View Full Version : going nowhere

15/11/2007, 10:44 AM
Had been to a few games in Rathbane over the years but this year I decided cos I wasnt playing no more I'd go to Jackman and lend my support. I ended up going to every home game bar 2, no away games and the lads I was going with drifted off during the season cos of the quality. This team isnt that bad but what annoyed me was McGee playing a different side every time I saw them and how he couldnt see the most basic of things on the pitch How many times this season did we get caught with a hit and hope long ball over the top? We will never try to pass it and roaring at the top of your voice will only pscyh up farmers with sticks

From what I read and see the club is trying and looking like going forward but next season will be another backward step if he's still in charge

Lim till i die
15/11/2007, 12:24 PM
From what I read and see the club is trying and looking like going forward but next season will be another backward step if he's still in charge