View Full Version : PS3 Resistence 2

18/01/2008, 3:18 PM
Just looking at a review of this game looks brilliant online battles for up to 60 players !!! Call of duty has 18 players and thats hectic enough watching a vid for resistence on youtube they show the online game 30 guys all running into battle together !.

Along with the normal 1 player story they have a totally seperate co-op story where up to 8 players can join up to play through the game.

Shame its not out untill this time next year .

18/01/2008, 9:39 PM
I waa actually thinking lately how long it would take for online games to get this big, was only a matter of time.

A true battle experience is just around the corner.

You can be sure if Resistance has it the next installment, COD will too :D

18/01/2008, 11:01 PM
Online gaming has been like that for a while now :p espeically with Half Life 2 mods but rarely does it reach high numbers :(

I played the Resistance 1 and liked it.. and I too look forward for 2 :) should be kick ass!

19/01/2008, 6:06 PM
havent there been various games with hundreds of players in the one area?

19/01/2008, 11:12 PM
So far ive yet to see a game with more than a hundred online users! id love to know of this game tho.. unless your talking about MMORPG but thats completely different I think :p

19/01/2008, 11:43 PM
So far ive yet to see a game with more than a hundred online users! id love to know of this game tho.. unless your talking about MMORPG but thats completely different I think :pyou can try a free one with hundreds online in one area at a time, free, from either Second Life or from Flyff (warning: both are fairly girly)

why is it completely different? :confused: online sync just needs to know where every moveable object/player is, what direction they are going in, and at what speed. It doesn't care if you're killing orcs or killing soldiers!

20/01/2008, 10:07 PM
Your probably right :p its probably just me.. it feels different playin an MMORPG than a normal game!

23/01/2008, 4:08 PM
Second life is terrible i dont know if its just my machine or the game itself but to even turn your charactor left can take 2 or 3 seconds .

PS3 are bringing out a similar game called "home" i know some people get mad into these games but i cant get into them or RPG very boring walking around talking to people i do that all day i dont run around shooting people so thats what i want in my games :D