View Full Version : Heath Ledger found dead

22/01/2008, 9:11 PM
Just saw it on the news there. Only 28.
Once again drugs seem to be the cause of death. Jesus...........what is the world coming to? You never know who could be next, i mean Katy French one day, Heath Ledger the next, who knows it could be one of your own family tomorrow?
Something must be done!:mad:

Drugs Dealers are just as bad as murderers in my eyes.



22/01/2008, 9:25 PM
You never know who could be next, i mean Katy French one day, Heath Ledger the next, who knows it could be one of your own family tomorrow?

I think you summed up world opinions there.

Police still investigating. Could have been accidental prescription overdose?


Drugs Dealers are just as bad as murderers in my eyes.

How do you know it was drug dealers

22/01/2008, 9:29 PM
Drugs Dealers are just as bad as murderers in my eyes.

No one makes people do drugs. You don't go up to a murderer and pay someone to kill you do you?

22/01/2008, 9:37 PM
No one makes people do drugs.

Id argue this to a certain extent. While I wouldnt absolve the addict of responsibility, dealers often target the most vulnerable of society, a lot of them still kids, and get them addicted when they're in no state(or age) to be making such a decision.

Once you're addicted it's only downhill from there.

Also the quality of the drug is an issue. If an addict expects to be getting a certain drug, and it has been cut or mixed dangerously this time, then again the dealers/suppliers would be partially at fault imo

22/01/2008, 9:45 PM
Fair enough Micls but here we're talking about vulnerable kids from disadvantaged backgrounds, not Heath Ledger and Katy French. Anyway Ledger it seems was found with pills by his side so it sounds like Suicide, not an illegal drug.

22/01/2008, 9:49 PM
Lord God, nothing like a celebrity dying to bring out the easily offended drug haters :rolleyes: How long til someone says Heath Ledger was Hollywood's Diana

Anyway, unless you're an 8 year old orphan, sold into the sex industry and force fed heroin to numb you to your life's horrors (or some equivilent) then no-one forces you to take drugs. No-one forced Saint Katy, no-one forced Heath Ledger. If it's quality of drugs that they should be held accountable for then the ONLY answer is to legalise and regulate ALL drugs, anything less will fail.

Anyway onto Heath Ledger, as I said in Farewell thread, he always came across as a level headed, nice guy in interviews I read, and his performance in Brokeback Mountain was one of the very best of the decade so the guy will be remembered fondly. I feel sorry for Michelle Williams and their newborn at this point

23/01/2008, 12:06 AM
Jaysus the chap is in the new Batman film and was only 28!!:eek:

23/01/2008, 8:19 AM
As Chris rock says no one sells drugs they sell them selves you never hear of a crack dealer going ive got all this crack that i cant get rid of.

If a dealer asks you do you want drugs you say NO then thats it he moves. this idea of an evil dealer lurking around in the dark giving the kids there first taste for free to get them hooked simple isnt true.

Its very simple people need to take responsibility Kathy french is dead because of HER OWN ACTIONS.

Anyway there is another drugs thread. This seems very sad any young person dying is.

Lionel Ritchie
23/01/2008, 8:40 AM
Just saw it on the news there. Only 28.
Once again drugs seem to be the cause of death. Jesus...........what is the world coming to? You never know who could be next, i mean Katy French one day, Heath Ledger the next, who knows it could be one of your own family tomorrow?
Something must be done!:mad:

Drugs Dealers are just as bad as murderers in my eyes.



Better send your torch-wielding linchmob around to Glaxo-Smithcline then because, as stated on BOTH reports you posted links to, there's no report of anything but prescription medication being involved in this tradgedy.

My sympathies to his young daughter and family.

Block G Raptor
23/01/2008, 8:53 AM
It just goes to show , Money ,fame and good looks don't buy happiness

23/01/2008, 8:56 AM
Better send your torch-wielding linchmob around to Glaxo-Smithcline then because, as stated on BOTH reports you posted links to, there's no report of anything but prescription medication being involved in this tradgedy.

My sympathies to his young daughter and family.

Thats those evil murdering drug pushers also called Doctors.

23/01/2008, 12:26 PM
Was very shocked and upset by this last nite. Could hardly sleep. But then lately sleep isnt that easy to find so maybe Heath dying was just another excuse for my insomnia.

RIP Heath, poor little daughter.

23/01/2008, 2:32 PM
I'll remember him for his magnificent role in Brokeback Mountain. That film was and is so important for the gay community, so for that, thank you Heath.


23/01/2008, 2:38 PM
Turns out after Broke back mountain he got addicted to crack

Bummer :(

Too soon ?? :confused:

23/01/2008, 2:45 PM
Turns out after Broke back mountain he got addicted to crack

Bummer :(

Too soon ?? :confused:

Possibly, but still....:D

23/01/2008, 3:07 PM
Was very shocked and upset by this last nite. Could hardly sleep.

Why get so worked up over the death of some you (presumably) never met?

Block G Raptor
23/01/2008, 3:47 PM
Turns out after Broke back mountain he got addicted to crack

Bummer :(

Too soon ?? :confused:

Source? Link?

kingdom hoop
23/01/2008, 3:54 PM
It just goes to show , Money ,fame and good looks don't buy happiness

Happiness comes from within, you dumbass. :rolleyes: :p

By the way BGR I'd guess the source of Anto's remark was the joke-creating part of his brain. :) Read it again.

Block G Raptor
23/01/2008, 3:57 PM
By the way BGR I'd guess the source of Anto's remark was the joke-creating part of his brain. :) Read it again.

Oh God don't I feel like a tw@t, it's been a long day :o:o

23/01/2008, 5:22 PM
Lord God, nothing like a celebrity dying to bring out the easily offended drug haters :rolleyes: How long til someone says Heath Ledger was Hollywood's Diana

I don't hate drugs, and care about Heath Ledger no more than the 2 lads from Waterford.

Simply giving my point of view in how easy it is to get addicted in certain circumstances, and the responsibilty of the drug dealer imo.

Anyway, unless you're an 8 year old orphan, sold into the sex industry and force fed heroin to numb you to your life's horrors (or some equivilent) then no-one forces you to take drugs.
No one over 8 is too immature to realise the decision they are making? Dont get me wrong, the very large majority of the responsibility lies with the person who makes the choice. But I wouldnt completely absolve drug dealers either.

No-one forced Saint Katy, no-one forced Heath Ledger. If it's quality of drugs that they should be held accountable for then the ONLY answer is to legalise and regulate ALL drugs, anything less will fail.
My comments were very general obviously and I certainly dont think either Katy or Heath were forced into it.

Im not sure where I stand on the 'legalise drugs' issue tbh. I can see the benefits but fear that it could also lead to serious problems in the long run, similar to how I see alcohol at the moment.

I haven't really studied the facts and stats enough to have a definite opinion.

Anyway onto Heath Ledger, as I said in Farewell thread, he always came across as a level headed, nice guy in interviews I read, and his performance in Brokeback Mountain was one of the very best of the decade so the guy will be remembered fondly. I feel sorry for Michelle Williams and their newborn at this point

Good actor and a sad event.

What's the current thinking on what happened? Radio was reporting it as an accidental overdose earlier

23/01/2008, 5:33 PM
Why get so worked up over the death of some you (presumably) never met?
Don't be presuming, I get the feeling Magicme is a 6 degrees of separation microcosm.

Lim till i die
23/01/2008, 6:57 PM
Why get so worked up over the death of some you (presumably) never met?

Why indeed??

Not a dig at Magicme by any means but:

I'll never understand the empathy lots of people feel for various celeb types.

I'd be lying if I said I greeted his death with anything greater than mild surprise.

I've only so much of my soul to dole around and I prefer devoting my emotion to those that are actually close to me.

And even at that you've no guarentee your soul isn't going to take a hammering anyway.

So in summary Heath Ledgers death:

Bad time for the Ledgers and their associates - Of Course
Bad time for LTID - Not really No (Well a bit but my several stresses at the moment are all unHeathrelated) :)

On a slight aside, well done to all those sick ghouls who formed an orderly que to get a glimpse at the mans lifeless body

23/01/2008, 7:34 PM
I'll never understand the empathy lots of people feel for various celeb types.

I've only so much of my soul to dole around
Maybe others have more soul?

I find people offended by people's empathy worse than people with empathy for everything. And again, not a dig at you LTID, but who the **** are we to tell anyone who they shouild or shouldn't feel empathy/sympathy for. His dying shocked me a little, but thats it. Didn't feel the need to come on here to have a go at those who felt something

BTW his best film was 10 Things I Hate About You and his Joker was already scaring the crap out of me

23/01/2008, 8:03 PM
Good actor and a sad event.

What's the current thinking on what happened? Radio was reporting it as an accidental overdose earlier
They don't know. Some outlets were reporting that pills were found by his body, but the police over there corrected that to something more like that there were pills found in the room.

Truth is, the only fact in this story is that Heath Ledger is dead. Everything else is idle speculation until the autopsy comes back.

The people who keep mentioning drugs will look like idiots if it turns out to have been a heart defect or something. Not that any of them would apologise for it.

Lim till i die
23/01/2008, 8:41 PM
Maybe others have more soul?


I doubt it though

I find people offended by people's empathy worse than people with empathy for everything. And again, not a dig at you LTID, but who the **** are we to tell anyone who they shouild or shouldn't feel empathy/sympathy for. His dying shocked me a little, but thats it. Didn't feel the need to come on here to have a go at those who felt something

You might want to point out where I have a go at anyone??

Or tell anyone what they should or shouldn't feel??

Or where I have been offended by people's empathy??

I said I don't understand.

I don't.

That is all.

23/01/2008, 8:53 PM
Just saw it on the news there. Only 28.
Once again drugs seem to be the cause of death. Jesus...........what is the world coming to? You never know who could be next, i mean Katy French one day, Heath Ledger the next, who knows it could be one of your own family tomorrow?

So you think it was some sort of random thing that happened and not anything to do with them filling their faces with coke and booze ?

23/01/2008, 8:57 PM
Was very shocked and upset by this last nite. Could hardly sleep. But then lately sleep isnt that easy to find so maybe Heath dying was just another excuse for my insomnia.

RIP Heath, poor little daughter.

Have you tried sleeping tablets.........oh no wait, maybe not such a good idea.

23/01/2008, 10:23 PM
You might want to point out where I have a go at anyone??
Or tell anyone what they should or shouldn't feel??
Or where I have been offended by people's empathy??
Well I clearly pointed out I wasn't having a go at you...

Lim till i die
24/01/2008, 7:30 AM
Well I clearly pointed out I wasn't having a go at you...

Fair point :p

I was merely thinking aloud I suppose

I mean on the same day as this Heath Ledger thing you had that truly awful case of that balcony dad in Greece, plus little babies dying in hospitals in Gaza because the fourth most powerful military in the world felt like it.

That's just two tragic stories off the top of my head.

I don't know, I guess I was just saying that if people thought about it too much they wouldn't get much sleep at all, ever

24/01/2008, 8:02 AM
Again, not having a go at anyone, each to their own and all that, but like
LtiD I never really understood people getting upset about the passing of
people they only knew from a magazine or the big screen.

When I heard the news report my initial reaction was ... who the hell is that!!

But hey, everyone's different and that's what makes the world go 'round.

24/01/2008, 8:19 AM
I could understand people being upset on just a human level a 28 year old died thats sad a little girl looses her dad thats sad, or if he was your favourite actor then you wont see him in any more films thats sad.

But to loose sleep over it im sorry but thats ridiculous. What s the stats is it one person dies in the world every second if you where to loose sleep over people you dont know dying you would be an absolute mess.

Lionel Ritchie
24/01/2008, 8:23 AM
Again, not having a go at anyone, each to their own and all that, but like
LtiD I never really understood people getting upset about the passing of
people they only knew from a magazine or the big screen.

When I heard the news report my initial reaction was ... who the hell is that!!

But hey, everyone's different and that's what makes the world go 'round.

I'd a similar reaction which demonstrated just how far out of touch I'm getting in all such matters. I knew the name but had a completely different face on it ...two faces actually -one belonging to a guy in the Lord of the Rings movies and the other belonging to a guy who was in Bridget Jones Diary.

Either way ...it transpired Heath Ledger could've fonged me in the nads and I wouldn't have known who'd hit me.

Oh ...and then they showed a clip of Brokeback Mountain on the news and he's in a Supermarket?!? I thought that was supposed to be set in wild west cowboy times?

24/01/2008, 9:10 AM
Oh ...and then they showed a clip of Brokeback Mountain on the news and he's in a Supermarket?!? I thought that was supposed to be set in wild west cowboy times?

No, it's a modern setting. 1963, or at least that's when the book was set.

24/01/2008, 9:12 AM
No, it's a modern setting. 1963, or at least that's when the book was set.

well it starts in the 60s and ends in the 80s

Block G Raptor
24/01/2008, 10:37 AM
well it starts in the 60s and ends in the 80s

I thought it felt very long in the Cinema, Didn't realise I'd been in there for 20 years:eek:

Lionel Ritchie
24/01/2008, 10:41 AM
I thought it felt very long in the Cinema, Didn't realise I'd been in there for 20 years:eek:

A mate of mine, not entirely appraised of the subject matter, took his Ma to see it.:eek:

She thought he was coming out :D ...and how!!!

Block G Raptor
24/01/2008, 10:46 AM
These gombeens have reared their moronic heads again (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,324966,00.html)

24/01/2008, 10:50 AM
These gombeens have reared their moronic heads again (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,324966,00.html)

If that kind of scum turned up to disrespect a funeral of a family member of mine then I wouldnt be held responsible for what Id do to him

Lim till i die
24/01/2008, 10:55 AM
These gombeens have reared their moronic heads again (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,324966,00.html)

Just reading down through the report.......

Is Fox News really using Wikipedia to source its new stories :eek:

Block G Raptor
24/01/2008, 10:55 AM
If that kind of scum turned up to disrespect a funeral of a family member of mine then I wouldnt be held responsible for what Id do to him

Should be open season on these Mental cases!

"Heath Ledger is in Hell now, beginning his eternal sentence" nobody who is of sound mind would say such a thing!

24/01/2008, 12:41 PM
Should be open season on these Mental cases!

"Heath Ledger is in Hell now, beginning his eternal sentence" nobody who is of sound mind would say such a thing!

Think that is where the problem lies

24/01/2008, 1:48 PM
Just reading down through the report.......

Is Fox News really using Wikipedia to source its new stories :eek:
Does it surprise you? Not only that, but they would rather mock his death! Here. (http://thinkprogress.org/2008/01/23/gibson-mocks-ledger/)


25/01/2008, 5:31 PM
Heres former WWF Champion The Ultimate Warrior's take on Ledger's death :D The guy just gets better with age

Dead Long Before 28

In the interest of full disclosure, I must tell you I have watched Brokeback Mountain no less than 45 times and I own the Limited Edition DVD, signed by Willie Nelson a short time after he wrote that queer cowboy song as a tribute to the courage of the producers and actors who broke such incredible creative ground when they made their agenda-less movie. Serious. Until I saw Bendover Brokeback, Braveheart was my favorite movie. But the love scenes of Brokeback sucked me right in and I had no choice but to give myself over to the passion of its wide open range, if you get my drift. Such courage this young man and his collaegues have. Reminds me of the courage of classic movie stars, where during the War they enlisted and flew bomber planes and fought on frontlines, then came back and picked up their lives and careers right where they left off, without anti-American sentiment, whining and complaining, or self-destructive self indulgence. I'm equally inspired.

Apparently, Leather Hedger had sleeping troubles and anxiety and dealt with terrible mood swings. So do soldiers but they don't self-destructively f*** up their lives. In fact, they don't sleep, handle anxiety and mood swings while dealing with whether or not they might at any moment lose their life. And they do this all the while they are dangerously protecting the freedom of others to f*** up their own. By the way, how many 28 (or older or younger) year old soldiers met their death yesterday? It's not easy to find out. None of them made the headlines of any news.

By today's standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery. Hogan, on the other hand, won't go quite that far. He insists on sticking around to keep further ruining, and profiting off of, the parentally mismanaged lives of his own children.

It is sad and tragic ... that we don't demand attention be paid to greater things

25/01/2008, 5:36 PM
is the Ultimate Warrior still going? How old is he? He must be near the 60 mark?

25/01/2008, 5:54 PM
is the Ultimate Warrior still going? How old is he? He must be near the 60 mark?

Not wrestling, just ranting about the world

Lim till i die
25/01/2008, 5:57 PM
Not wrestling, just ranting about the world

Where is this Parts Unknown

Really should check it out sometime :)

Poor Student
27/01/2008, 7:38 AM
The guy just gets better with age

You're right, he's now almost vaguely coherent.:eek:

27/01/2008, 7:52 AM
Heres former WWF Champion The Ultimate Warrior's take on Ledger's death
You'd think he would show more sympathy towards a fellow actor.