View Full Version : Trust I'm Not Stepping On Toes

01/12/2007, 4:53 AM
This may be delicate and apologise in advance if stepping on toes -
Back in the spring when I was last viewing forum on a regular basis, there was a thread re a spectator that would be seen at games around the country, though humerous at times may have been also little demeaning to the gentleman concerned. I note on returning to forum that thread's abscence, would someone enlighten me as to reason. Just curiuos.

01/12/2007, 7:58 AM

That thread was called Tom Watch. Tom is a man who has free travel cause he's not the full Euro and he turns up all over the shop. He has also been known to get lifts from people to go to games or return home from games and people have been known to give him money to help him out. I think he is on some form of welfare but he manages to get into games mostly free of charge. He goes to around 1,000 league games a year :D

01/12/2007, 10:05 AM
He gets free travel because he is an OAP and the thread was pulled because of stupid remarks regarding the old man's mental health like the one above.

01/12/2007, 1:23 PM
Thought that was the case. thanks