View Full Version : Noel's Tie

max power
17/06/2003, 12:39 PM
did anyone see the tie the model king was wearing last night, it was a coloured tie covered in tulips,

just right a tulip wearing tulips

17/06/2003, 5:42 PM
if that starts a trend he'll have a tie with little Fozzie Bears on it next week....wokka wokka:D

18/06/2003, 1:43 PM
Somehow I don't think Noel King's horrible dress sense is really an eircom league issue.:)

Off to 'Off-Topic with ya...

max power
19/06/2003, 11:42 AM
Colm Colm Colm, Noel is the league. He is the model and his words ( no matter how mad they are sometimes) are gospel.

but in all honesty, look at his dress sense every week, you'd know wardrobe in TV3 was a very small dept, by the looks of thing s they all go home before noel arrives.

19/06/2003, 6:18 PM
Originally posted by Colm
Somehow I don't think Noel King's horrible dress sense is really an eircom league issue

i don't know colm, you could argue that it brings the league into disrepute and therefore re-evaluation of his tie is a critical consideration for the powers that be.:D

max power
20/06/2003, 11:14 AM
colm your fighting a losing battle here, we want Noel's tie back where it belongs ,in el general, lets face it. its sometimes more interesting than what he's saying. The model king is a cult figure now & all his actions should be discussed

20/06/2003, 11:37 AM
DJ you obsessed..... You're like the homophobe who is only trying to supress his own feelings.... admit it - You love Noel King....

max power
20/06/2003, 11:51 AM
love is such a strong word, its so funny how someone can be let on tv each weel dressed the way he is and then the crap that come out of his mouth tops it all off, with the clothes and what he says he should be in the circus as a clown !!!!!!!

i think in the next edetion of one f in longofrd , i'll do a bit on Noel King Irelands only super model/circus clown/ tv pundit/ womens soccer manager / possibaly super hero in his spare time

20/06/2003, 3:14 PM
Originally posted by the dj
we want Noel's tie back where it belongs ,in el general

It's just fine where it is right now.

max power
20/06/2003, 3:24 PM
ah colm all of the above want noel back where he belongs, the people have spoken and noel is needed back in el general so he can be with his people, St Noel of the Eircom League.

Longford town i bless thee as my dark horse for this year , if you bekieve in St Noel all will be fine, come worship on a monday night on tv3, wear a ridiclous tie and feel at one with St noel.

i think i have a problem.

20/06/2003, 9:22 PM
err...disregard my last post, i've changed my mind.
not sure i want to be associated with dj's movement anymore:D