View Full Version : Limerick, Athlone and Kilkenny

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The Man Himself
10/01/2008, 9:25 AM
all in trouble and 2 of them looking doubtful for the league for the coming season, athlone owe 45 grand but should be alright,
the other 2 look doomed.
according to todays star.


Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 9:29 AM

The Star says lots of crazy things.

I'd be astonished if Athlone only owed 45k

neville neville
10/01/2008, 9:34 AM
how are limerick so bad after 1 year?

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 9:36 AM
how are limerick so bad after 1 year?

Define so bad??

We will be playing First Division football this season

10/01/2008, 9:44 AM
The Star, the Star, first they had Clinton was about to bow out of the Presidential race, and now this :( Journalism in this country is shocking!! :)

The Man Himself
10/01/2008, 9:46 AM
limerick37 owe somthing like 50 grand according to the star and looking very doubtful to start in the league this season.
FAI suits not happy with limericks and athlones finances.
fran gavin is to investagate limericks case today.

Battery Rover
10/01/2008, 9:51 AM

The Star says lots of crazy things.

I'd be astonished if Athlone only owed 45k

Yep that is about the right amount.

10/01/2008, 9:54 AM
I've also heard that Limerick are in trouble. It's pretty poor form really, but illustrates how hard it is for a new club to start off in this League.

10/01/2008, 10:12 AM
Why can Limerick not attract fans to their home games. They have a huge catchment area and should be able to attract a lot more than they currently do. Obviously their Marketing and Promotional work at the club isnt working

10/01/2008, 10:26 AM
Thats shocking, surprised Kilkenny have kept afloat for so long to be surprised

10/01/2008, 10:31 AM
Heard Limerick and Kilkenny were in a bit of schtuk didnt know about Athlone.

I suppose a few years ago clubs with debts of €50k would have just carried on regardless but with the licensing laws its harder to keep it quiet!

10/01/2008, 10:32 AM
The Star, the Star, first they had Clinton was about to bow out of the Presidential race, and now this :( Journalism in this country is shocking!! :)

I didn't even know he was running! He has decelared early though, it isn't due for another three years, and I would have thought he'd still be playing, albeit in the lower leagues.

But still, just imagine it - President Morrisson! He's got my vote if he changes his mind.

10/01/2008, 10:35 AM
With the amount of money the FAI make im sure 50K is nothing to them so why cant they help these clubs in trouble instead of just kicking them outta the League

10/01/2008, 10:36 AM
We will be playing First Division football this season


10/01/2008, 10:55 AM
Is €50k that big of a debt that it couldn't be paid off over a couple of years with some cost-cutting?

10/01/2008, 10:55 AM
With the amount of money the FAI make im sure 50K is nothing to them so why cant they help these clubs in trouble instead of just kicking them outta the League
Have to keep something in reserve in case a senior international player's grandmother dies and they have to charter a plane to bring him home

10/01/2008, 10:57 AM
With the amount of money the FAI make im sure 50K is nothing to them so why cant they help these clubs in trouble instead of just kicking them outta the League

My point exactly. It just shows you what a joke they are. Instead of helping clubs in financial difficulties punish them. Points deductions anyone!!?? They said the league would be better off with their financial clout well then where is it. the Fai outdo their own level of stupidity week after week.

Tir Oilean
10/01/2008, 10:59 AM
I suppose a few years ago clubs with debts of €50k would have just carried on regardless but with the licensing laws its harder to keep it quiet!

Banks are tightening their belts so it'll be difficult keep digging a financial hole for the next while.

As regards the FAI digging clubs out this would be a bad practice. A help up rather than a hand out should be what happens. Clearly Limerick is a big soccer town so they should get priority from the FAI in terms of club promotion and maybe some extra funding for this but by covering debts nothing will be learned about how to build the club up to its former glory.

10/01/2008, 11:01 AM
Three of the best trips this season were to these places. Would miss all three, Kilkenny have arguably the best stand for away supporters in Div 1.

Agree that Limerick should be getting far bigger attendances but would their ground be able to hold them?

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 11:04 AM
limerick37 owe somthing like 50 grand according to the star

Not True.

fran gavin is to investagate limericks case today

Oh goody

I've also heard that Limerick are in trouble.

A little.

Nowhere near as bad as what you heard I'm sure.

Why can Limerick not attract fans to their home games.

Literally dozens of reasons.

FYI we are not much worse at attracting fans then the Dublin clubs.

With the amount of money the FAI make im sure 50K is nothing to them so why cant they help these clubs in trouble instead of just kicking them outta the League

Don't believe everything you read in the jesus star

Is €50k that big of a debt that it couldn't be paid off over a couple of years with some cost-cutting?


It's all about debt management.

As regards the FAI digging clubs out this would be a bad practice. A help up rather than a hand out should be what happens. Clearly Limerick is a big soccer town so they should get priority from the FAI in terms of club promotion and maybe some extra funding but by covering debts nothing will be learned about how to build the club up to its former glory.

I would agree with practically all of this

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 11:05 AM
Agree that Limerick should be getting far bigger attendances but would their ground be able to hold them?

Yes :confused:

placid casual
10/01/2008, 11:05 AM
My point exactly. It just shows you what a joke they are. Instead of helping clubs in financial difficulties punish them. Points deductions anyone!!?? They said the league would be better off with their financial clout well then where is it. the Fai outdo their own level of stupidity week after week.

the way i see it is the FAI are trying to cut the numbers of the teams in the league and they are letting teams like the ones mentioned die a slow death rather than give them a leg up.
once the teams in real financial mess are eradicated they can promote the league as a 10/12 team entity and move from there.
this,of course fails to take in the consideration that there are plenty of hard working people at these clubs doing their upmost to keep their clubs afloat.#
put simply the fai dont give 2 fooks about limerick,athlone,kilkenny and a good few other clubs.

10/01/2008, 11:07 AM
Forget the FAI. Time for a breakaway AIL and free money!:D

Seriously, it reflects badly, firstly on Limerick, both city and club, for being unable to sustain a senior club, and secondly on the FAI, for granting a licence to an organisation that seems to have been shaky from the start.

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 11:09 AM
the way i see it is the FAI are trying to cut the numbers of the teams in the league and they are letting teams like the ones mentioned die a slow death rather than give them a leg up.
once the teams in real financial mess are eradicated they can promote the league as a 10/12 team entity and move from there.
this,of course fails to take in the consideration that there are plenty of hard working people at these clubs doing their upmost to keep their clubs afloat.#
put simply the fai dont give 2 fooks about limerick,athlone,kilkenny and a good few other clubs.

I would be inclined to agree with the cynical view here but:

Rightly or wrongly I think in their ideal National League world the FAI would want a Limerick, which they would prop up, maybe to the detriment of the Kilkennys, Monaghans and Kildares of this world.

Just to clarify, I think the above is wrong and I'm not having a dig at those clubs

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 11:10 AM
Seriously, it reflects badly, firstly on Limerick, both city and club, for being unable to sustain a senior club, and secondly on the FAI, for granting a licence to an organisation that seems to have been shaky from the start.

We are no more shaking then a lot of clubs in this league.

We just have a unique talent for washing dirty linen in public.

10/01/2008, 11:23 AM
With the amount of money the FAI make im sure 50K is nothing to them so why cant they help these clubs in trouble instead of just kicking them outta the League

you can't give out 50k to a club, just because they are in trouble.

Im no fan of the FAI, but bailing out them lot would send a dangerous message to other clubs that "sure it'll be grand, fran gavin will bail us out".

Everything barr a handout should be explored...

10/01/2008, 11:27 AM
it seems to be a yearly occurence that teams might have to drop out. something needs to be done to safe quard this. whether it is stricter control of finance or something

10/01/2008, 11:32 AM
you can't give out 50k to a club, just because they are in trouble.

Im no fan of the FAI, but bailing out them lot would send a dangerous message to other clubs that "sure it'll be grand, fran gavin will bail us out".

Everything barr a handout should be explored...

I dont exactly mean a handout as such. Its just there should be more financially backing from the FAI. I mean if a team is successful, its attendances are going to improve which leads to a bigger income. If the FAI helped promote the clubs this would happen, but I suppose I can always dream :rolleyes:

Bunny Kelly
10/01/2008, 11:35 AM
Any where online you can get this article? Or could someone scan it up, I'm abroad so can't get the mighty Irish Star

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 11:36 AM
something needs to be done to safe quard this. whether it is stricter control of finance or something

Eureka!!!! (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=9712&highlight=Club+Licencing) :)

10/01/2008, 11:45 AM
it seems to be a yearly occurence that teams might have to drop out. something needs to be done to safe quard this. whether it is stricter control of finance or something

How about adding another division below the one that is already unsustainable, call it the A League, Force clubs to field an extra team in this division just to add an extra financial burden on clubs who are barely surviving as it is. That'd have to help:rolleyes:

The Man Himself
10/01/2008, 11:47 AM
With the amount of money the FAI make im sure 50K is nothing to them so why cant they help these clubs in trouble instead of just kicking them outta the League

when waterford united or any other club were in trouble the had to dig themselfs out of it without help from the fai,
so why should the fai help limerick out, its not there fault that they owe 50 grand after just one year in buissness,
must be some nob heads running that club.

10/01/2008, 11:51 AM
Very bard article really. The fact he says Noel O Connor has takin over as the new manager and couldn't spell Mcgee right shows he doesn't know much about what he is talking about. Heard the debt is more like 65,000 also and it was last night that fran gavin was sent down.

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 11:52 AM
Very bard article really. The fact he says Noel O Connor has takin over as the new manager and couldn't spell Mcgee right shows he doesn't know much about what he is talking about.

Jesus wept :rolleyes:

Crisis over for another week boys and girls

Poor Student
10/01/2008, 12:08 PM
the way i see it is the FAI are trying to cut the numbers of the teams in the league and they are letting teams like the ones mentioned die a slow death rather than give them a leg up.
once the teams in real financial mess are eradicated they can promote the league as a 10/12 team entity and move from there.

Adding a third tier to the league doesn't seem to fit in with your contraction theory.

Raheny Red
10/01/2008, 12:11 PM
Kilkenny have arguably the best stand for away supporters in Div 1.

In the country!

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 12:14 PM
In the country!

But Raheny Red, I thought ours was your favourite away ground?? :( :p

10/01/2008, 12:28 PM
Agree that Limerick should be getting far bigger attendances but would their ground be able to hold them?

Capacity 2000 due to only having one exit (fire regs).
Thats still 3 times our average attendance !

10/01/2008, 12:28 PM
We will be playing First Division football this season


Yes, but the First Division of which league exactly? :eek:

On a serious note, the ongoing stories of financial instability do reflect poorly on the league, but clubs in neighbouring islands are in much the same boat.

Think: Luton Town, Leeds United, AFC Bournemouth, etc etc

So it's not just an eircom League thing.

Lim till i die
10/01/2008, 12:29 PM
Yes, but the First Division of which league exactly? :eek:



10/01/2008, 12:32 PM
you can't give out 50k to a club, just because they are in trouble.

Im no fan of the FAI, but bailing out them lot would send a dangerous message to other clubs that "sure it'll be grand, fran gavin will bail us out".

Everything barr a handout should be explored...

You are right. The FAI however should be talking to government about a whole host of intiatives to help promote football in this country - not act as a dictating enforcer- this should range from tax breaks to a multitude of grants for various different things. If the FAI cant run the league better than the man off the street then what hope is there.

Raheny Red
10/01/2008, 12:48 PM
But Raheny Red, I thought ours was your favourite away ground?? :( :p

It is ;) - a few Stonehouse and Big Time bars will take some beaten!

10/01/2008, 12:50 PM
Think: Luton Town, Leeds United, AFC Bournemouth

Yeah but considering Leeds, Luton and Bournemouth are bigger than the biggest clubs in this land they're not an ideal comparison. If Ebbsfleet hit the skids on the other hand then I'll sit up and take notice

Claret Murph
10/01/2008, 1:02 PM
Yeah but considering Leeds, Luton and Bournemouth are bigger than the biggest clubs in this land they're not an ideal comparison. If Ebbsfleet hit the skids on the other hand then I'll sit up and take notice

But with Ebbsfleet they have 50,000 people who own the club so a wip round would not be too hard on them .

But I hate seeing Iirsh clubs in trouble , it's getting close to having a Dublin league and no one else .

Yes a sorry story indeed , I hope all 3 clubs will be able to turn it around .....:)

10/01/2008, 1:04 PM
Shocking stuff if it's true.
It'll be a shame to see Athlone and Kilkenny go out of the league.
With Limerick it's just a never ending saga.

placid casual
10/01/2008, 1:13 PM
Adding a third tier to the league doesn't seem to fit in with your contraction theory.

who's to say this isnt a devious plan by the FAI to bankrupt those clubs already on the margins. its been said here that the financial implication of fielding a reserve side could be the difference between sink or swim.

as a fan of the best run club (now at least) ,in the country i know all about assistance for financial troubles.
thing is we had a plan to get oursleves out of the latrine,have stuck to it and hopefully(inshallah) we will blossom in the years to come .

on a personal note .i hope limerick survive .they should kidnap your man jp's horses or something and get some decent ransom

Battery Rover
10/01/2008, 1:36 PM
Shocking stuff if it's true.
It'll be a shame to see Athlone and Kilkenny go out of the league.
With Limerick it's just a never ending saga.

We just have to get through the licensing. The ground is worth over 10 million so €50k isn't an issue.

IMHO it is the best thing that has happened to us as it will show we can't buy a team and that the club can't survive without being part of the community.

10/01/2008, 2:34 PM
maybe the G6 will help out.

10/01/2008, 3:30 PM
As regards the FAI digging clubs out this would be a bad practice. A help up rather than a hand out should be what happens. Clearly Limerick is a big soccer town so they should get priority from the FAI in terms of club promotion and maybe some extra funding for this but by covering debts nothing will be learned about how to build the club up to its former glory.

This is the first time in about 2 years I've agreed with something a Galway fan said. If we can't keep our house in order then it's nobody's responsibility to bail us out. We'll survive for another year at least and the cycle will continue to perpetuate forever and ever amen.

10/01/2008, 3:52 PM
its been said before to limerick fans, why not set up a supporters trust, The Gufc trust contributed about 42-45k this year to its club. Dont forget this excludes the season tickets they buy, the people they drag to games with them and other promotion like posting posters etc and stewarding activities they involve themselves in. It can be the difference between staying afloat and going under.