View Full Version : Lost or Heroes

06/02/2008, 11:17 PM
Lost: RTE2, Sky One
Heroes: Channel 6, BBC, Sci-Fi

Of the two big US TV shows which is the best?

07/02/2008, 12:00 AM
Lost has a but more about it for me, and I'm not just talking about Evangeline Lilly ;)

07/02/2008, 2:23 AM
Lost is seemingly the last of JJ Abrams good ideas. (For now, anyway.) and the flashbacks in s4 may just make it compulsive viewing again.

"Heroes" is just a little bit too "Fanboy fiction " for me.

Block G Raptor
07/02/2008, 8:30 AM
Heroes for me. Missed the first season of lost(during that 3 month trip to mars) so never really got into it after that, will buy the DVD's someday, but heroes has really captured my imagination, watched every episode, bought the first season DVD and lapped up first episode of season 2, oh yeah and got the Helix tatooed

07/02/2008, 9:14 AM
Lost by a mile. Heroes is for girls and comic-loving geeks.

07/02/2008, 3:14 PM
I have no interests in comics or super heroes type stuff but prefer Heroes. Lost has gradually gone downhill since they decided to pad the script. They have even given away the "is it real" sub plot now too.

forza rovers
08/02/2008, 6:32 PM
i hate lost

08/02/2008, 9:17 PM
I hate lost too but still watch it most weeks. I much prefer Heroes though. It took me ages to get into it though.

09/02/2008, 5:05 PM
Gotta be heros that lost is the biggest pile of rubbish on the tv!!

09/02/2008, 8:51 PM

No interest in Lost

11/02/2008, 9:37 AM
No more new Heroes episodes until September, according to aintitcool: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35569

11/02/2008, 8:48 PM
No more new Heroes episodes until September, according to aintitcool: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35569

Heroes takes a while to get going. 2nd (short) series finds a way to move the story along. Easy to add new characters so has more shelf life. Lost seems to create new characters to prolong the script.

Totally off topic but that Ain't It Cool guy reminds of very funny episode of Entourage with website weirdo "journalist" :D:D:D

12/02/2008, 1:13 AM
I watched heroes all the time, I then lost(lol pun) interest in it. I love lost really good show.

12/02/2008, 11:46 AM
I enjoy both. Heroes (only going on 1st season, second series not shown in UK yet) was first rate all the way up to the finale which was lame, tried to tie everything together too neatly. Lost has its moments but is very inconsistent.

Nothing matches up to the Wire though :)

Block G Raptor
12/02/2008, 12:19 PM
Watched the Second Episode of Heroes season 2 last night, I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised so far(dodgy Oirish accents aside) had heard so many bad reviews I didn't know what to expect but thought the Revelation that Isaac painted pictures of 8 of the mysterious group of 9 all dead before dying himselfreally set's the plot for season 2, I'm hooked anyway