View Full Version : Statement from the FAI

13/01/2008, 5:31 PM
A statement has been issued by the Football Association of Ireland in relation to the selection of a new manager for the Republic of Ireland senior international team.


The Football Association of Ireland wishes to clarify several points that have arisen from media coverage of the process to select a new manager for the Republic of Ireland senior international team.

1: No person has been offered the job. Any suggestion to the contrary is incorrect.

2: No announcement of an appointment will be made until the selection panel have made a recommendation to the FAI Board of Management; the board have ratified that recommendation and the nominee has accepted the position.

3: The first announcement of the appointment of the next manager will be made on the FAI website (www.fai.ie).

4: Because of the need to maintain confidentiality the FAI and the selection panel do not comment publicly or privately on the candidates.

5: The FAI is happy with the progress being made by the selection panel.

This is on the FAI website.

13/01/2008, 7:15 PM
....but does that include the doorman who told Noelys_Guitar that Glen Hoddle is the new manager, the tea lady who told Henrik is would be Houllier, the chamber maid who informed TheBitO'Red that it was between Allardyce and Keegan, the paper boy who informed kriscommons that it would be John Giles or the lavatory attendant who texted backtowalsall that Liam Brady would be the manager?

13/01/2008, 7:50 PM
Here's a small update, opposition on fai board ? (http://www.chatsoccer.eu/news/content/view/42/1/)

13/01/2008, 8:24 PM
sick of it at this stage, everyday is someone new, if the fai werent trying to save wages then we would have a man in place months ago:(

Noelys Guitar
13/01/2008, 8:52 PM
Here's a small update, opposition on fai board ? (http://www.chatsoccer.eu/news/content/view/42/1/)

If the FAI do a Bob Paisley type vote who is the second choice after Venables?

13/01/2008, 8:53 PM
It's at least somewhat heartening to hear that the FAI aren't 100% behind the idea of Venables. But at this stage, it's so like one of those dodgy sitcoms, where the joke is based off a constant series of miscommunications and events. Except there's no laughter.

13/01/2008, 9:14 PM
sick of it at this stage, everyday is someone new, if the fai werent trying to save wages then we would have a man in place months ago:(

Cobh man in repeating Keane's views shock

13/01/2008, 9:41 PM
Here's a small update, opposition on fai board ? (http://www.chatsoccer.eu/news/content/view/42/1/)

I hope the opposition is strong enough. Having Des' mug at the top the article only adds to the comedy value of it all :D*

*Just kidding ;)

13/01/2008, 10:25 PM
A statement has been issued by the Football Association of Ireland in relation to the selection of a new manager for the Republic of Ireland senior international team.


The Football Association of Ireland wishes to clarify several points that have arisen from media coverage of the process to select a new manager for the Republic of Ireland senior international team.

1: No person has been offered the job. Any suggestion to the contrary is incorrect.

2: No announcement of an appointment will be made until the selection panel have made a recommendation to the FAI Board of Management; the board have ratified that recommendation and the nominee has accepted the position.

3: The first announcement of the appointment of the next manager will be made on the FAI website (www.fai.ie).

4: Because of the need to maintain confidentiality the FAI and the selection panel do not comment publicly or privately on the candidates.

5: The FAI is happy with the progress being made by the selection panel.

This is on the FAI website.

We all know that Terry Venanoballs has been offered the job. A bit of a joke really.

14/01/2008, 12:36 PM
i thought whoever the 3 man comittee recomend will be appointed...so internal disapporval within the FAI may not make any difference!

14/01/2008, 12:57 PM
I hope the opposition is strong enough. Having Des' mug at the top the article only adds to the comedy value of it all

*Just kidding ;)

haha :D I like the red bow though :)

citizen: i thought the same, but reading it means it has to be ratified/approved by the FAI.

14/01/2008, 12:57 PM
The statement does not deny that the selection committee have their minds made up already.
Who negotiates the contract? - Hacketts?? considering their experience in these matters.
The FAI board would have to approve the appointment subject to an acceptance of terms of the contract which they would have a broad outline of.

14/01/2008, 1:37 PM
Rumour up North that Sanchez has been interviewed for the job! :eek: