View Full Version : Hidden Gems

22/01/2008, 12:06 PM

Interesting article. would have to go with toss up between xtc's are you receiving me and science friction.

22/01/2008, 12:55 PM
Almost too numerous to mention songs which fit this description in my collection."Obscurity Knocks" by Trash Can Sinatras should have been huge. "The Brides Have Hit Glass" and "Twilight Campfighter" by Guided By Voices are pretty special too. Of more well known artists - "Town Cryer" by Elvis Costello is a forgotten gem of a song. And finally "Small World" by Roddy Frame (Theme song to Craig Cashs sit com "Early Doors".)

22/01/2008, 2:12 PM
"Pop Life" by Prince. Released as a single just after "Raspberry Beret". I think it's a better song but it didn't do as well.