View Full Version : Longford game moved.

19/06/2003, 9:02 PM
Apparently Dolan has demanded this game be played on a friday night. This is a pain in the arse as Longford bring a nice travelling support with them, and now they have all lost their deposits on their accomadation in the Victoria hotel, and not as many can travel.

For a man who was moaning about City having to play Pats while Flynn was away on international duty, he seems to have taken an about turn on the matter. I mean surely its better for the League to have a good travelling support. And Pat is always on about the health of the league.

We'll be lucky now if Longford dont change their games to a friday when they play us and making it harder for us to travel.


19/06/2003, 9:49 PM
apologies if you've read this twice

it's a shame seeing as longford fans all had made plans to come down and bring a bit of noise and colour, hope no one ends up out of pocket.

having said that i'd imagine it's been brought forward because we both have league cup semi's early the following week. don't lay it all on dolan's door, both sides must have agreed to the switch (as we found to our cost with Pats -v- city recently), town have their semi on the tuesday so i think in this case it might be in both teams best interest.

here's hoping it won't turn stupid and the scheduling agreement cork have with longford will remain intact.

19/06/2003, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Gimmick
For a man who was moaning about City having to play Pats while Flynn was away on international duty, he seems to have taken an about turn on the matter.
Firstly it would have taken Longford to agree to the switch.

Secondly, I wouldn't be surprised if they suggested it on account of their League-Sup semi.

Thirdly, it's got nothing similar to the Pats game, ie. we were missing our top-scorer, Longford might be missing 20/30 fans.

20/06/2003, 2:21 AM
I'd find that out lads...the town boys are pretty peeved.

20/06/2003, 8:23 AM
Originally posted by Gimmick
We'll be lucky now if Longford dont change their games to a friday when they play us and making it harder for us to travel.

It will sure beat the Tuesday night that it's planned for anyway...If they change it to the Friday then there'll def be a bigger City support! :D

As some of the others have pointed out...Longford had to agree...and the small matter of the League Cup1/2 final early the next week had something to do with it............

20/06/2003, 1:04 PM
Originally posted by Gimmick
We'll be lucky now if Longford dont change their games to a friday when they play us and making it harder for us to travel.

Why would Longford do that??? Saturday night is Longford's regular match night, friday is ours. Longford must have agreed to this.
It is hard on the Longford fans alright but I'm sure anyone who was planning to travel will do so anyway.

max power
20/06/2003, 1:39 PM
am i the only one this fixture suits ???????? i'm off skydiving in slovakia on the saturday morning so i would have missed the match, my prayers in the cathedral must have been answered, but more important is to get shels sout of the way on the monday beforehand, hopfully there will be harmony in the squad and the crowd will be big .

27/06/2003, 1:01 PM
It seems according to the Longford Leader that we had no choice in the fixture change, as it was an agreement between the clubs to switch it from the Friday night (rather than it being a case of both clubs having to agree to changing it back to Friday).... From the club notes it looks like youse won't be accommodated with requests for early (earlier than our usual anyway) kick offs for the midweek matches in the future.....

To summarise: Longford Town FC had no choice but accept the change of kick off, so Cork City FC did screw us and our fans over.

27/06/2003, 1:06 PM
Originally posted by Macy
It seems according to the Longford Leader
I heard Noel Spillane is leaving the Evening Echo to join up with the Longford Leader...

27/06/2003, 1:21 PM
It's the club fookin notes written by the club.....

Can Cork fans not accept anything unless it comes out of:
a) Their own mouths (therefore it must be true)
b) PR Dolo's mouth (therefore it must be true)

If it was an agreement to switch from the Friday, Town could do nothing when Cork whelched on that agreement...

27/06/2003, 1:22 PM
the changed times won't affect the club much but it will certainly affect the away supporters in both matches. Once again they are showing that the fans matter very little.

27/06/2003, 1:48 PM
Originally posted by niamh
the changed times won't affect the club much but it will certainly affect the away supporters in both matches. Once again they are showing that the fans matter very little.
I think most Longford fans couldn't a toss about the cork fans after this.... Petty as it is, if your club breaks an agreement, why the hell should we honour it?

27/06/2003, 1:58 PM
Originally posted by Macy
I think most Longford fans couldn't a toss about the cork fans after this....

well thats just pure stupid thinking macy
cork fans didnt break any agreement (if one was broken at all)
what power have city fans to change / arrange match times???
we like ye just try and go to the games and cheer on our respective teams like boy like :rolleyes:

27/06/2003, 2:02 PM
Not saying that it was Cork fans fault (although some of you appear to have trouble accepting it was Cork City FC's fault), but ultimately it also suits Cork City to have an earlier kick off (players travel etc).... I see no reason why we should change for your club when you can't do the same for us.... Petty I agree, but Dolo the one that's always going on about "the good of the league" - it appears only when it suits him and his club...

27/06/2003, 2:06 PM
ok i've read all that already from you

what i'm asking is where / why did it change to

Originally posted by Macy
I think most Longford fans couldn't a toss about the cork fans after this....

if u seem to understand that we didnt change the fixture time / date :confused:

27/06/2003, 3:12 PM
Fine youse didn't change the day - hardly lead a campaign for the Saturday night and I assume most of you are happy enough with the change back to Friday.... However, your club did with a blatant disregard for the travelling fans..... So why should Longford do your club or fans any favours? It's unfortunate that your fans may suffer too, but in the scheme of things why exactly should we give a toss?

27/06/2003, 3:31 PM
Originally posted by Macy
It seems according to the Longford Leader that we had no choice in the fixture change, as it was an agreement between the clubs to switch it from the Friday night (rather than it being a case of both clubs having to agree to changing it back to Friday)

I don't understand this...
"switch it from Friday..............agree to changing it back to Friday"....
Do this mean the game was to be played on aFriday anyway??

Is it correct to say that there was an agreement between both clubs when the game was to be played?

You then go on to say:
"Longford Town FC had no choice but accept the change of kick off, so Cork City FC did screw us and our fans over"

So if there was an agreement, how is one side forced to do something and how do Longford claim to have been screwed over????

Am I missing something in your post?
:confused: :confused: :confused: