View Full Version : Mistakes in Movies.

11/12/2007, 12:04 PM
ok,i heard from a few people that aparently you can see a white transit van in the background of the film Braveheart.ive not been able to spot it despite watching it several times.does anyone know what scene its in?
theres been other mistakes in movies too,including in a Bond film where he goes into a building and its bright in the backround and then when he comes out its just after dark:-).
another one is in the film Star Wars where after coming back from destroying the Death Star,Luke runs over to princess leia and says her real name,carrie.

11/12/2007, 12:07 PM
In Irreversible when Vincent Cassels character is asked his name at a party he says Vincent , I think most of that scene is improvised and it isnt really noticable

11/12/2007, 12:10 PM
I remember hearing that a few of the weapons used in Gladiator hadn't been invented at that time

You can see tire tracks in the sand in the Greatest Story Ever Told

You can see the tracking helicopter's shadow on the mountain in the opening sequence of the Shining

I'll think of some more

11/12/2007, 12:15 PM
Or just check out Movie Mistakes (http://www.moviemistakes.com/)

11/12/2007, 12:25 PM
This sort of stuff really bugs me..one of the downsides of the Internet

Its fine if its "You can see a truck in the background in Ben Hur", but when there are sites listing crap like "At the start of the scene the character is wearing a watch with a black strap, but at the end of the scene, the strap is clearly brown" it does my head in.

The Wikipedia entries some some South Park episodes even have list of mistakes, including stuff like the scorboard at the stadium where they played thebaseball final is in the wrong corner....


sliced pan
11/12/2007, 12:34 PM
I remember seeing a plane in the sky in Gladiator in the cinema but they must have cut it out on dvd cause I could never see it again unless i dreamed it.

Block G Raptor
11/12/2007, 12:38 PM
Shed's loads of errors in topgun. the numbers on the tail of mavericks plane keep changing during the end battle.
during the Elevator Scene Kelly McGillis is wearing a baseball cap to hide the fact that she's had a hair cut and dye. and tom cruise's hair is constantly changing during the same scene(from wet to dry, combed one side to the other etc.)

11/12/2007, 12:43 PM
I rarely notice these things, and really don't care about them. Unless there's some glaring continuity errors spoiling the film for you, it shouldn't be a problem.

11/12/2007, 12:43 PM
Shed's loads of errors in topgun. the numbers on the tail of mavericks plane keep changing during the end battle.
during the Elevator Scene Kelly McGillis is wearing a baseball cap to hide the fact that she's had a hair cut and dye. and tom cruise's hair is constantly changing during the same scene(from wet to dry, combed one side to the other etc.)
Some might say that whole movie was a mistake.

In Moby Dick, you can see a conspicuously modern looking Youghal lighthouse as the ship heads out to sea.

Lionel Ritchie
11/12/2007, 1:05 PM
I remember hearing that a few of the weapons used in Gladiator hadn't been invented at that time

I think I remember a four wheel cart with a pivoting front axle ...That might've been in an episode of Rome either.
Anyway it's technology not available to the Romans. Part of the reason Roman roads are bullet straight is that they never copped on to the pivoting axle. Hardly a "mistake" though as most people wouldn't know that ...more of a factual inaccuracy.

But CSI for example is full of similar inaccuracies. Some of the stuff they do with image enhancement and audio separation* would be stretching credulity on Star Trek.

*In one episode they separated out the sound of three or possibly four distinctly different vehicles from audio off an answering machine. Theoretically possible but in practice about as do-able as uncooking a chicken or separating a pot of green paint into two seperate pots of yellow and blue.

11/12/2007, 1:06 PM
One of my favourites (thats prob the wrong word :D ) is in teen wolf with Michael J fox. in the big basket ball game at the end an extra in the crowd got bored and took his manhood out and just stood there .

Block G Raptor
11/12/2007, 1:11 PM
Not a mistake but intentional: In Heroes the episode when Hiro's Father(played by George takei who played Sulu in Star Trek) is trying to get him to come back to japan when he gets into his car the REG is NCC-1701 the REG of the starship Enterprise

11/12/2007, 1:21 PM
Biggest mistake in movies is allowing Spielberg to finish his own movies. War of the Worlds and AI would have been better remembered had he left out his smaltzy family reunion bit. We know you had a fractured childhood Steven, but get the **** over it! :mad:

11/12/2007, 1:29 PM
I remember an interview with Peter Jackson after he'd directed the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Some fans had gone through them and found numerous visual mistakes.

The one they focused on was a scene where 2 hobbits leaned against a balcony railing in the Elves homeland (can't remember the name). As hobbits are tiny, and the elves are really tall, the fact that the railing only came up to their lower chest/stomach area was seen as a major mistake.

Jackson's response was, correctly, along th lines of "who gives a ****?"

11/12/2007, 1:48 PM
I guess there's a fine line between pointing out bloopers (like the Storm trooper in Star Wars clocking his head) and getting very anal.

In some ways it's similar to the whole Dogma 95 movement. They started out foregoing special effects, lighting, and props, and tried to find suitable locations, but people got so anal about it ("but that actress isn't really pregnant, she's just got a pillow up her jumper"), that the founders soon distanced themselves from it.

11/12/2007, 3:06 PM
Any Given Sunday. Every touchdown sees the scoreboard jump 7 points, but the scoreboard should only ever go up 6. the extra point is for a conversion which would be a minute later.

11/12/2007, 9:28 PM
There's a modern-looking pen used by Messala in Ben-Hur.

He pushes the button before using it.

Student Mullet
11/12/2007, 9:37 PM
*In one episode they separated out the sound of three or possibly four distinctly different vehicles from audio off an answering machine. Theoretically possible but in practice about as do-able as uncooking a chicken or separating a pot of green paint into two separate pots of yellow and blue.One of the lads in my lab designed a program to do just that.

Doesn't one of these programs have s special 'SLB Filter' to deal with these types of problems?

11/12/2007, 9:44 PM
There's a modern-looking pen used by Messala in Ben-Hur.

He pushes the button before using it.

Charlton Heston has his watch on in a scene doesnt he?

Another thing i heard, but also heard was bull, was in 3 men and a baby....a ghost or cardboard cut out of an old woman in it??

12/12/2007, 1:13 AM
Another thing i heard, but also heard was bull, was in 3 men and a baby....a ghost or cardboard cut out of an old woman in it??

There is a figure clearly to be seen in the background of one scene, think it was just someone visiting the set/or a cut out ad getting caught on camera by mistake but then the myth spread that it was a ghost. Cant remember the full story now

12/12/2007, 1:52 AM

Block G Raptor
12/12/2007, 10:16 AM
It was a promotional cardboard cut out of Ted Danson, the ghost story was developed to cover up the fact that the cardboard cut out was actually a better actor than the real Danson

12/12/2007, 12:17 PM
At the end of the ted danson clip there are more clips across the bottom look at the one with the red circle , pics of ghosts some are just shapes in rocks that might look like people but others gave me shivers . the last one is from the hauted amitiville horroe house of a little boy peaking out ive seen this before and there is no question that there is something there .

Calcio Jack
12/12/2007, 3:29 PM
Well the movie that always amazes me is the one of the Apollo moon landing (released as a TV movie in 1969) staring Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin as a couple of astronauts who land on the moon and then return to Earth... a lot of people actually believe they were watching a live transmission instead of a poorly cobbled together movie.

12/12/2007, 10:03 PM
Wasnt there a KFC sign in the background in Far and Away ?

You get alot of mistakes with regard to flags. Like the Union Flag in movies set in pre-1801 times.

13/12/2007, 1:55 AM
It's not really a mistake as much as a policy decision based on profit, but it is really annoying when a movie is set in a country where English is not the first language, but the movie is in English.

Take Schindler's List. One of the most powerful directors in the world, making the most serious film he'll ever make.

Why do they speak English?
Why do they speak English with German accents?
Why do background characters occasionally speak German (serving only to emphasise the fact that everybody is speaking English)?

I've got a lot of respect for directors who make a movie, especially a historical drama,in the language which would have really been spoken then.
Well done Kevin Costner!!

13/12/2007, 5:58 PM
One of the lads in my lab designed a program to do just that.
If you mean Tom, I don't think he did. You need two or more channels to use the BSS techniques he worked on.

Stevo Da Gull
14/12/2007, 2:37 PM
In Halloween, Michael Myers steels a car and drives away from the mental home... which has been in since the age of 7.... they do driving lessons in mental asylums???

14/12/2007, 3:07 PM
In Halloween, Michael Myers steels a car and drives away from the mental home... which has been in since the age of 7.... they do driving lessons in mental asylums???They sure do. It's called driving around the bend.:D

14/12/2007, 3:25 PM
anyone ever seen 'in america'??? set in the mid eighties yet the lil girl has a digital camcorder and they pass through times square with posters of recent celebs plastered all over the walls..... strange one mr.sheridan