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The Donie Forde
13/06/2003, 9:05 AM
...of getting a match programme please make an effort to do so tonight. Programme sales are a vital source of income and, as such, help to make CCFC financially stronger.

Be interested in the views of any first time purchasers - their impressions etc. Post here and let us know! We think you'll see very good value for your €2.50.

Special thanks to all those who regularly take a programme on match days, your support is greatly appreciated!


13/06/2003, 9:39 AM
is that the sounds of desperation there donie :D
seems like every matchday you're on here pleading for customer like ;)

13/06/2003, 9:59 AM
Ah now, theres no need for that. I'll buy one man, better live up to our 8.5 in the dublin daily rating, made by and for eL fans! Blue Review. Best ever rating btw.

13/06/2003, 2:31 PM
it's probably because UCD will bring down eight fans so sales to the away support will be down:D

13/06/2003, 2:52 PM
Doesn't matter how many UCD bring.
Bloody students wouldn't cough up for it anyway.

The Donie Forde
13/06/2003, 3:23 PM
Originally posted by James
is that the sounds of desperation there donie :D
seems like every matchday you're on here pleading for customer like ;)

Ever the bitter word...;)

Just appealing to people who don't normally buy one, James, that's all. Don't usually pre-plug the prog, only trying to change a few habits and inviting fans to find out for themselves what it's actually like.
The club has put in a big effort with the production this season. I think it's something every true City fan should be proud of and I'm asking those non-buyers to give it a bash to see what they make of it. They might enjoy it more than they expect...


Counting Crow
13/06/2003, 10:02 PM
I think the program is top drawer......the best I have seen.

I have even heard it has gotten positive reviews in England........how about that.

Saw some Waterford fans ranting and raving about it at their last match down here.

I also think there are more people reading it at half time etc........maybe because it's so much bigger and more noticable.

Anyway, keep up the excellent work, it's well worth the 2.50 and they have become valuable additions to my collection!

14/06/2003, 1:49 AM
i love the program
the programme is great
blah blah blah

they dont have too many ads honest

and 2.50 is greeaaaat valus for money.. i didnt have a cork business directory till i bought the programme... its great

MAGIC.. everyone buy it.. fookk it buy 3 everyone
well done donie you are the best

14/06/2003, 1:51 AM
Match day magazine is the best match day magazine in the world.

Rebel Army Match day Magazine!!!:)

14/06/2003, 8:53 AM
Another excellent programme.
Fair play to those involved.
I'm getting into the habit of buying it again.

The Donie Forde
14/06/2003, 9:20 AM
Originally posted by James
i love the program
the programme is great
blah blah blah

they dont have too many ads honest

and 2.50 is greeaaaat valus for money.. i didnt have a cork business directory till i bought the programme... its great

MAGIC.. everyone buy it.. fookk it buy 3 everyone
well done donie you are the best

James, old chum, you're well entitled to your opinion and, for what it's worth, I care little for impoverished cynicism and begrudgery...

What I'm doing in this thread is trying to get new people to buy programmes, hopefully to make it part of their match day.
I'm not seeking praise on this board (hah!) - just trying to win a few converts from those who (a) never buy one usually and (b) those who maybe used to get one but gave it up (for whatever reason).

James has a problem with advertising in the programme. Have you, like, ever bought a City shirt without advertising, gone to a City match without advertising etc etc? It's part of what the programme does - raise revenue for the club as a vehicle for advertising.

I agree that if the advert content outweighs the editorial copy then that would be a problem. However, I don't think that is the situation with City Edition. If you think it is, fair enough, guess you'll just never be satisfied...

I have no more to say to you James on the subject, I have no intention of turning this thread into something other than what it was intended for: inviting other peoples' views.

To answer an earlier query: my understanding is that the programme may not have yet turned the corner to actual profit.
The reasons are that (1) the costs to produce at this standard are quite high (2) the required advertising base has yet to be fully realised and (3) sales could be better...(4) we're only 5 issues into the season and the end of season figures are what will decide if it has been an earner for the club or not.


14/06/2003, 3:35 PM
lighten up a bit man

the city match day magazine is the job, i;ve bought it since the start of this season on a regualar basis (even have 2 of one of the matches for some reason!!), as oppose to seasons past where i'd get one every so often.

the post i made was at 3am ish after 1 or 2 lemonades :) and shud be read with that in mind

true i dont like the ads v text balance.. but if thats a cost factor fine.. everyones entitled to their opinion.

if you do ask for ppl's opinions thou u must accept that u take the good with the bad, the praise with the criticsm the bit of banter and craic and slagging etc etc whether or not u agree with it.

A face
14/06/2003, 4:03 PM
Originally posted by The Donie Forde
I agree that if the advert content outweighs the editorial copy then that would be a problem. However, I don't think that is the situation with City Edition. If you think it is, fair enough, guess you'll just never be satisfied...

Program is not over the top with adverts and the ones that are there are tastfully done. The content is great and the quality makes it the best in the country. Fullstop

As someone said earlier, it competes with some of the english programs/magazines. The program has nothing to worry about as it would stand up for itself on every aspect. It is a credit to the club and fair play to all involved. It does show how much work goes into it and have many people are working behind the scene's ... it is only fair that the unsung heros get a mention. The lotto, Event control staff, Ticket sales, Marketing, Training staff, Shop and the Editorials from Pat, Brian and Linda. Since the program has changed, i think this is one of its strongest points. It focused more on the club (i know space was tight before) and the people involved and it is great to read about the club in this way.

The program is all that it should be, and hopefully more. It is very hard to say otherwise. And someone would want a very sound argument to have any leg to stand on.

As Bob himself once said ........

"Program bashers are idiots"

14/06/2003, 4:40 PM
Good and Bad IMO.I think the new look is great,very professional and all that,although I would have to side with James on this1,the amount of Ads is a little too much for my liking(though I know if it was free and it had no Ads you would still get moaners) That being said Im gonna buy a few more for 1 reason;Cos Donie your appeal was so damn nice!! Im glad you appealed to the fan's intelligence rather than taking the "if ye dont buy it ye're a pack of ******s"stance,:)

15/06/2003, 4:24 PM
The Match Day Magazine is excellent and is a huge improvement on what we had before. I thought the programme was always quite dull and boring in the past but this season it is something which I actually enjoy reading on the morning after a match.
Some of the articles are excellent and Pat Dolan's notes are always a good read.
I think it is fairly safe to say that it now stands out as by far the best programme in the league.

16/06/2003, 8:24 AM
i think the program is excellent...well done to everyone involved....

2 things though......

1. the stats and fiqures page (not the fiqures bit from the last issue) someone needs to get a bit of layout going here even if it means using 2 pages.... the table colours are terrible....just an idea from the pats program, they have a guide to every match as in who started, came on as sub, booked scored etc....might be worth while.....

2. still needs some sort of diary from one of the players. could change player every issue, just to get an inside account of the last few games and the feeling within the dressing room...

16/06/2003, 9:42 AM
I think the program is well produced and written, a vast improvement on the efforts of a few seasons ago, and enough to keep me entertained at half time plus some on the bog reading for the following day/couple of weeks (depending on drinking habits). I remember when it was a pound in and 50p for the program, I ran all the way to Hazelbrook farm, blah blah blah... But seriously, there was a time when the program (programme? I'm not sure and I have an honours degree in English) was utter tripe, but then Pat the Plonk was running the show at the time. We are also lucky to have had two of the biggest guff blowers in Ireland writing the manager's notes, Damien Richardson and Pat Dolan. There'll always be a lot of ads, but if it brings in revenue that's fine by me.

16/06/2003, 6:18 PM
While i buy a program most of the time, im not a great fan of them. I think that our one this year is ok at best. For one thing, i hate the size of it. Its pure English Premierhip to have it that size.

I think alot of the content is boring as well. Ok I enjoy Pats piece, and Dave Galvin, Jerry Kelly and gerry write nice pieces, but some of the stuff thats been there this season has been awful, most notably Peter Gouldings awful attempt to be funny.

Overall, in comparison with the rest of them, its quite good, but its competition isnt great. I would like to see more interviews with current players though.

17/06/2003, 8:17 AM
I think that is where the programme lacks to be honest. It should concentrate on the current squad. If it is a mgazine it should be profiling and interviewing the players to fill the void that would be an eL magazine.

17/06/2003, 8:27 AM
For what it's worth I didn't buy a programme when I was down for the Shels match. Not sure why but I've gotten very lazy towards programmes this season especially when there's a fanzine on offer instead. Not just in Cork mind, ditto for Cobh and the Galway - Sligo match I headed to weekend before last. I don't like the size of yours either, much prefering an A5 effort.

I did buy a programme when I was at the Cork City - Bray game last season and thought that was the best I'd seen though. Dunno how it compares to last seasons but draw your own conclusions from that.

17/06/2003, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by A face
Program is not over the top with adverts and the ones that are there are tastfully done.

are you still on about that redfm ad face? ;)

Originally posted by NorthoftheLee

1. the stats and fiqures page (not the fiqures bit from the last issue) someone needs to get a bit of layout going here even if it means using 2 pages.... the table colours are terrible....just an idea from the pats program, they have a guide to every match as in who started, came on as sub, booked scored etc....might be worth while.....

The Donie Forde's memory might be better than mine here, but as far as i can remember when they had said stats page in the programme before there were plenty of complaints from fellas on here :rolleyes:

the stats page could do with a bit of a make-over alright though

the only real problem that i have with the programme/magazine is the size. as the saying goes 'less is more' ;)

17/06/2003, 10:30 AM
Northof thats a great idea about the Diary,Brian McClair used to do one for MUFC a few yrs back and it was class,BTW Muppet;Program is the US version.Programme is the British/Irish version:D

17/06/2003, 12:31 PM
A few of ye have mentioned the size so I'll give my take on it.
At the start of the season when I first heard about the new Match Day Magazine being A4 size I wasn't too happy about it but over the last few months I've gotten used to it and now I can safely say that I much prefer the A4 size.

As for the interviews with players, an interesting thing that Chelsea have in their programme is a regular column for the team captain, something like that would be good. Also a profile on a player or interview with a player every issue would not go astray.

17/06/2003, 12:45 PM
It'd be cheaper to do as a5...donie, perhaps you should put a questionnaire in the next one and see what every1 thinks as this isn't the broder market

17/06/2003, 12:52 PM
i haven't seen the new programme but there is NO WAY i would buy an A4 size programme.

i was in Stamford Bridge a few months back and the programme was A5 and VERY thick.

lots of stuff in it and it fits in your pocket. what more would you want?


17/06/2003, 1:10 PM
Outside of the first issue(which did concentrate alot on a certain persons arrival at the club), all the other issues(4) have carried a feature(s) on players.
Erika Twomey has done a number of the up and coming players who mightn't get the same media coverage as, lets say JOF or Georgie. All the players can't be covered in one issue!

Also, if you could find a player to volunteer a regular column, i'd be very interested. Regarding Chelsea's captains piece, I would be afraid that that would only mirror alot of what the Chairmans, managers and Commercial scene, pieces would already have covered.

In some respects its a form of praise that City Edition is compared to English programmes. At the same time if someone came on this forum and started comparing LOI to Premiership he'd be told where to go!

All suggestions are being noted, although I'm curious about the Peter Goulding article mentioned earlier. Which issue was that?

17/06/2003, 1:11 PM
It's a good point. Ours is a5 and we have to include a certain number of ads, but we make sure the content is quality. Get the dublin daily to rate it...send them a copy...

17/06/2003, 1:26 PM
I'm not a huge programme fan but usually try to get one at the cross to see what the club got to say for itself 'n all.

Had intended to get one last friday but cos of the queues had to come in from the St Annes entrance. Maybe i didn't notice it but didn't seem to be any programme sellers up that end which meant i didn't buy one. Meant to try at half time but kinda forgot about then so engrossing was the game...

The Donie Forde
17/06/2003, 1:50 PM
Originally posted by Bernie

All suggestions are being noted, although I'm curious about the Peter Goulding article mentioned earlier. Which issue was that?



17/06/2003, 1:54 PM
Didn't buy one myself (€2.50 is a little pricey and I didn't notice them on the way in) but looking at it over someone's shoulder it looked very well. The A4 size is a bit unwieldly though and the stats page is quite messy (bits sideways, upside-down etc.). Can't comment on the overall content/ads as I didn't read it properly.

17/06/2003, 2:30 PM
Originally posted by Bernie
I'm curious about the Peter Goulding article mentioned earlier. Which issue was that?

That was in the issue on sale at the Shels game. It was an attempt to be funny but came across as a 'NoelKingesque Dubs are great everyone else isn't' type article which I and many others felt had no place in the CCFC programme.

17/06/2003, 2:44 PM
agreed there Colm, it was a really poor effort at humour....really smug......what it was doing in City edition I don't know.....

17/06/2003, 2:47 PM
I thought it was funny. More tounge in cheek than smug I think

17/06/2003, 3:46 PM
In reply to Petes query about the St. Annes end....

There is always one seller inside that gate so you may have missed him. As the bulk of the crowd comes thtough the Curragh Rd. end, thats where the sellers are concentrated.
There are issues left, and will be available from the Programme Cabin for future games.

Also, I hardly think €2.50 is that outrageous. Have you bought a soft drink in a pub recently!!! Besides you'll pay minimum of €2 at other LOI grounds for much more modest programmes.

Also, I thought that 'the Case for the Jacks' bit was amusing.
Maybe the Dublin humour isn't everyones cup of tea but we need to be more tolerant in modern soceity etc. etc.:D

17/06/2003, 7:21 PM
Originally posted by Colm
which I and many others felt had no place in the CCFC programme.

u mean in the CCFC MatchDay Magazine surely Colm :)

18/06/2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by James
u mean in the CCFC MatchDay Magazine surely Colm :)

Yes indeed, apologies for my error.:)

18/06/2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Bernie
Also, I hardly think €2.50 is that outrageous. Have you bought a soft drink in a pub recently!!! Besides you'll pay minimum

I'll second that. Ours is €2.00 and only the content allows us sell it at that. The production costs of ccfc mag must be very high. Last year i bought a programme at Drogheda which was, and i sh't you not...Front cover, ad, ad, team sheet, ad, ad, ad.

18/06/2003, 1:38 PM
Originally posted by @ndy
Last year i bought a programme at Drogheda which was, and i sh't you not...Front cover, ad, ad, team sheet, ad, ad, ad.

Thats one of the reasons i stopped buying programmes for most away games. 6 pages of out of date city player pen pics in large font in Bray "programme" a couple of years ago took the biscuit.


19/06/2003, 10:54 AM
In fairness, our club was making a loss on the programme and so stopped doing it. Instead they just released a team sheet for free every game. I couldn't believe that drogs one though.

19/06/2003, 6:12 PM
to be fair, if clubs can't guarantee the programme achieves a certain number of sales (which can be difficult with small home attendances) then it can be a drain on resuorces, will not attract the same level of advertising revenue (as opposed to the number of adverts) and there's little point making a loss on it.

on the flip side if you can guarantee two thousand sales at every home game then advertisers will be faster to chip in extra cash (maybe enough to cover production) and you can clear an extra four grand on top of the gate receipts, a very big deal given the size and finances of LOI clubs.

The Donie Forde
19/06/2003, 7:16 PM
Originally posted by tiktok

on the flip side if you can guarantee two thousand sales at every home game...

There's your problem, right there. City fans just don't want to support the club's publication in sufficient numbers...not enough of them have any pride in it, unfortuantely.

Thanks, as always, to those who do support it regularly.


The Donie Forde
19/06/2003, 7:19 PM
Originally posted by The Donie Forde
...not enough of them have any pride in it, unfortuantely.

em...unfortunately, even

Donie :o

20/06/2003, 9:57 AM
Is anyone at liberity to mention what the average sales are?

20/06/2003, 1:36 PM
and thats the problem i have too

there isnt the same obligation or duty on most ppl to buy the matchday magazine, nor imo shud there be.

yes it is a way of supporting the club finanacially, so is buying the half time lotto tx etc etc

but to say ppl have no pride because they dont buy it is crazy

imo the matchdayday mag shud be looked on as a product
ppl. most ppl imo will buy said product if it worthwhile to the purchaser, if it brings value to them. not because they feel some sort of ccfc club obligation to buy it

listen to customers / potential customers
try to include their concerns / changes shortcomings the current matchday mag has...
dont insult them by saying they have no pride in city

to be continued when boss disapears again

20/06/2003, 1:45 PM
Originally posted by James
to be continued when boss disapears again

I take it your boss isnt a fan of the Matchday Magazine then?:)

20/06/2003, 2:12 PM
ah feic it i give up
its basic sales, common sense, market forces, supply and demand..product placement .. call it what u will

the club is getting out of the 19th / 20th century .. maybe its time the matchday mag ppl followed and got into the 21st century.

ppl who buy the mag are customers and those that dont shud be looked on as potential customers.. not ppl with no pride or whatever nonsense u were trying to articulate don.

if ye's want advice with the matchday mag... there plenty consulants out there ready to convert the ppl with 'no pride' or ye can get in touch with me if ye are serious about increasing readers/sales ..

*of course i will continue to buy the matchday mag...jeeze i'd hate to be acused of not having pride in whatever like*

20/06/2003, 2:17 PM
Originally posted by James
the matchdayday mag shud be looked on as a product
ppl. most ppl imo will buy said product if it worthwhile to the purchaser, if it brings value to them. not because they feel some sort of ccfc club obligation to buy it

Agreed completely. That's it. If it's a good product it'll sell more. If it has a bad rep cos it used be sh!te, then eventually that will disappear if it keeps the same standard. I don't think i have seen a better programme anywhere in the country.

20/06/2003, 3:17 PM
and of course when i made those comments bout the matchday mag needing to get into 21st C, i meant this of course if the views stated by that of the donie ford are those of the matchday mag and not his own

as led zepplin said
theres still time to change the road youre on :)

20/06/2003, 5:00 PM
In reply to Petes and CCfan1's enquiry regarding sales, I don't think it's appropriate to discuss such info. on this forum, but I will say that there has not been a noticeable increase in sales this season despite the improved format, which is dissappointing.

The issue of putting in posters is always difficult due to the amount of pages available and the quality of photos available. I know the club is looking into the possibility of doing posters along similar lines of the team poster for the club shop.

20/06/2003, 7:05 PM
Why not, whats the harm? At UCD we generally sell somewhere between 150-250, our crowds being generally quite small.