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30/11/2007, 3:40 PM
The City fans on the OFF forum are touting Hendo as a replacement for Rico if and when he moves upstairs as Director of Football. The word on the street is that he will be brought in as Head Coach with Pat Dolan as Manager.
Heres hoping he stays where he is!

The Rebel Ram
30/11/2007, 3:49 PM
Can't see him moving yet..........

30/11/2007, 3:52 PM
Too big a season next year

30/11/2007, 5:10 PM
Only City could come up with a system like that. Who will pick the team??

I cannot see these 3 working together and Hendo is a Manger why would he want to demote himself to a head coach?

30/11/2007, 5:53 PM
If the rumours are to believed, and I'll know soon enough, then he deservers all the attention he's getting, but I don't really think leaving Ramblers for our second side will be benificial to him. Having said that though, as soon as he's named 'Manager Of The Year' they'll all want him

A face
30/11/2007, 7:23 PM
The City fans on the OFF forum are touting Hendo as a replacement for Rico if and when he moves upstairs as Director of Football. The word on the street is that he will be brought in as Head Coach with Pat Dolan as Manager.
Heres hoping he stays where he is!


Lads, relax ... rumour is all this is. Dolan back as manager gives this rumour absolutely no credibility so theres NOTHING to worry about.

01/12/2007, 7:37 AM
The City fans on the OFF forum are touting Hendo as a replacement for Rico if and when he moves upstairs as Director of Football. The word on the street is that he will be brought in as Head Coach with Pat Dolan as Manager.
Heres hoping he stays where he is!

don t forget pat dolan is already consultant with wexford and setanta sport!!!

Comic Book Guy
01/12/2007, 7:39 AM
I'd have to agree, this is nothing but speculation, besides even if Richardson did go it wouldn't surprise me to see City look cross channel.

A face
01/12/2007, 10:07 AM
I'd have to agree, this is nothing but speculation, besides even if Richardson did go it wouldn't surprise me to see City look cross channel.

Its not even that, its wishful thinking .... but sure they have to dream :rolleyes:

01/12/2007, 10:28 PM
Cork City want Hendo....apparently!
The City fans on the OFF forum are touting Hendo as a replacement

It was the first three words where this threads thesis fell apart.
The suggestions of web-posters like ourselves don't send club secretaries scrambling to panic-renew contracts.

03/12/2007, 12:16 AM
this has to be expected lads, hes done an amazing job. Would be interesting to see what would happen if he was offered the job as manager,full time with attractive wage. i would be confident hed stay but couldnt blame him if he left either,could shoot him for it though.ha

03/12/2007, 11:38 AM
well rico admitted his times up, interesting to see who's gonna take it

03/12/2007, 12:21 PM
I'd say it's more a case of who wants it at this stage. Dolan looks set to return I'd say.

don ramo
03/12/2007, 1:07 PM
waht a disaster of a club to take over, they are the tightets bunch of c***s ever, they keep sayin there broke, which is impossible unless they were just pi***ng it away, they have made literally millions in transfers last 3 years, and haven't spent much in bringing in new players, compare our budget as a percentage of what came in last year id say a higher percentage of our budget went directly into the team, city probabaly have a lower percentage of there budget goin to the team, city will only get worse and thats a sorry fact theyll have to live up to as long as richardson is there, he is useless, sure they left gutrie here all season when there defence was utter tripe, what does that say, i think hendo would prefer to stay with the team he has benn building for teh last few year anyway, its probably a step up, but for what you have to deal with it at that club, would it honestly be worth it,

03/12/2007, 6:21 PM
something seriously wrong with city players took the 100k prize for winning the cup ass they had not been paid in weeks rico has admitted he does not know what is going on the press cant contact the directors apparently the munster council are waiting for back rent for the cross .... panic button time id say:ball:

03/12/2007, 6:47 PM
something seriously wrong with city players took the 100k prize for winning the cup ass they had not been paid in weeks rico has admitted he does not know what is going on the press cant contact the directors apparently the munster council are waiting for back rent for the cross .... panic button time id say:ball:

Let's hope that Ramblers don't go the same way financially. We need to have plenty of fundraisers throughout the year to draw in extra revenue.

04/12/2007, 1:12 PM
something seriously wrong with city players took the 100k prize for winning the cup ass they had not been paid in weeks rico has admitted he does not know what is going on the press cant contact the directors apparently the munster council are waiting for back rent for the cross .... panic button time id say:ball:

You can only wish. I particularly like the pay you adding 2 & 2 to get 10. :rolleyes:

05/12/2007, 6:13 AM
Big congrats to Stevo on winning the Philips Irish Sports Manager of the Month Award (which covers all team sports) for November.

Thankfully, Stephen Kenny was sacked by Dunfermline yesterday. If Richardson goes, the City board won't be able to resist employing another over-paid, over-rated manager and should now keep well away from our Hendo.

05/12/2007, 10:19 AM
something seriously wrong with city players took the 100k prize for winning the cup ass they had not been paid in weeks rico has admitted he does not know what is going on the press cant contact the directors apparently the munster council are waiting for back rent for the cross .... panic button time id say:ball:

what a fairy Tale!

don ramo
05/12/2007, 10:25 AM
the thing i find about roumour is that there is normally a bit of truth in it, but i cant see how city are short on cash, so its a maybe rourmour

05/12/2007, 10:30 AM
the thing i find about roumour is that there is normally a bit of truth in it, but i cant see how city are short on cash, so its a maybe rourmour

take a guess as to what their wage bill is and then look at the gates they were getting towards the end of the season, our gates were nearly as big and I would say that Healy was being paid more than our entire squad

don ramo
05/12/2007, 10:59 AM
take a guess as to what their wage bill is and then look at the gates they were getting towards the end of the season, our gates were nearly as big and I would say that Healy was being paid more than our entire squad

ya but they have also have gotten millions in transfers in the last few year and no sign of where it went, well none that ive seen anyway,

05/12/2007, 11:04 AM
ya but they have also have gotten millions in transfers in the last few year and no sign of where it went, well none that ive seen anyway,

wages i would say, one question i would like to ask is are the players at clubs that are full time paid for 52 weeks of the year if so then that would answer where a lot of the money would have gone as ni income in off season

05/12/2007, 11:32 AM
ya but they have also have gotten millions in transfers in the last few year

.....have I missed something!??

05/12/2007, 11:36 AM
close on one million not millions

05/12/2007, 11:39 AM
close on one million not millions
Donovan, Doyle, Bennett, Long(went on a free), who else did they sell for big money

05/12/2007, 11:44 AM
doyle was small long was smaller.. bennett went for 400 euro or close on so did o donavan ball park figures a city fan will clear this up they certainly havent got millions for transfers in the last few seasons

don ramo
05/12/2007, 12:52 PM
either way, it dint go back into the team, no big transfers that i recall, that is a lot of wages to be honest, they still had gates, merchandise and prize money so how can they be strapped for cash, where did it all go

05/12/2007, 2:57 PM
they have made literally millions in transfers last 3 years, . . . . . . . . . . city will only get worse and thats a sorry fact theyll have to live up to ,Sounds bad alright.
Where have these millions gone?
Panic button time if you ask me

city players took the 100k prize for winning the cup as they had not been paid in weeks apparently the munster council are waiting for back rent for the cross .... panic button time id say
GAA *****s!

take a guess as to what their wage bill is €TEN MILLION? . . . . . . . . . .

and then look at the gates they were getting towards the end of the season, 1,000 langers

our gates were nearly as big :D and I would say that Healy was being paid more than our entire squad
What's your wage bill? €5,000 min? Probably beats his old Celtic wage.
We're some fools.
Panic button time I'd say.

ya but they have also have gotten millions in transfers in the last few year and no sign of where it went, well none that ive seen anyway,
On Healys €5,000 a week duh.

Donovan, Doyle, Bennett, Long(went on a free), who else did they sell for big money
I can't remember who else we sold for big money a la O'Donovan and Bennett, not to mind Doyle and Long.

WRONG, lads ye're talking some jar of **** here.
Seriously, get real.

Actually, Stephen O'Flynn and Kevin Murray.
Where are those bumper fees gone?:mad:
I want answers.:ball:

don ramo
05/12/2007, 3:06 PM
typical city, turns everthing into sarcastic joke to cover up the cracks, ye have gotten E1 milion plus in transfers, as everone know,

if ye are payin healy E5,000 a week:rolleyes: ye derserve to be in the **** no eircom league players is worth that,

E5,000 a week should be fairly sustainable, so wheres the problem, and there do seem to be problems, as i siad theres no smoke without fire

05/12/2007, 3:06 PM
the thing i find about roumour is that there is normally a bit of truth in it, but i cant see how city are short on cash, so its a maybe rourmour

Yeah the truth being they got the prize money.....as a bonus.

05/12/2007, 3:07 PM
I don't believe it myself but any one hear the rumour that Cobh paying their players in fruit & veg?

(must be some truth in it?)

don ramo
05/12/2007, 3:11 PM
I don't believe it myself but any one hear the rumour that Cobh paying their players in fruit & veg?

(must be some truth in it?)

yes we do, it saves money, gutsie got a pinapple and some red onions for each apperance last year, and davin got bannans and oranges for his goal bonus

gee wizz
05/12/2007, 3:18 PM
typical city, turns everthing into sarcastic joke to cover up the cracks, ye have gotten E1 milion plus in transfers, as everone know,

if ye are payin healy E5,000 a week:rolleyes: ye derserve to be in the **** no eircom league players is worth that,

E5,000 a week should be fairly sustainable, so wheres the problem, and there do seem to be problems, as i siad theres no smoke without fire

jesus:eek: if i knew eircom league players were getting paid that much i would never have stayed in school,if healey is on that much and i very much doubt it how much are they paying gamble,farreally,o'flynn,devine,behan and murray,i want to play for city they are loaded:D

don ramo
05/12/2007, 3:21 PM
ya ORT is on E10,000 a week up there

gee wizz
05/12/2007, 3:26 PM
ya ORT is on E10,000 a week up there

thats it when do they train i'm there,i'll even get blonde streaks in my hair and wear ponsey white boots,:D

05/12/2007, 3:36 PM
Nobody knows what Healy or any other City player earns. That is the only FACT in this whole thread.

gee wizz
05/12/2007, 3:39 PM
Nobody knows what Healy or any other City player earns. That is the only FACT in this whole thread.

there ye go again using that word "FACT"yourself and outside in love using it,its only a long shot but i'd say this thread is only a bit of horse play so dont take it so serious FACT

05/12/2007, 3:42 PM
there ye go again using that word "FACT"yourself and outside in love using it,its only a long shot but i'd say this thread is only a bit of horse play so dont take it so serious FACT

here we go again the handbags are out, FACT, outside in not even on this thread so leave sleeping dogs lie

05/12/2007, 3:45 PM
fact is city have not gotten over a million, and if they have its a minusicule amount over it, in transfers.. so stop talking poos don ramo your making a fool of yourself. or else prove where the million'S as you say came from.

any we dont not pay our young squad in fruit and veg they dont like healthy stuff like that coke and taytos all the way

05/12/2007, 3:52 PM
fact is city have not gotten over a million, and if they have its a minusicule amount over it, in transfers...

The numbers report in the press are always exaggerated as City use that as a bargaining tool for next time they get interest in a player. Often that money is not all upfront.

No chance Healy on 5k a week. Max City player would be on 100-150k per year at very most.

05/12/2007, 3:56 PM
i agree city couldnt possibly have got 1,000,000 based on two sales namely bennett and o donavan... doyle and long went for what ???? combined?

05/12/2007, 3:56 PM
The numbers report in the press are always exaggerated as City use that as a bargaining tool for next time they get interest in a player. Often that money is not all upfront.

No chance Healy on 5k a week. Max City player would be on 100-150k per year at very most.

heard figures farrelly and healy on 3k per week each

05/12/2007, 4:01 PM
taht would be about right but im sure the players dont get paid every week of the year wasnt city and longfords orignal complaint about the delay of the cup final that they had to pay their players for an extra 3 weeks.....?

05/12/2007, 4:04 PM
taht would be about right but im sure the players dont get paid every week of the year wasnt city and longfords orignal complaint about the delay of the cup final that they had to pay their players for an extra 3 weeks.....?

thats what i was trying to find out

05/12/2007, 4:07 PM
taht would be about right but im sure the players dont get paid every week of the year wasnt city and longfords orignal complaint about the delay of the cup final that they had to pay their players for an extra 3 weeks.....?

No. Well not for us. Our players are fully professional and are paid all year round.

It would have had an impact on Longford though. The no game for three weeks was our problem.

05/12/2007, 4:10 PM
that seems a fairly hefty burden, to pay players for all the time they spend sitting around for the next 2 months... me reckons even if every player was on a grand on average that'd be say 15 k a week at most x 4 weeks x 2 months = 120,000 just to pay players in the off season.

05/12/2007, 4:16 PM
that seems a fairly hefty burden, to pay players for all the time they spend sitting around for the next 2 months... me reckons even if every player was on a grand on average that'd be say 15 k a week at most x 4 weeks x 2 months = 120,000 just to pay players in the off season.

Average wouldn't be a grand.

Theres not much choice though. These players are professional. You cant ask them to find another job for a month or two. This is their living. Theyl be back in preseason the middle of january so Its only just over a month really. And during that they'l be going to schools with the trophy etc and doing pr work.

05/12/2007, 4:19 PM
granted all the school work and trophy work is alot of time... would the average wage not be a grand???? it wouldnt be worth while for any professional to play for less than a grand per week imo as its such a short career espicially in the LOI where some clubs are semi pro....

05/12/2007, 4:22 PM
granted all the school work and trophy work is alot of time... would the average wage not be a grand???? it wouldnt be worth while for any professional to play for less than a grand per week imo as its such a short career espicially in the LOI where some clubs are semi pro....

Most of our team would be under a grand.

Only Healy Farrelly, Gamble, Murray and John O Flynn would be over it Id say. Maybe Hoggy but I doubt it.