View Full Version : Job rejection letters

Pauro 76
12/11/2007, 3:20 PM
Just wondering do all interview rejection letters or emails run by the usual template? They always seem to say the same things in the nicest possible way. A loose translation...

Thank you for coming to see us regarding the role of ????????????. (ah no it was no bother. I just turned down a possible day's work for your interview, I gotta earn a crust somehow.)

Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time (ha ha loser), but we will hold your details on record if a position becomes available in the future. (no you won't because I applied for this job before, anyway my records are irrelevant, you'd probably filed it under T for Trash)

We wish you all the best in your career (best of luck in the bar job and scraping a living),

Kind Regards (yeah right)

Has anyone had a rejection letter/email that just got straight to the point? Rant over.

12/11/2007, 3:23 PM
I'd imagine you'd create more than a forum thread if the response was "You are inadequate. That is all. Goodbye."

Pauro 76
12/11/2007, 3:29 PM
I actually wouldn't mind that. But why not be more creative with your job rejection letters instead of the dancing around the point.

'Thanks for your letter, but we get schmucks like you emailing CV's and harassing us everyday. Don't bother us again.'

There. :)

12/11/2007, 3:31 PM
I actually wouldn't mind that. But why not be more creative with your job rejection letters instead of the dancing around the point.

'Thanks for your letter, but we get schmucks like you emailing CV's and harassing us everyday. Don't bother us again.'

There. :)

Depends - where/what field did you apply to? They might have industry specific insults prepared.

(Unpassable bad joke: Longford fan, was it the dairy fields or the turnip fields?)

Pauro 76
12/11/2007, 3:36 PM
Depends - where/what field did you apply to? They might have industry specific insults prepared.

(Unpassable bad joke: Longford fan, was it the dairy fields or the turnip fields?)

Bmmmthssshh! :)

12/11/2007, 3:56 PM
I actually wouldn't mind that. But why not be more creative with your job rejection letters instead of the dancing around the point.

'Thanks for your letter, but we get schmucks like you emailing CV's and harassing us everyday. Don't bother us again.'

There. :)

you are always looking for new work Pauro. never got any of those to be honest, dont know what its like to recieve rejection for a job ive gone for.

12/11/2007, 7:21 PM
I once got a really beautiful letter from a place I worked at before and was thinking of going back there but in a totally different position. I kept the letter coz it was so nice, poetic and asking how I and the kids were etc.


12/11/2007, 7:26 PM
Got a post it left in reception for me before, they asked me to come in but whoever else they asked got the job so they left a post it with the receptionist for me.

"abryne didnt get the job"

They spelt my name wrong so maybe it was a blessing :D


12/11/2007, 7:46 PM
Congratulations! You're hired. NOT!:D

12/11/2007, 7:51 PM
I remember working in a video store when I was 19 and anyone who dropped a CV into myself or any of my other fellow part timers that had bettered us in the leaving cert got it hopped straight in the trash. I sometimes think that that level of vetting goes on in all manner of employment to be honest

12/11/2007, 8:08 PM
I remember working in a video store when I was 19 and anyone who dropped a CV into myself or any of my other fellow part timers that had bettered us in the leaving cert got it hopped straight in the trash. I sometimes think that that level of vetting goes on in all manner of employment to be honest

polish people drop in cvs to my job all the time, the warehouse lads vet the womens one by the pics they have on them (anyone know why they do that?)

Any fuglies are dumped.


12/11/2007, 10:14 PM
PAURO, I've gotten two which got to the point.
Your application was unsuccessful. Best of luck in the future.
The only time I was ever told I'd be kept on file, I was rang back and hired within a few weeks.
I suppose the difference is I applied for vacancies rather than just handing in my cv.
We have a standard letter in work for cvs but if they impress you might adjust it a little to give them hope and retain their interest if there actually could be a vacancy soon.

My manager gave me a big sack of CVs a while back and told me and another staff member to pick out two or three we liked and they were interviewed for the position at the time.
We were a bit stuck at the time and usually advertise the position and only consider the applicants who replied to the ad.

Pauro 76
13/11/2007, 6:30 AM
you are always looking for new work Pauro. never got any of those to be honest, dont know what its like to recieve rejection for a job ive gone for.

well good for you then.

13/11/2007, 9:27 AM
i was being smart pauro!! im was being facetious

Pauro 76
13/11/2007, 11:38 AM
i was being smart pauro!! im was being facetious

Ha ha had to google the word to find out what it was! Nah its grand.... just frustration and relegation combined! :)

13/11/2007, 12:16 PM
The advent of the FOI Act has had a dramatic impact on the interview notes you can keep.

Over the last number of years the prospective candidate can now request exactly what the interviewer wrote during the interview process.

Years ago it wasn't majorly unusual to uncover interview notes that were never intended to see the light of day and were sketched down to partly keep the interviewer amused.

"This candidate has delusions of adequacy" and "Do not touch this person with a barge pole" are good examples of what would tend to appear!!!!!

15/11/2007, 5:51 PM
I've always thought the line "we'll keep your cv on file" was a load of crap, and why even bother saying so, a bit of closure is a much better tonic.

Although I for my current job, I was rejected first :( and called back for an interview 2 months later when their 1st choice didnt work out :rolleyes:

Despite that, I still think most companies dont keep cv's on file, they have to re-advertise for new positions anyway.