View Full Version : pls advise : kids over turnstiles

04/06/2003, 9:22 PM
We have 6 ticks on the South Terrace through block booking. We've tried getting extra ticks for 2 kids (8 & 11 yrs) with little luck (tout offered us North Buckets @ 80euro each).

Both lads have been to matches before but ticks v. Albania seem very hard to come by. We're considering going to turnstiles on Saturday and trying to get them in on the day.

Has anyone ever tried this/seen this been done & if so could u pls advise as to our chances.

p.s. posted earlier if anyone has 1/2 tickets spare available at face value will happily buy tickets.


05/06/2003, 7:50 AM
Co chance with the kids over the stiles, might get them in but whn they take somebody's seat who has paid for it, there'll be war...

I reckon you could get them at face value on the day...

05/06/2003, 8:44 AM
thanks dodge - but seats ain't my problem - they can squeeze into our own 6 seats.

getting through turnstiles and upto south terrace is what worries me.

05/06/2003, 9:00 AM
To be honest i dont fancy your chances, and your day could be ruined if you bring them and cant get in,
they'll prob go on about safety etc etc so id be surprised if they got in.
But ya tickets are very hard to come buy for the 2 games, luckily managed to get a few.
Cant imagine tickets been face value on the day either.

05/06/2003, 12:28 PM
I asked the question officially re the Norway friendly for a toddler and got told no. The person then refused to buy a ticket and didn't go.

I think the days of getting 8 yearolds in for free are long gone.

Tickets are still available - go to an Eircom League game this weekend. Shels were selling tickets at Tolka last night to the public (I wasn't there but heard they were).

Tickets on the day will most likely be expensive.

05/06/2003, 1:15 PM
We've tried Shels but they are all sold out...likewise our local club Bray.

We have actually gotten our hands on 1 ticket so we have 5 adults and 1 child ticket, hoping to get 1 more child in...still chances low ??????

05/06/2003, 1:33 PM
Originally posted by joneel
thanks dodge - but seats ain't my problem - they can squeeze into our own 6 seats.

In all fairness for safety reasons theres no way you could do that
and to be honest Im surprised at anyone suggesting it.

If anything happened to injure the kids in question there would
be uproar and seeing as the FAI are trying to gett permission
from FIFA to use the bucket seats for the World Cup Qualifiers as
well safety is a major issue. Especially seeing as in previous
games there have already been injuries in the bucket seats.

05/06/2003, 1:52 PM
Can I just clarify what I said... I meant whatever chance you have of getting them into the ground, you have no chance of the kids being allowed watch the game. Sorry.

05/06/2003, 2:03 PM
Sorry Dodge, that wasnt aimed at you.

Besides, on the way to the turnstyles there are
police there to make sure only ticket holders get
to the turnstyles.

05/06/2003, 2:08 PM
Yeah, you've no chance really. And rightly so too, there'd be serious safety problems with letting kids without tickets into a sold out game.