View Full Version : NTL DVR Vs Sky +

28/01/2008, 10:01 AM
Anyone had an NTL DVR? Is it worth getting or would sky+ be better?


28/01/2008, 10:26 AM
Ive a mate who works for UPC used to be Corus they joined up with NTL to become UPC.

But he has been raving on about it saying it will be way better than sky + bigger hard drive etc i have nt seen any official stats on it but i reckon it will be pretty much the same i think ill get it in all right purely for the abilty to record stuff for a week or late at night.

28/01/2008, 10:40 AM
A mate of mine just got it in an said it's great so far. Hasn't had it long though.
As far as I can tell NTL works out much cheaper overall than Sky. The only thing you loose is a few channels and the red button interactive service.
Everything from multi room to monthly charges is cheaper. And the service seems to be getting much more reliable.

28/01/2008, 11:01 AM
think I will go with NTL then...only 6 euro a month I think...

28/01/2008, 7:39 PM
NTL are a badly run company. Thet started closing down their public offices a few years ago (they def don't have one in Galway anymore) and it is impossible to get through to them on their phoneline.

This has advantages, because I know of two different people in two different location in Galway who haven't received NTL bills for basic cable TV in many years. Another mate who lives in Rathfarnham, cancelled his NTL three years ago so they stopped billing him but the service continued.

That's my tuppence worth.

28/01/2008, 9:00 PM
People getting free NTL is usually a hangover from old Cablelink days.

I have NTL for years & very rarely get drop in service but while there is a red button on the "digital" remote it doesn't do anything :p

29/01/2008, 8:14 AM
think I will go with NTL then...only 6 euro a month I think...

I pay 30 euro a month for my digital TV , the + box isnt available to me yet as mine isnt cable it comes in over an ariel but the box will cost me a fiver more .