View Full Version : The Pope/Global Warming

12/12/2007, 7:23 AM
Just caught the tail end of the news on the way to work and heard something
about the Pope giving out about Global Warming and such saying that people
are only scaremongering the public into believing the dangers and harmful
emissions etc., and that people should wait until theres cast iron proven scientific evidence to back everything up.

(Sorry, I didnt catch much of the report so not sure if there was more to it
than that)

Anyone else think its odd for him to be saying this seeing as the Church was
built and still survives to a certain extent on scaremongering about the fires
of hell and they renounce any scientific studies which try to disprove a God
and have a scientific approach to the creation of the World?

Lionel Ritchie
12/12/2007, 7:51 AM
you could argue it's entirely consistent for a pope to turn his back on science and evidence and whistle dixie.

12/12/2007, 10:20 AM
Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/Story/0,,2066711,00.html)

Can't find any links related to this. Best I could find was Pope saying need to save the rain forests.

In other news Pope calls for world peace & everyone to be nice to each other. :p