View Full Version : One to One with John Delaney

11/12/2007, 7:10 PM
Interview with Delaney last night, anyone here watch it? If ya missed it ye can watch it here (http://rte.ie/news/onetoone/index.html). He talks about eircom League from 26mins onwards.

11/12/2007, 7:13 PM
Its already on the ireland section.

11/12/2007, 7:25 PM
Maybe discuss the Eircom league issues in this one and the Irish National Team issues in the other forum.

11/12/2007, 10:07 PM
Its already on the ireland section.I was aware of that yeah. But this is about the EL part, that's why I mentioned it. Some EL fans don't have any interest in Ireland national team so wouldn't see it there.

16/12/2007, 12:00 PM
Just saw the repeat - he thinks attendances increased by 33% last season? what was the figure here? about 10% IIRC

16/12/2007, 4:07 PM
Just saw the repeat - he thinks attendances increased by 33% last season?

That's absolute ******.

17/12/2007, 1:14 PM
Unsurprisingly, the RTE hack is really down on the league - Summer Soccer has failled :rolleyes:

A face
17/12/2007, 8:49 PM
I mostly definitely would be an outspoken critic of Delaney, not always fair at times, called it reactionary if you want, but i have to say he definitely held his own against the guy who interviewed him (who was it anyway?) and while its good that the interviewer doesn't shy away for the important questions that need to be asked, there definitely seemed to be a degree of badgering or goading in the style, even dismissive of the responses at times which helped devalue the interview itself.

There is a long way to go for the association and the league, there is no doubt about that, and i have always said that its the FAI that got us into this situation in the first place so its no harm they get us out of it.

18/12/2007, 11:21 AM
Just saw the repeat - he thinks attendances increased by 33% last season? what was the figure here? about 10% IIRC
Depends. According to the figures maintained here (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=820901&postcount=1578), we're looking at being up from 1,070 to 1,235 - a 15.4% increase. However, there are official figures reported to the FAI too. I doubt those are any higher though - if anything, clubs would have over reported crowds last year in fear of the IAG.