View Full Version : Happy Pancake Day folks!

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05/02/2008, 10:39 AM
Yes, it's Jif/Cif lemon day!!!!

Going downstairs now to whip up the eggs.
I could inhale about 6 in a sitting easily.

Was watching the belly but I'm gonna leave it go til tomorrow and try lose a stone for Lent.

Sugar/ lemon galore.
None of that nutella crap.

05/02/2008, 10:47 AM
strawberries and Ice-cream! Have it mixed waiting for me to return from work

05/02/2008, 10:48 AM
Lemon and sugar (lots of both) for me too!

Block G Raptor
05/02/2008, 11:19 AM
Mint Choc/chip Icecream for me. If they don't have that in Cafe Sol or Starbucks in harcourt st I'll have to settle for maple syrup till I get home

Lev Yashin
05/02/2008, 12:22 PM
Lemon and sugar (lots of both) for me too!

i with ya..you cant beat the old classics!

05/02/2008, 12:25 PM
Yes, St. Pancake's Day, a firm fixture in the Catholic Calendar. Originally French - St. Martin of Gras, patron saint of partying, he became known for his heavy make-up on his famed trip to Ireland in the 14th century, hence he is known as St. Pancake here and in other anglophonic nations. He is better known by the diminutised French name in the latinate countries, especially in South America, where they have huge festivals to celebrate his feast.

His influence in Ireland was profound: while St. Patrick banished the unlicenced snakes, St. Pancake banished sugar, flour, eggs and milk for 40 days and 40 nights. This was unpopular at first until it was discovered how he did it and that it would be perfectly acceptable for all of us to do the same.

He also is well remembered for introducing the lemon - a delicasy from the Isle de France - to Ireland too, as part compensation for the banishment of milk. A reference to this exists in Joyce's masterly work, Ulysses when Buck Mulligan, in the den of heresy that is his Sandycove Tower residence, on being offered lemon for his tea in the absence of milk, he splutters "None of your Paris fad! I want good Sandycove milk" - a literary trick to identify the trio even more as being outside the Pale of Catholic influence.

Sadly, St. Pancake's religious star has waned latterly, and the special mass ceremony on St. Pancake's Day, when the host was replaced with remarkably small pancake disappeared with the Latin mass under Vatican II. Once the fifth most important saint in the Irish Catholic Church (After Patrick, Bridget (or Biddy), the fella that went to Scotland, and Patrick again), after the downgrading of the Catholic Church, he now resides in the lowly rank of fourth most important saint in the Irish Catholic Church (After Patrick, Jacinta, and Derek Davis).

However, the ritual sacrifice of sugar, flour, eggs and milk continues in his name to this day, though like his great inspiration, Patrick, people seem to have forgotten the spiritual significance of this act, as can be seen in children's tupperware lunches the following Wednesday at schools throughout the land.

Let us take this opportunity to remember the spirit of St. Pancake, or Mar de Gras as our Spanish speaking colleagues would have it. Apply yourself wholeheartedly and whole stomachedly to his celebration - too much sugar and too much lemon will have to keep you going for the three or four days over which you will be thinking that it was a bad idea to have so many.

And remember, as Risteard said, none of that Nutella sh!te - St. Pancake would turn in his sugary grave.

05/02/2008, 12:38 PM
That POTY award went to your head Bluebeard, you've changed......


05/02/2008, 12:49 PM
That POTY award went to your head Bluebeard, you've changed......


Yes, I have changed. Unfortunately, back.

05/02/2008, 12:52 PM
Yes, I have changed. Unfortunately, back.

just realised I said you won a pot(t)y award aswell teehee.....God I'm slowly being driven demented in this job.....:(

05/02/2008, 12:58 PM
I think we should get a day off work for St. Pancake :)

Block G Raptor
05/02/2008, 1:03 PM
Bluebeard have you ever considered writing a sit-com for RTE? Judging by the tripe they're putting on lately your particular brand of Comic Genius would leave the competition standing

05/02/2008, 1:11 PM
Bluebeard have you ever considered writing a sit-com for RTE? Judging by the tripe they're putting on lately your particular brand of Comic Genius would leave the competition standing

I think any comedy writer worth their salt (And, I hasten to add, I don't esteem myself so highly) would rather drink a bucket of their own urine than to subject their work to the merciless tenders at RTÉ.

Indeed, based on what I have seen of late, a few may well have done so, seeing the amount of pure p!ss being spewed up on Irish screens of late. Damnit, I'll give it a go. I'll write to the man that owns RTÉ

Dear Arthur...

05/02/2008, 1:12 PM
Bluebeard have you ever considered writing a sit-com for RTE? Judging by the tripe they're putting on lately your particular brand of Comic Genius would leave the competition standing

I've said before - there's a few on here couldn't do any worse and in certain cases would do a hell of a lot better.

05/02/2008, 1:36 PM
Dear Bluebeard,

Your humour is slightly better than tripe.

Yours etc. etc.


Anyway, today I'm jealous of Americans, as they get to have a 'Super Pancake Tuesday'

Block G Raptor
05/02/2008, 1:52 PM
Dear Bluebeard,

Your humour is slightly better than tripe.

Yours etc. etc.


Anyway, today I'm jealous of Americans, as they get to have a 'Super Pancake Tuesday'

That's not what I meant (although reading over my post i can see how it could be construed) I meant that now would be a great time to get a foot in the door because obviously RTE have a drought in the "funny" comedy dept.

05/02/2008, 1:55 PM
Bluebeard have you ever considered writing a sit-com for RTE? Judging by the tripe they're putting on lately your particular brand of Comic Genius would leave the competition standing

See, Im just naturally evil.

I read what is actually a very sincere & deserved compliment as one of the coolest put-downs I've ever read here.

Apologies to all concerned. :D

05/02/2008, 2:07 PM
Dear Bluebeard,

Your humour is slightly better than tripe.

Yours etc. etc.


See, Im just naturally evil.

I read what is actually a very sincere & deserved compliment as one of the coolest put-downs I've ever read here.

Apologies to all concerned. :D

Needless to say, my ego is such that I took it as a compliment.

It must be said that it is far far funnier as a put-down. I now kind of wish it were:(

05/02/2008, 2:09 PM
That's not what I meant (although reading over my post i can see how it could be construed) I meant that now would be a great time to get a foot in the door because obviously RTE have a drought in the "funny" comedy dept.
I know. I was trying to be "funny".

05/02/2008, 2:16 PM
Back on topic, my friend just made me a thick pancake (the size of the pan) and put it on a plate without rolling or folding it.

He ate it with a knife and fork and claimed that loads of people make them that way.

Do most people here do it the normal way ie
1. make a thin pancake,
2. sugar and lemon,
3. roll it up,
4. sugar and lemon,
5. eat from your hands just like a fajita?

Block G Raptor
05/02/2008, 2:17 PM
I was trying to be "funny".

Please leave that to the experts like Bluebeard

05/02/2008, 2:19 PM
Yes, St. Pancake's Day, a firm fixture in the Catholic Calendar. Originally French - St. Martin of Gras, patron saint of partying, he became known for his heavy make-up on his famed trip to Ireland in the 14th century, hence he is known as St. Pancake here and in other anglophonic nations. He is better known by the diminutised French name in the latinate countries, especially in South America, where they have huge festivals to celebrate his feast.

His influence in Ireland was profound: while St. Patrick banished the unlicenced snakes, St. Pancake banished sugar, flour, eggs and milk for 40 days and 40 nights. This was unpopular at first until it was discovered how he did it and that it would be perfectly acceptable for all of us to do the same.

He also is well remembered for introducing the lemon - a delicasy from the Isle de France - to Ireland too, as part compensation for the banishment of milk. A reference to this exists in Joyce's masterly work, Ulysses when Buck Mulligan, in the den of heresy that is his Sandycove Tower residence, on being offered lemon for his tea in the absence of milk, he splutters "None of your Paris fad! I want good Sandycove milk" - a literary trick to identify the trio even more as being outside the Pale of Catholic influence.

Sadly, St. Pancake's religious star has waned latterly, and the special mass ceremony on St. Pancake's Day, when the host was replaced with remarkably small pancake disappeared with the Latin mass under Vatican II. Once the fifth most important saint in the Irish Catholic Church (After Patrick, Bridget (or Biddy), the fella that went to Scotland, and Patrick again), after the downgrading of the Catholic Church, he now resides in the lowly rank of fourth most important saint in the Irish Catholic Church (After Patrick, Jacinta, and Derek Davis).

However, the ritual sacrifice of sugar, flour, eggs and milk continues in his name to this day, though like his great inspiration, Patrick, people seem to have forgotten the spiritual significance of this act, as can be seen in children's tupperware lunches the following Wednesday at schools throughout the land.

Let us take this opportunity to remember the spirit of St. Pancake, or Mar de Gras as our Spanish speaking colleagues would have it. Apply yourself wholeheartedly and whole stomachedly to his celebration - too much sugar and too much lemon will have to keep you going for the three or four days over which you will be thinking that it was a bad idea to have so many.

And remember, as Risteard said, none of that Nutella sh!te - St. Pancake would turn in his sugary grave.

A welcome reminder about St Pancake.

As you know, Bluebeard - there is the school of thought that there were notable pockets of resistence within the Church and locally in Ireland to St Pancakes new interpretation of the Father, the son, the holy ghost and the other ting as having physical form within de flour, de milk, de egg and de bitta sugar.

St Pancake often preached the dangers of religious "a la cartism" particularly in relation to de sugar. St Pancake fervently believed that de sugar was a divine representation of God on earth while some non-believers considered de sugar was simply a good sweetener.

Indeed, St Pancake waged a religious crusade against the sweeteners - an anglicised term for people that gorged on nothing but sugar all year round in order to combat scrofula, scurvy and itchy balls - between the years of 1413 to 1418.

He won, on penalties after extra time.

05/02/2008, 2:23 PM
Please leave that to the experts like Bluebeard

I'll have you know I write the jokes for 'The Roaring Twenties'.

Block G Raptor
05/02/2008, 2:26 PM
I'll have you know I write the jokes for 'The Roaring Twenties'.

Let me re-iterate my previous point, Please leave it to people who are actually funny

05/02/2008, 2:31 PM
"And BGR taps into an open goal, after the cut-back from noby"

05/02/2008, 2:36 PM
Back on topic, my friend just made me a thick pancake (the size of the pan) and put it on a plate without rolling or folding it.

He ate it with a knife and fork and claimed that loads of people make them that way.

Do most people here do it the normal way ie
1. make a thin pancake,
2. sugar and lemon,
3. roll it up,
4. sugar and lemon,
5. eat from your hands just like a fajita?

I think that Wolfie, a fellow believer, will be able to confirm this, but points 1 to 4 are all doctrinal - the 5th is optional.

The thick pancake is another shocking Americanist attempt to imporve on something that is already great by just randomly changing it - they are always at it: e.g. This football game of yours is really good, but you know what, let's jazz it up a bit by stopping the game every four or five seconds and lets stop using feet, and let's substitute the entire team if the other side gets possession. And we like your World Cup - but why don't we have just American sides in it and call it a World Series - yeah that would be real good...

Morons. No-one should ever have told them about pancakes. Don't any of yis dare tell them about masterbation - I fear to think what they'd do to that.

Block G Raptor
05/02/2008, 2:41 PM
Don't any of yis dare tell them about masterbation - I fear to think what they'd do to that.

The Yanks usually make everything Bigger. Here's (http://faktorial.com/images/GWB.jpg)the worlds biggest Wnaker

gee wizz
05/02/2008, 2:42 PM
I think that Wolfie, a fellow believer, will be able to confirm this, but points 1 to 4 are all doctrinal - the 5th is optional.

The thick pancake is another shocking Americanist attempt to imporve on something that is already great by just randomly changing it - they are always at it: e.g. This football game of yours is really good, but you know what, let's jazz it up a bit by stopping the game every four or five seconds and lets stop using feet, and let's substitute the entire team if the other side gets possession. And we like your World Cup - but why don't we have just American sides in it and call it a World Series - yeah that would be real good...

Morons. No-one should ever have told them about pancakes. Don't any of yis dare tell them about masterbation - I fear to think what they'd do to that.

the only country in the free world to make masterbation a team event:D

05/02/2008, 2:50 PM
Don't any of yis dare tell them about masterbation - I fear to think what they'd do to that. What day does that fall on?:D Circle jerk Wednesday?

gee wizz
05/02/2008, 3:08 PM
more like bASH wednesday

05/02/2008, 3:19 PM
That's not what I meant (although reading over my post i can see how it could be construed) I meant that now would be a great time to get a foot in the door because obviously RTE have a drought in the "funny" comedy dept.
Actually, they don't have a comedy department. It comes under some broader category like light entertainment or something.

gee wizz
05/02/2008, 3:22 PM
Actually, they don't have a comedy department. It comes under some broader category like light entertainment or something.

light is right but entertainment and rte dont really go hand in hand now do they:D

05/02/2008, 3:26 PM
light is right but entertainment and rte dont really go hand in hand now do they:D
I don't know about that. I find Ear to the Ground hilarious.

gee wizz
05/02/2008, 3:32 PM
I don't know about that. I find Ear to the Ground hilarious.

next you'll be telling us you like operation transformation:D

05/02/2008, 3:43 PM
Whens lent?

Block G Raptor
05/02/2008, 3:46 PM
Starts tomorrow.

05/02/2008, 3:49 PM
Whens lent?Good catholic boy deecay, good man. The church would proud of you!:)

05/02/2008, 3:54 PM
Good catholic boy deecay, good man. The church would proud of you!:)
Aye thats it;)

05/02/2008, 3:56 PM
Good catholic boy deecay, good man. The church would proud of you!:)
Are you?
Do you go to mass weekly?
Pray daily?
Oppose contraception, divorce and abortion?
Believe in the literal heaven and hell?

There aren't very many good Catholics left in this country.

05/02/2008, 5:32 PM
Are you?
Do you go to mass weekly?
Pray daily?
Oppose contraception, divorce and abortion?
Believe in the literal heaven and hell?

There aren't very many good Catholics left in this country.
Dont see how anyone can belive in things like that? Santa Clause stuff

Lionel Ritchie
06/02/2008, 7:55 AM
We got downright adventurous with our pancakes this year. Fillings included meusli yoghurt, melted cooking choclate, and a fruit stew made from the last of last summers red berries and rasberries defrosted and gently cooked with a tin of fruit cocktail chucked in to sweeten them. :cool:

That reads so fcuking middle class I think I'm going to have to step out onto the street and ask some one to floor me with a slap.:D

06/02/2008, 8:20 AM
After you melt your cooking chocolate, add a good dollop of cream, and stir it in. Mmm. Or, you know, get your man servant to do it.

06/02/2008, 9:12 AM
After you melt your cooking chocolate, add a good dollop of cream, and stir it in. Mmm. Or, you know, get your man servant to do it.
One does not use one's manservant for culinary chores. For one, it is frightfully unhygienic.

06/02/2008, 9:18 AM
We got downright adventurous with our pancakes this year. Fillings included meusli yoghurt, melted cooking choclate, and a fruit stew made from the last of last summers red berries and rasberries defrosted and gently cooked with a tin of fruit cocktail chucked in to sweeten them. :cool:

That reads so fcuking middle class I think I'm going to have to step out onto the street and ask some one to floor me with a slap.:D

God be with the days when, for us, the now humble tin of fruit cocktail meant it was a birthday, an anniversary, or someone in the family had died.

06/02/2008, 9:23 AM

my efforts!!! :D:D

06/02/2008, 9:25 AM
Tins of fruit cocktail are the devil's chunderspew. That is all.

06/02/2008, 9:42 AM
Ah the pancakes were great yesterday...we had a wide variety of fillings in my house, most had the usual lemon and sugar, some branched out for a 2nd one with either strawberries and cream, chocolate, and icecream

06/02/2008, 12:05 PM
I think that Wolfie, a fellow believer, will be able to confirm this, but points 1 to 4 are all doctrinal - the 5th is optional.

The thick pancake is another shocking Americanist attempt to imporve on something that is already great by just randomly changing it

Points 1 to 4 are not only doctrinal but result in ex-communication from the Church of latter day Pancakes.

Point 5 is indeed optional and tends to be frowned upon by more conservative believers.

Indeed, Lional Richie may be sailing quite close to the wind in his choice of toppings and I'm informed he's currently under surveillance by the Opus Pie League as we speak.

06/02/2008, 3:52 PM
As i forgot to stock up on the devils juice (milk) I was limited to being able to make 5 pancakes giving the boys 2 each and me the last and smallest. Still smothered it in the genuine real McCoy canadian maple syrup me mammy brought me back from her last trip over (during the summer and there was only a tiny bit left as myself and the kids like to dine on pancakes and maple syrup quite regularly). Even though it was only a small tribute to the great feast day it was indeed devine. Nearly make me believe in religion again.

07/02/2008, 12:39 PM
One does not use one's manservant for culinary chores. For one, it is frightfully unhygienic.

Quite. Everyone knows you use the most junior of your pastry chefs for this task. It astonishes me that I even have to spell this out in this day and age.

Oh and while I'm on, Bluebeard and Wolfie are correct. Anything else is heretical, plain and simple. Point 5 is more than frowned upon in these quarters, it's getting dangerously close to Coptic Pancakery which is worse than heresy in my book.

BTW John83, I seen ya on the telly the other night. Looking good! :)

07/02/2008, 1:35 PM
BTW John83, I seen ya on the telly the other night. Looking good! :)
Ye wha? :confused: