lot of Dub clubs will only act in a selfish way, so City can't be blamed if they start to act in their best interests only as well.
City got flak for playing their FAI cup semi on a Friday night last year, to a massive sell-out, yet Derry play on Thursday night, without a peep of protest from anyone.
Of course all clubs should work for the betterment of all, but try to convince chairmen of certain Dublin clubs that.

btw, I presume Dodge will be on soon, telling me how wrong I am.

24/06/2003, 1:48 PM
there is no love lost between your manager and all at st pats,
your manager felt he was hard done by and the rest of our club couldnt wait to get rid of him so there was bound to be bitterness

the presentation was window dressing, part of the PR charade that your boss loves

anyway we're shot of him now so happy days all round

24/06/2003, 1:57 PM
It the FAI council needs to be scrapped pack of kids bitchin all the time to each other afraid someone is getting more than they are. That is where the problem lies.

24/06/2003, 2:09 PM
I'm not necessarily sure that we had to agree to the switch, but last season youse accomodated us with the Saturday game, and we did likewise with the early kick off of the midweek rearranged fixtures.... I can only assume that this is the Fat One at play again, and will surely cost youse in the long run.... On a Saturday night we would've brought a good crowd - a Friday at relatively short notice I think we'll bring a poor crowd....

Personally I hope we do switch our home game - Cork is pretty much our big overnighter... Longford is yours so whats good for the goose.....

Enjoy the hype and the long ball rubbish football...

24/06/2003, 2:43 PM
Originally posted by wws

anyway we're shot of him now so happy days all round Maybe you can answer me this (genuine question)I cant understand why you lot were so glad to be rid of him,with all the success he brought the logic escapes me.Obviously I dont know the whole story,but im willing to be enlightened.

24/06/2003, 2:48 PM
Originally posted by Dricky
the FAI council needs to be scrapped pack of kids bitchin all the time to each other afraid someone is getting more than they are. That is where the problem lies.

just thought it deserved to be read again...

24/06/2003, 2:51 PM
what i can't understand is why pat's fans continue to go on, and on, and on, about how glad they are to be 'rid of him.' If ye're so glad then why to ye continue to moan!

getting back on topic, i think most clubs, and more particularly their fans, have been victims of fixture foul-ups over the years. I can recall a number of occasions where two weeks before a match we don't know what day of the week it's on. you then have clubs moving fixtures at short notice and others not moving fixtures when requested to.

but the crux of the situation is not that clubs carry on like this, without respect for the other clubs and, again perhaps more importantly the fans, but that there is nothing stopping them from doing so. i would imagine this all goes back to the 'league rulebook' as in if it were written properly there would be proper channels and procedures to deal with fixtures and any change of fixtures.

24/06/2003, 3:21 PM
I think theres a lot of misunderstanding about this thing with cork fans

I dont think you're well clued in with the pats/dolan row last season

basically he was sacked and left with a lot of bad blood

since than we've lost a lot of dead wood and signed quality left right and centre proving that dolan was not responsible for bringing any new talent to the club as those connections l;ay elsewhere(mainly with EC)....this is further bourne out by dolans inability to sign anyone of note for cork city

24/06/2003, 4:29 PM
Originally posted by wws
this is further bourne out by dolans inability to sign anyone of note for cork city Not too sure about that,K Doyle is shaping up to be a class signing.As I understand it Dolan wasnt fired but rather jumped before he was pushed.Again I stand to be corrected.

24/06/2003, 6:32 PM
WWS..you still did not answer the question that was asked.We here as fans of Cork City FC would like to know WHY Pats fans come on here regularly moaning that they are delighted Dolan has left there club, and is now with City.As far as i can see Pat Dolan has put your club on the map over the last ten years and to talk about a man that has won the league for you just because he left is more jealousy as far as i am concerned.If its not then tell us what he has done that annoyed everyone in Inchicore so much.Also you say since he left you have signed class players left,right and centre.Are you sure you are talking about St Pats?????

24/06/2003, 7:20 PM
Originally posted by joe
what i can't understand is why pat's fans continue to go on, and on, and on, about how glad they are to be 'rid of him.' If ye're so glad then why to ye continue to moan!

That's what gets me aswell, they must miss him a lot if he is still in their thoughts so much!:)

On the whole City - Longford issue, we play all our games on a Friday night, Longford play all theirs on a Saturday night. Why would Longford move from their regular match night just to spite us??? The suggestion alone is absolute rubbish!

24/06/2003, 8:17 PM
Originally posted by Colm
The suggestion alone is absolute rubbish!

I certainly didn't suggest it, just commented that the suggestion has been thrown about....and that the fact that it has isn't right at all.

24/06/2003, 8:55 PM

24/06/2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by patsh
City got flak for playing their FAI cup semi on a Friday night last year, to a massive sell-out, yet Derry play on Thursday night, without a peep of protest from anyone.[/SIZE]

to be fair, derry almost always accomodate city with a sunday match (as we do to them) i personally think derry had a case to be disgruntled last year and fair play to the legions they brought down with them. there is a distance limit in the league rules dictating whether a club can do a midweek game, derry-dublin just falls within this distance, so no one has a leg to stand on there unless the rules are changed.

i'm already on record as saying that the longford switch is of benefit to both clubs from the point of view of preparing for the LC semis, it's unfortunate that so many fans had made plans around the saturday night, but longford did agree to the switch (i'll conceed they might not have been given much time to talk it over).

the pat's city game did not have to be switched, we had only one player out, you need three to force a switch. it shows overeliance on flynny. having said that pat's could have accomodated our request and i believe they did not out of spite to dolan. there's a lot of bad blood still running there. it's interesting to see if city will object to the shels game switched to thursday because of their mid-season friendly, adding to the idiotic tit for tat.

@ndy is spot on though, we need to get rid of this rubbish and infighting from the league, we hold each other back too much when the league should be progressing. (even the recent desires expressed to see rovers lose in poland goes to show how narrow minded we are when it comes to the success of the league as a whole).

joe's point that the rulebook needs to be looked at is a good one (although it should have been done when we switched to summer leagues), the longford switch wouldn't have been an issue if all league cup games had to be played on wednesdays (as they're regionalised until the semis the distance rule would not be in effect i.e. city could not draw derry until the semis) instead of maybe being played on a monday.

obviously each club has to look after it's own interests but unless we all combine to further the standards and promotion of the league (avoiding egg on face fiascos with registrations of players, scheduling of fixtures etc.) we'll soon run out of teams to play against.

24/06/2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by thecorner

maybe only to show teams how it should be done, someone has to start to break this cycle, i'd like to think city are big enough to do this.

longford agreed to the switch without half of the crap that was spewed by us (myself included) when Pat's didn't switch for us. we're starting to appear like a petty little club when it comes to things like this.

25/06/2003, 8:27 AM
Originally posted by tiktok
it's interesting to see if city will object to the shels game switched to thursday because of their mid-season friendly, adding to the idiotic tit for tat.

I don't see why City should agree to switch this fixture? Shels should have checked their league schedule before agreeing to any "preseason" friendlies. You can't put priority on a pre-season friendly over a league game. You would never see it in any other league. Shels are at fault on this one......City should not accept the change in dates for the good of the league.

25/06/2003, 8:45 AM
Originally posted by Colm
On the whole City - Longford issue, we play all our games on a Friday night, Longford play all theirs on a Saturday night. Why would Longford move from their regular match night just to spite us??? The suggestion alone is absolute rubbish!

We have moved our regular match start time forward to allow youse get home a little earlier and we have played on Sunday to suit youse...

25/06/2003, 8:54 AM
Originally posted by Xlex
. to suit youse...

ya jackeen langar ya X-LEX

25/06/2003, 8:57 AM

25/06/2003, 9:04 AM
I'm okay - it's a Manc thing as well! :)

25/06/2003, 9:34 AM
I rarely post on foot.ie at all let alone on the cork forum so I assume you are referring to other posters and not me, if so fair enough I'm sure they'd tell you their reasons for contributing to threads about their ex manager, of whom they would be more informed than the posters on this board.

for an informed run down on why dolan is not held in great esteem by many pats fans read here:


it was written by dodge after he got the bullit following a miserable season


Karim El Kebhyr
Davy Byrne
Barry Prenderville
Chris Adamson
Ryan Casey (defender)
Barry Prenderville (defender)
Anthony Murphy (midfielder)
Keith Fahey (midfielder)
Jimmi Lee Jones (striker
David Freeman (striker)
Keith Dunne (striker)
Liam George (striker)

all have played first team

Paulo Rogerio Nicomedes (defender)
Terry Parker (midfielder)
Lionel Xadhi


all signed by Eamonn Collins

as against Kevin Doyle: Has he scored a goal yet?

add in the fact that Tony Bird has since come out and lambasted dolan for playing him out of position and stating clearly:

Tony Bird: "Pat Dolan was very wrong when he played me out of position. Eamonn was the man that brought me here and he's the one that knew my strengths. But it was not his final decision where I play when Pat was here"

Tony is now our top scorer and one of the best in the league.

I can't make the case any clearer and have only responded in answer to your questions, make up your own mind

25/06/2003, 9:39 AM
I have also heard from an ex-player under Dolan that he was a brute to play for... He was into outdated methods of training and he knew little outside of running the nads out of players to get the best out of them, which is clearly not the way forward with players... it was like pre-season all year round. The playing staff were well happy to be rid of Pat...

25/06/2003, 9:49 AM
WWS, Dodge is a fan of the club, is he not?
Does he know all the intimate details of the running of the club?
So what we have is a fan who is unhappy with his (ex) club manager.
Now that's something new, isn't it?
I have looked for all the complaints and all those pages of criticism written about Dolan when the league championship was on the way to Richmond Park, but cannot find any.

Tony Bird was unhappy with his manager?
Shock, Horror, a player is not getting what he wants !

Name the club in this country that has been completely happy with their manager 100% of the time?
We were extrememley unhappy with Gunther, but he left and we got on with it. We have not gone on and on and on about him and his time at the helm.
Some Pats fans are obsessed with Dolan and do nothing but whinge about him, and the worst thing about it is that most of the management and some players are just as bad..:rolleyes:

25/06/2003, 9:58 AM
OK might as well jump in (tried very hard not to, seeing as us Pats fans can't stop talking about Dolan) and wws put up my piece...

1) On the Pats board we only ever talk about Dolan around the time we play Cork, on the Cork board I only ever contribute about Dolan because me coming on and talking about Keith Dunne means nothing to you.... Cork fans may think we go on about it but really lads come on, get out and see what the world outside of Cork is like...

2) The petty squabling in the league is a disgrace. I feel the problem is that the clubs run the league and have far too much power. A strong league adminisrtation would set game times/dates and the clubs must adhere to them. Anybody who threatens to sue the league should be kicked out immediately (Kilkenny not playing a Cup Semi was the biggest disgrace imaginable) In recent times Bray, Shels, Bohs and one or two others have resorted to legal action. A far stronger rule book is a priority (if not wait for legal challenges when UEFA licensing comes around)

3) Dolan and Keely (and anybody else) should not be allowed comment on other clubs in their weekly tabloid columns. You have no idea how embarressing this has been to our club. (and yes I've alwys said that)

4) Fans are petty and thats ok

5) Yes I think Pats should've changed for Cork but the Pats chairman insists that the Gardai wouldn't allow a change at such short otice (and they have been ****s for the past while with Pats and Rovers)

6) Kevin Doyle is a decent prospect but still hasn't scored in the league (so thats about 30 games a striker without a goal)

7) Dolan was sacked. The window dressing was him leaving.

8) So our celebraions for a goal were OTT but jumping around the pitch wasn't. Goal celebrations can never be OTT

9) Every good player we've had in the past 5 years has complained publicly about Dolan. Most left.

10) Pats fans (in general) don't post here as we have our own board. If you were on that board you would have heard plenty of criticism of Dolan when we were winning leagues. However of course winning leagues papers over the cracks and when you stop winning leagues and you realise your club is being ruined (in more ways than football), people start to complain a little more...
Anything else?

25/06/2003, 10:02 AM
Dunno how ye got gragged off on a Dolan rant...

Theres clear league rules on postponement or moving days of fixtures. A|s long as clubs follow these what is the problem.

Pats v City
Rules say need 3 players away on international duty to move games so Pats would only have been doing City a favour by moving the game. Pats obeyed the rules which is fair enough. Maybe rules need changing in this light.

City v Longford
Seems city asked for a change & longford agreed. Longford are under no obligation to move the game but must see an advantage to themselves in changing the date.
If city were playing at home in the LC semi its likely they would have kept the scheduled date.
I don't see the problem.

25/06/2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by pete
Dunno how ye got gragged off on a Dolan rant...

Theres clear league rules on postponement or moving days of fixtures. A|s long as clubs follow these what is the problem.

The dolan thing was answering/clarifying things already mentioned in this thread...

The problem is (quickly getting back to point) that if clubs had a better off field relationship, they'd change something for the "good of the game" and wouldn't cling to "well we are perfectly within our rights" attitude.

Although do you think games should be changed for all internationals or just Ireland ones? I mean we lose Mbabazi a bit during the season, likewise Longford with Avery John and what about U18 internationals?

25/06/2003, 10:18 AM

got dragged off cause two posters above asked for a reason behind his unpopularity at pats by fans, management and players.

SLIGHT Clarification:
"you would have heard plenty of criticism of Dolan when we were winning leagues. However of course winning leagues papers over the cracks"

officially Pat Dolan was only manager of ONE league win at Richmond Park, ( notable also that Ireland assistant boss Noel O Reilly was the coach that time )

the other league win was by Liam Buckley

25/06/2003, 10:23 AM
its simple....either the league wants international recognition or it does not

you cant cancel matches cause a player gets a call up....its an honour for club and player like mbabazi missing pats games to play for uganda

just get over it or withdraw the player from national duty

25/06/2003, 10:34 AM
A lot of good point have been made so far about eL politics.

There should be a stronger organisation running the league. They should be professional and enforce the rules.

The rulebook for the league needs to be looked. Its outdated and there are many little things included that don't even exist in most grounds or teams. If they don't why are the rules still there. If they are to be counted, who will enforce them?

Fans should be able to and are petty towards each other which is why the people in charge of the clubs need to start putting the league up their with their own interests.

The league has had a lot to deal with over the past few seasons. There are elements within clubs that are too powerful for the league's good. Summer soccer might be the right way to go but there's still a lot of work to be done IMO to the league's structure and day-to-day running before it can really progress.

As for manager's having weekly columns in national papers. That is not right also IMO.

25/06/2003, 11:12 AM
I wouldn't have a problem with managers having a weekly column. The league needs increased media exposure. People like Pat Dolan are well equipped to raise the profile of both the club and the league. Anyway, it's not much different from Pat giving an interview to a reporter. His thoughts would still end up in press. At least this way, he can ensure that his point gets put across properly.

25/06/2003, 11:22 AM
Nothing wrong with the column, but they should not be allowed slag off other clubs on it (as Dolan and Keely both have done) We don't need any more bad publicity

25/06/2003, 2:32 PM
How can a paper cover things from an unbaised view point if they feature managers in a weekly column??

Aberdonian Stu
25/06/2003, 2:54 PM
When someone reads a weekly column from a manager they don't expect an unbias view they expect one that's extremely bias. It's a comment piece not news coverage (to go from the boring perspective).

The only thing wrong with giving a manager a weekly column is it leads to overexposure of their club and not enough coverage of the other clubs.

25/06/2003, 3:12 PM
The league is run primarily by the clubs, which i suppose is the fundamental thing that needs to change. This will lead to better management of the league and could only be a progressive movement.

25/06/2003, 5:36 PM
Originally posted by liamon
I wouldn't have a problem with managers having a weekly column. The league needs increased media exposure.

i'd agree with this, though he wasn't that popular at Pat's, before dolan came to city i thought he was great for the league. he's one of the few figures in LOI that would be recognisable outside. we need all the exposure we can get.

i wasn't calling the fans petty earlier, just that the way clubs interact with one another looks petty (and bad for the league).
just for the record.

25/06/2003, 5:59 PM
If Possible, St Pats have gone down even further in my estimation. Never have i come across such a pack of whining, moaning muppets in my life. For Dubs, ye have an even bigger superiority complex than normal. Having met a few of ye in McDowells the last time after the match, i thought ye were a very unpleasant bunch, forever being condescrnding and glory grabbing. If ever i met a crowd of people who are "been there done that" types in my life it was then.

This whole cwap that the SEI are the best fans in the country. BULL. Most original songs? I think not. Best flags? Dont make me bloody laugh.

And as for Mr Eamonn Collins. May his next sh1t be a hedgehog. He was, and still is nobody. the fact that he said what he said on eL weekly showd exactly what kind of character he is. Pats are a very mediocre team with a horrible ground. The sonner its realised the better.

PS. I still hate Rovers more.

25/06/2003, 6:16 PM
Originally posted by GWA
Never have i come across such a pack of whining, moaning muppets in my life.

They say that the majority of Pats fans are glad to see the back of Dolan, I don't believe that for a second. I think that it is just a small group of fans who Dolan must have crossed on some issue or other and that now said small group of fans have a petty vendetta against the man that has done more for their club than anyone has or will do in the future.
I think that the vast majority of Pats fans recoqnise what Dolan achieved for the club.
Anyway, ye're whining is getting very tiresome.

This whole cwap that the SEI are the best fans in the country. BULL. Most original songs? I think not. Best flags? Dont make me bloody laugh.

The SEI are a joke and they are far behind ourselves, Rovers or Bohs when it comes to flags etc.
Also, why are ye the SHED END invincibles when ye are hardly ever in ye're Shed?

On the issue of managers having newspaper columns, I don't see what the problem is, it raises the profile of the managers club and anyway it is common practice worldwide for football managers to write newspaper columns, why sould we be different?

25/06/2003, 6:39 PM

We have enough "enemies" with Rovers, Bohs without adding Pats to that list!

It's good that we can actually go for pints in the "Pats pub" after the game, sing "You are a Jackeen...." and not get any aggro.

The Shed End Invisibles do their best like all the fan groups.


25/06/2003, 7:29 PM
Originally posted by Neil
The Shed End Invisibles do their best like all the fan groups.

who are ya?
who are ya?

25/06/2003, 8:01 PM
Originally posted by Neil
We have enough "enemies" with Rovers, Bohs without adding Pats to that list!

It's good that we can actually go for pints in the "Pats pub" after the game, sing "You are a Jackeen...." and not get any aggro.

That's because they are not scum like Rovers!:eek:
Seriously, I don't any real problem with Pats fans (apart from the fact that they are jackeens;) ) it's just that I'm getting sick of them going on about how they are so glad that Dolan's gone and how they're better off without him etc etc etc.
Anyway, their loss is our gain.

26/06/2003, 9:28 AM
Originally posted by Colm
They say that the majority of Pats fans are glad to see the back of Dolan, I don't believe that for a second. I think that it is just a small group of fans who Dolan must have crossed on some issue or other and that now said small group of fans have a petty vendetta against the man that has done more for their club than anyone has or will do in the future.

Bit like the Gunther Out brigade? ;) :D

26/06/2003, 10:56 AM
GWA - after a littany of comments by Dolan on Pats, Collins mentioned the fact that their is more unity at the club than in previous years. Nothing more, nothing less... what the **** are you getting so wound up about?

Colm - Fine if you choose not to believe every Pats fan who tells you that the majority of us wanted him to go and you'd rather believe your own thoughts which have no basis in fact. Not my problem., however everyone knows how much more Brian Kerr put in to this club and to believe anything else is just ignorent (For a start he remortgaged his house for us...)

Colm, GWA - name one original song sung by Cork or Bohs. At least Rovers have the "Superhoops" thing So Cork have 3 waveys and one 451 banner - wow! And if you think Bohs have any sort of colour to bring....

Have a look at these 5 pics and try tell me that yourselves, Rovers and Bohs are far ahead of us in terms of colour

And if you want us to stop whining, stop talking ****e about us....

26/06/2003, 11:06 AM

26/06/2003, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Aberdonian Stu

The only thing wrong with giving a manager a weekly column is it leads to overexposure of their club and not enough coverage of the other clubs.

I don't think any of the clubs are currently overexposed. If anything, we need more media coverage. We're not exactly competing that well with Man Utd.

Grateful though I am, the only reall tv coverage is on late on Monday night. Not exactly prometime.

That really only leaves the papers. We should try to get more articles in there, not less.

26/06/2003, 11:38 AM

we've nothing to fear from cork fans in the colours and atmos department

our record stands up to anyone in this division

and theres plenty of pics there to prove it

personally I dont rate anyone bar rovers fans as they are the only other Irish team with an organised ultra group like ourselves

26/06/2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by wws

we've nothing to fear from cork fans in the colours and atmos department

our record stands up to anyone in this division

and theres plenty of pics there to prove it

personally I dont rate anyone bar rovers fans as they are the only other Irish team with an organised ultra group like ourselves
Stop whining.... your just a load of big time charlies that are jealous of Cork now they've got Dolo..... Everyone knows that getting the biggest home crowds makes you the best supporters in the world ever - would ya ever cop on.... The SEI are just pathetic...

26/06/2003, 11:42 AM
Christ, twas more like Shed End Invisibles last Friday June 6 when City played up there.

No flags, no colour and very little singing.

City had three waveys that day as well as the green smoke and a few banners. Two drums and a anti-drugs banner that went "missing"!

26/06/2003, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by wws
personally I dont rate anyone bar rovers fans as they are the only other Irish team with an organised ultra...

At the risk of being linched next time i'm Cork i'd agree that Rovers have the most organised colours and atmosphere group in the league.


Maybe playing in Richmond Park encourages supporters to add some colours to the surroundings.
