View Full Version : Heavy-handed

26/05/2003, 11:33 AM
Ha! If you guys think I'm heavy-handed, look at gandalf go here (http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/printthread.php?s=&threadid=97527&perpage=35)!

(Must bookmark that thread for future reference.)


Tom Peppers
26/05/2003, 11:44 AM
Yes Adam , i have to agree on this one. That guys way out of control. Please dont take any tips from him. Otherwise we ll be left with no one:)

max power
26/05/2003, 11:44 AM
yeah thats the way to do it, no mercy shown, and he even got in a point about celtic not winning the spl, sweet,

ABC !!!!!!!!!!!

26/05/2003, 11:45 AM
nice thread
some of the kids here cud learn a thing or 2 about trolling from that board :)

Tom Peppers
26/05/2003, 11:48 AM
Macy why do you always have to start on about this. Couldnt you just leave the Celtic argument alone for a change especially when you know there are a few celtic fans on this board as well. Just give it a break will you. Otherwise well have another long massive thread of celtic and anti celtic

max power
26/05/2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Tom Peppers
Macy why do you always have to start on about this. Couldnt you just leave the Celtic argument alone for a change especially when you know there are a few celtic fans on this board as well. Just give it a break will you. Otherwise well have another long massive thread of celtic and anti celtic

tom look at the name, it wasn't macy. actually read next time instead of just looking at the words celtic and not winning

ABC------- anyone but celtic

Tom Peppers
26/05/2003, 12:06 PM
Sorry bad mistake, but as usual your ignorance is unreal. All you ever do is look for faults. You disregarded my post because you had no actual answer for it. Your just looking for a big argument and its a bad example you are setting regarding Longford fans

26/05/2003, 12:19 PM
Actually gandalf is one of the mods of the Politics board on Boards, which is possibly one of the most difficult to mod on the site. I say fair dues to him. :)


Tom Peppers
26/05/2003, 12:23 PM
I would have to agree with Conor. He takes the line its my ball, your not playing.

26/05/2003, 12:47 PM
a true piece of excellance!!

max power
26/05/2003, 1:13 PM
Originally posted by Tom Peppers
Sorry bad mistake, but as usual your ignorance is unreal. All you ever do is look for faults. You disregarded my post because you had no actual answer for it. Your just looking for a big argument and its a bad example you are setting regarding Longford fans

tom what does the word ignorance mean ??? i'm a longofrd supporter but my own person, for years i've listened to celtic fans preaching to me and i'm showing them what we've had to put up with. i looked at the original post by gondolf and i commented on everything he said, like it or not i can't stand celic and i'll keep saying so, i'm not abusive or speaking down to anyone, i'm justing saying what i think and i'm not alone in my feelings, chill a bit tom.

and the problem of policing a site like this is hard, someone whom i know runs another forum bans the persons ip address so they can't just keep joining under other names to support there out agenda

26/05/2003, 1:25 PM
What do "trolling" and "flame wars" mean?

26/05/2003, 1:27 PM
Originally posted by Tom Peppers
Macy why do you always have to start on about this
Peppers OUT!!!!!! I really think you should pay more attention to who actually posted.... :p

For the record I really didn't care either way yesterday...

26/05/2003, 5:47 PM
Originally posted by oddboy
What do "trolling" mean?
I haven't a clue but I always pictured a small little guy with buckle shoes, big red eyes, freckles, orange hair and smelly breath at a computer... :confused:

26/05/2003, 5:55 PM
I'm off to canvess RTE to show the SPL champions Rangers next season. I think its really unfair they show the runners up all the time.


26/05/2003, 6:42 PM
Originally posted by oddboy
What do "trolling" and "flame wars" mean?

trolls are big giants

26/05/2003, 6:48 PM
Originally posted by pete
I'm off to canvess RTE to show the SPL champions Rangers next season. I think its really unfair they show the runners up all the time.


or better yet some real irish soccer :rolleyes:
hey boards.ie is pretty good innit just after discoverin it!

26/05/2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by goalside
trolls are big giants
Did your dad ever read you the story about the "Three Billy Goats Gruff" and what happened when they met the Troll? :D

27/05/2003, 11:40 AM
Is every thread gonna turn into the 'I Hate Celtic' thread?

max power
27/05/2003, 11:47 AM
(click to hear the word) (trl)
v. trolled, trollĀ·ing, trolls
v. tr.

To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.
To fish in by trailing a baited line: troll the lake for bass.
To trail (a baited line) in fishing.
Slang To patrol (an area) in search for someone or something: "[Criminals] troll bus stations for young runaways" (Pete Axthelm).
To sing in succession the parts of (a round, for example).
To sing heartily: troll a carol.
To roll or revolve.
v. intr.
To fish by trailing a line, as from a moving boat.

To wander about; ramble.
Slang To patrol an area in search for someone or something.
Music To sing heartily or gaily.
To roll or spin around.

The act of trolling for fish.
A lure, such as a spoon or spinner, that is used for trolling.
Music A vocal composition in successive parts; a round

thats what it means !!!!