View Full Version : TV Footage - Cameras - TV3

A face
27/05/2003, 12:21 AM

The program Monday night is a great sucess but the quality of the footage in some cases is cr@p altogether.

I did a bit of homework.

Any club/supporters club/anyone interested in improving it instead of moaning about it should read the following.

(Personally i think aim high, it is only worth doing if it kicks áss, half hearted attempts would not improve anything)


In answer to your querie regarding Eircom league coverage, here at TV3 we
use a format called Beta SX of which the cameras plus ancillary equipment
costs in the region of ?35,000. RTE use a system called DVC PRO which would
cost something similar.
The other broadcast spec system that we can use is Beta SP which would be
full broadcast but would be difficult for you to transfer for your own use.

My suggestion would be for you would be to check out the prices of a high
end DV ( or mini DV ) format camera ( check out www.sony.co.uk ). We have
used footage supplied from other clubs on this format and if the camera
operating is good enough then we will use it.This also means that it would
be easier for you to use for transfers to other formats.

The hard part is capturing all the action on a single camera and as i`m sure
you have noticed from TV3 and others output some camera operators are better
than others.I would suggest that whoever you get to shoot the games should
get as much practice at filming games as possible to ensure that the footage
is viewable.

Best of luck,

Paul Daniel
Head of Cameras


Here is Paul Daniels email addy. I'd suggest only contacting him if there is serious interest (i.e.Money in the pot to sort things out.)


27/05/2003, 4:47 PM
In more cases it is the positioning of the Camera as opposed to the quality of picture etc. a lot of Clubs should look at this.

max power
27/05/2003, 4:55 PM
no the quality of the camera is all important, along with the lighting in the ground, the camera person (not wanting to be sexist) and also where in the ground it is.

the dv camera would cost about €4000

27/05/2003, 6:28 PM
just to put my tuppence worth in...

Shouldn't there be an effort to place cameras on the opposite side of the ground from where all the fans are. Its a bit off-putting to the casual viewer and it gives a bad impression of the league. And lets face it - its casual viewers we need to attract in order to boost the popularity of the league.

In Cork's case the camera gantry is opposite the small stand not the big one - I think this was a bit foresighted (although I admit there may have been other considerations, such as cost).

A face
27/05/2003, 8:24 PM

If DV/mini DV is used then the tapes can be sent to TV3 in that format and they will covert the footage and edit it and send the tapes back so the whole thing would be hassle free on that side of things.