View Full Version : Favourite Chocolate Bar

26/05/2003, 11:47 AM
dont know if it counts as a bar but rolo's are the job imo
i was talking to GWA last night in the pub and he agreed with me on this one

thoughts? :)

Tom Peppers
26/05/2003, 11:55 AM
I would go for something a bit more crunchy and controversial like a JAMES type of Goalside bar. What are your thoughts James

26/05/2003, 11:57 AM
Yeah I'm going to have to go with Rolo's too. I think the way they have a kind of a gathering in your mouth and cause a unique taste explosion is the job.

26/05/2003, 12:06 PM
ah, did we not do all this already with petes poll?

smarties bar and galaxy caramel.


Tom Peppers
26/05/2003, 12:08 PM
Colm if James said Black was white you would go along with it. I feel sorry for you, you having no mind of your own

26/05/2003, 12:54 PM
I went to a gathering with Tom Peppers last night and he said black was white.

Tom Peppers
26/05/2003, 12:57 PM
I was out with Oddboy aka colm and he said black was white but unlike you my dear friend colm i didnt believe it

26/05/2003, 1:34 PM
Originally posted by Tom Peppers
I was out with Oddboy aka colm and he said black was white but unlike you my dear friend colm i didnt believe it
But I thought White IS the new Black..:confused:

:D :D

max power
26/05/2003, 1:36 PM
Originally posted by Tom Peppers
Colm if James said Black was white you would go along with it. I feel sorry for you, you having no mind of your own

Tom i feel sorry for you, all you do is go around the forum sluking and moaning about other people, you never even said what type of bar you like(drifter for me) . grow up and talk about the relevent topic(nice bar too) . and as macy said, you know macy not me, peppers out !!!!!

26/05/2003, 1:53 PM
Rolos are individual sweets, not a bar - but damn nice all the
same :D
Although now that I think about it, there is a Rolo Bar out now.

Fairly fond of Wispas and Toffee Crisps, and you cant go far
wrong with a Double Decker

26/05/2003, 3:01 PM
Ok since this has turned into a real discussion. I like Dairy Milk, Time Out, Twirl and Kit Kat. Basically I only like fairly plain cholcolate bars.

26/05/2003, 3:02 PM
but i thought u liked rolo ;) colm ???? *lost*

max power
26/05/2003, 3:08 PM
colm clearly you are a crisp man and not a chocolate man, i loved the limited edition dark mars bar or a fudge

26/05/2003, 3:11 PM
Originally posted by James
but i thought u liked rolo ;) colm ????

Only when I'm at a gathering!;)

26/05/2003, 3:11 PM
I reckon Rolo's have to count as a bar for the purposes of this discussion... wouldn't be high on my list as due to their very nature you feel obliged to share them....

1) Drifter
2) Twix
3) Toffee Crisp

max power
26/05/2003, 3:24 PM
conor you might not know anything about music (love of the eurovision) but your taste in chocolate redems you, miniture hersheys or kisses as they are known are my fav of all time, i but them every time i'm in america, you can buy hersheys in the spar on camden st in dublin.