View Full Version : Kerr slams Arveladze boo-boys

A face
16/06/2003, 12:41 AM
Kerr slams Arveladze boo-boys

Republic of Ireland manager Brian Kerr has slammed the Lansdowne Road boo-boys who jeered the every touch of Georgian striker Shota Arveladze because of his association with Celtic’s Old Firm rivals, Glasgow Rangers.

The former Ajax forward, who joined Rangers last year, drew constant jeers from a small section of the Irish crowd almost every time he found himself in possession.

Arveladze rarely threatened to silence his detractors, getting only a half-chance before the break which was headed away by Irish full back Stephen Carr.

A year ago, Irish fans greeted another Rangers forward, Peter Lovenkrands, with a cacophony of jeers when he was introduced as a sub for Denmark in a pre-World Cup friendly.

And Kerr called for the fans to desist from the practice. "It’s not nice, and it just shouldn’t be happening," he said. "It’s a bit unbecoming of us in this day and age, and I think we should be above that sort of stuff."

www.eleven-a-side.com (http://www.elevenaside.com/euro2004/story.asp?newsid=5909)

A face
16/06/2003, 12:47 AM
Rooney backs Kerr’s call

FAI Chief Executive Fran Rooney has reiterated manager Brian Kerr’s desire to stamp out the booing of players who play for a particular club, following last night’s treatment of Georgia and Rangers striker Shota Arveladze.

A minority of the Irish support at Lansdowne Road last night constantly booed the Rangers striker every time he touched the ball and Rooney is adamant that this must be stamped out.

"We will look at how other Associations deal with it, get the players involved and get the media involved. We’ve got to stamp it out," stressed Rooney.

"The Association has already tried things. We have made announcements before which only intensified the booing and last night, Brian Kerr’s programme notes asked for no booing.

"Sometimes supporters boo a player when he makes a bad tackle or because of his attitude and I suppose that’s part of football but to boo players because of the club he is associated with.

"It is certainly the minority of people who boo. I think that sometimes people don’t even realise why they are booing and think it’s because the player maybe made a bad tackle, but it startedvery early last night and was nothing to do with the game."

www.eleven-a-side.com (http://www.elevenaside.com/boysingreen/story.asp?newsid=5916)

16/06/2003, 4:38 AM
it's all well and good to condemn it, let's see some positive moves from the FAI before this behaviour escalates. A brief period of media coverage and appeals by players has allevited many of the problems at englands last two home games (at least they've not booed the opposition's national anthem for two games). The FAI needs to get their act together now...

18/06/2003, 7:14 PM
I am from belfast and Republic of Ireland supporter - this booing behaviour needs positive action from FAI and needs to be stamped out now. We do not want the level of sectarianism that plights football in the north to spread.
I was actually at N.Ireland/Spain match as Spanish friends got me a ticket for Spanish section and I did not want to appear rude and say I would rather watch Ireland/Georgia on the box - and I must admit the general atmosphere at Winsor Park, although far from normal and non sectarian, has improved greatly. So it would be a pitty that we as Republic of Ireland supporters moved in an opposite direction. All that ****e has no place in sport and anyway toleration of others with whom you disagree is a sign of maturity and indeed common sense.

Two sites that may be of interest to posters here


the sports section usually good for tongue in check laugh and...


...which is a Northern Ireland fan site from which I am automatically banned for no reason

24/06/2003, 1:30 PM
You, Mr Silvio Dante, are what any normal person would call a complete 'dork'. Maybe if you tried to better yourself, get yourself some sort of education you would cease to air such vile. This is an Irish football site, not a platform for you to air ignorance and sectarianism - be gone with you fool and crawl back to hole you emerged from.


24/06/2003, 2:47 PM
Silvo, can I ask you what your agenda is? Are you an eL supporter? You have not made a point which hasn't been addressed already and you seem intent on negative posting regarding your knowledge of Celtic and of Brian Kerr's statements and team selection.

A large number of us are members of Brian Kerr's Green and White army. If you want to be a member of some other Green and white army fine.

BK's options in either game were limited. I don't think he comprimised a result by playing Damian Duff 'in the hole' and certainly whilst I'm no fan of Kilbane he had a MOM performance against Georgia.

On the Booing, It was embarrassing that the stadium reacted like it did... many of the inbreds that boo'd Shota didn't positively support the team thewy were there for...

Now fook of back to your Glasgow slums before I caress your ass with a slap...

24/06/2003, 2:53 PM
Originally posted by Xlex
Now fook of back to your Glasgow slums before I knock your head off...

chill the beans there xlex, no need for threats like :)
just cause u dont agree with him doesnt mean u have to resort to his mentality

24/06/2003, 3:00 PM
Now fook of back to your Glasgow slums before I caress your ass with a slap...


24/06/2003, 3:46 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante

I'll boo a Hun on any football pitch from here to Baghdad.

Can we arrange a flight ASAP to Baghdad for this imbecile? You, son, are doing the team you purport to support so much harm by your attitude. Do you think big multi-nations will want to sponsor, be associated with or pump money into our team with 'toe-rags' like you for ‘supporters (?????)'


The Legend
24/06/2003, 3:48 PM
It would pretty funny If Rangers bought Duff...

It would never happen, and obviously woud be a disaster for everyone concerned...

.... but the silver lining would be the look on Dante's face!

24/06/2003, 5:32 PM
"Silvo, can I ask you what your agenda is? Are you an eL supporter? "

A Notts Forest fan posted on our mb recently asking about rovers saying some ***** going by the name of Silvio Dante claiming to be a rovers ultra had been wrecking their heads, I assume its the same bloke

24/06/2003, 10:36 PM
A Notts Forest fan posted on our mb recently asking about rovers saying some ***** going by the name of Silvio Dante claiming to be a rovers ultra had been wrecking their heads

Silvio Dante
I've been a Celt from birth, a Forest fan for 25 years and an Irish fan through heritage. Anything else....

and a rovers fan last and least by the sounds of it silvio. ultra my backside.

25/06/2003, 8:35 AM
Have to disagree with you on this one Silvio, I've been living in Glasgow for the past four years and was quite a keen Celtic supporter at the start. I still am but not to the same degree, I play football quite a bit over here as well, I just get sick and tired of the crap that goes on between the two teams where there equally as bad as each other.

This kind of booing is something I expected and comes from the uneducated sections of the crowd who give us genuine Irish supporters a bad name.

I was present at the Ireland v Scotland game in Hampden and was surrounded totally by Scottish Celtic fans in the Irish end, I had brought my girlfriend along with me and she was quite appalled at their behaviour. She is from Australia where she tells me these type of events are very family orientated and enjoyable atmospheres. I certainly would not have brought a child to this game. During the game we were exposed to a number of bigoted songs directed at the Rangers sections of the Tartan Army. Why these fans do not support their country of birth is something I find hard to understand.

Support your country proudly and properly.

25/06/2003, 8:49 AM
some supporters, the tartan Army are non-sectarian and the are recognised as the Scottich supporters freom which most eminate from clubs outside of the Auld Firm...

25/06/2003, 9:00 AM
I understand where your coming from but speaking for myself if I was born in Scotland and lived there all my life I would support the Scottish national team.

26/06/2003, 10:37 AM
To get back to the booing, I say keeps these things out of our country as it has nothing to do with the Irish national team.

26/06/2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by petef
To get back to the booing, I say keeps these things out of our country as it has nothing to do with the Irish national team.

Yeah, opposing the booing & opposing celtic supporters are 2 separate issues.

If eL fans can leave their club rivalrys outside Ireland games then others can leave their sectarian chants & foreign football support at the gate also.

26/06/2003, 5:33 PM
agreed, i've got nothing against celtic or their fans, but the FAI have got to do something to cut the (sectarian) booing out. there's no place for it in our game.

26/08/2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Conor74
Patently you haven't been round these parts. You should, we have loads of shops that flog Aran jumpers and flat caps to tourists and plastics...:D :D :D

I'm guessing you didn't cheer for McGrath, Mcloughlin, Breen, Kilbane, Connolly, Holland, etc etc.....Plastics hey who needs em!!

26/08/2003, 12:21 PM
fair enough, your original post was a little misleading thats all.

Originally posted by Silvio Dante
I've been a Celt from birth, a Forest fan for 25 years and an Irish fan through heritage. Anything else....

Look, here are some more plastics...

26/08/2003, 5:44 PM
Originally posted by Conor74
Oh dear, have I touched a nerve there, bud? Bit defensive about the family tree and all that?

Old skool? Love it, particularly Altern8, Krome and Time, 808State, and the whole 1991/1992 era.

In fairness to this board, perhaps we should pull this thread away from non-football matters. How're Nottingham Forest getting on in the English First Division? Good English club with a good tradition in the English leagues, I think they have a strong chance of getting back to the English Premiership fairly soon, which will be great for all their English fans...and of course the barstool brigade here...

have their LP Full On Mask Hysteria. Comes with a free 12"

808 State
brilliant. Ninety and Newbuild are classic records

27/08/2003, 8:15 AM
Originally posted by Conor74
barstool brigade here...

Is there some private bet going on between you 'Real Irish fans' as to who can post the EL Buzz phrase the most?

27/08/2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Conor74
Aha, scratch the Brit and they will always come out with racist stereotypes about the Irish. You Anglo Saxons, of course, are a much cleaner smarter race than us Celts. Now will you leave us alone?

If you had read this eejit's message you would have found that BOTH his parents were Irish. Therefore how can SD be of the Anglo - Saxon race? Me thinks that you need some education on the facts of life... aswell as being a bit of prat.

27/08/2003, 10:57 AM
OK, OK. On this subject I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder. I've been waiting a few years for an operation on the NHS to give one on the other side so that I'm more balanced.

SD was out of order to bring in Kerry stereotyping, but then he's a crouton short of a Ceasar's salad. But if you think that is bad, then maybe you should have grown up in Seventies and early Eighties Britain where this sort of bile was thrown at you from all quarters: Fellow schoolkids, the TV, and in my case, even some teachers. Having an English accent didn't mean a thing if (as in my case) one of your parents was Irish. You were inherantly, even genetically, THICK! And believe me, this was not tongue in cheek. Some people actually believed this view, just as some believed the world to be flat.

Oh, and there are loads of prats in hertfordshire...especially on a Friday and Saturday night. :D

27/08/2003, 12:45 PM
I can understand all of you and the resentment when local lads are off EVERY weekend to watch foreign sides. Although born and brought up in Britain, I do not follow any English side, although I do passively follow Celtic and was at the Fulham game recently. The only club side I actively watch (either on TV or with the help of Michael O'Leary's fabulous airline, in Europe) is Deportivo La Coruna, solely because La Coruna is my mother's home town, and I've watched depor when I went to Galicia as a kid on holiday and they were fluctuating between 2nd and 3rd division.

But then some of the 'real' Irish, trying to be politically correct, will look on this, as have some indeed suggested, as me being anti-English and me trying to be more Irish than the Irish themselves. I don't attempt an Irish accent, don't like Gaelic football (but love hurling), and can't stand Gayzone and Westbrits. But I do read Irish history and have attempted to learn Irish.

English football just does nothing for me. As a kid I supported Arsenal when they were crammed full of Irishmen. But it didn't take long before I knew that Arsenal and Ireland are as connected as water and electricity. I was at the Arsenal - Man U game in 1981 shortly after my first Ireland away game and the abuse that Frank Stapleton got, some of which refered to his nationality, put me off that club for life.

Sadly, any hope of seeing EL sides in Europe are rare (although Bohs came close to playing Deportivo this year). I've watched Cork in Cwmbran and Sligo in Brugge. Both great trips in which a number of 2G lads like myself made the trip an excuse for a drink infused beano. Let's hope that those days return again.

27/08/2003, 3:12 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
This post says it all.

Lopez: keep your nose out in future. Theres a good chap....

Apologies. Two croutons short of a ceasar's salad.:p

28/08/2003, 9:24 AM
Originally posted by Conor74

Anything else I shouldn't say, or Lopez should not get involved in, Silvio? :D :D :D

Nottingham Forest?;)

Duncan Gardner
04/09/2003, 10:28 AM
Morning Lopez, if you're reading this. Sorry I haven't finished reading your excellent thesis yet! Will do soon...

PS Sammy out

04/09/2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Duncan Gardner
Morning Lopez, if you're reading this. Sorry I haven't finished reading your excellent thesis yet! Will do soon...

PS Sammy out

FB. Nice of you to come and visit the 'not-so-free state.' And you're not even after tickets! After all those republicans on the OWC board, winding up the good folk of Ulster, I for one look forward to some of you mixing it down here.:D

BTW, a little bit of politics, but loved the way that RC priest was demanding that the de-frocked:eek: presbyterian minister in the Pepsicola (or wherever) should not only NOT fry, but be released, after going rambo outside the abortion clinic. Ahhh, if we could only get along so nicely here, eh?

05/09/2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
Abortion Clinics. Isn't that where they tear little babies to shreads and the mother(oops my mistake. I meant former mother) gets to go home for tea....

You missed something, SD. It's also where certain members of the medical profession make a lot of dosh.

Anyway, I thought you were an atheist? ;)

05/09/2003, 2:20 PM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
What has God got to do with mutilating unborn children...?

My god, an atheist that is anti-abortion. You do surprise me. In my experience they're the one's always going on about choice, woman's body, interfering priests, etc.

Conor, apologies for bringing it up on a football site, but it was merely to point out how the RC and FP Churches forget their differences on this subject.

05/09/2003, 2:43 PM