View Full Version : Dr Tony O'Neill League final

12/11/2007, 1:04 PM

Admission on Thursday is €10 for adults and €5 for students/Kids.

This is our chance to end the season on a high KICK OFF 7:45 Belfield Park
No stroking seats afterwards!

12/11/2007, 4:38 PM

Do we have to give them back to the FAI? :D

13/11/2007, 11:56 AM

Do we have to give them back to the FAI? :D

No we need them for phase 2 of the bowl!:)

pineapple stu
13/11/2007, 4:20 PM
What, we need seats to build a cantilever roof?

13/11/2007, 4:37 PM
What, we need seats to build a cantilever roof?
The Greens are in power now PS. It's recycle this, recycle that. No wonder...

15/11/2007, 7:31 PM
The Greens are in power now PS. It's recycle this, recycle that. No wonder...

POTM nomination :D

15/11/2007, 11:15 PM

pineapple stu
16/11/2007, 3:21 AM

As comfortable a 4-2 win on penalties as you're ever likely to see. We weren't far off camped in their half for much of the second half and extra time, but as with the senior team, having a shot seemed beyond us. Pat's carved out some decent chances, but always seemed to fall over their final pass.

Trophy's now ours for keeps as three time winners, and as it enters retirement. :)

16/11/2007, 8:32 AM
Glad we got to keep the cup. Was confined to bed with a virus absolutely gutted to miss the game and delighted we won. It will live in a Glass Case in the Sports Centre alongside the World Collegiate Championship 1987 trophy !

16/11/2007, 6:24 PM
Been there, worn the t-shirt. :cool:

Ah no, great achievement to win three in four years- we can claim that last year was a transition peroid after the previous successful team became senior players.;) I think we have a stronger team now than we had then and if some of them develop as they have been could become excellent players in the future.

16/11/2007, 6:47 PM
...some of them... could become excellent players in the future.
Like who, for example?

Poor Student
16/11/2007, 7:58 PM
Like who, for example?

Evan McMillan, Tony Doyle, possibly Fran Moran and maybe Forsyth but I don't think he'll make the cut in the long term.

Student Mullet
19/11/2007, 2:37 AM
we can claim that last year was a transition period after the previous successful team became senior players.I blame the county council.

24/11/2007, 10:06 AM
does anyone have the video of this game? At least 2 cameras, possibly 3, were filming it!

24/11/2007, 5:35 PM
One of them was from Pats but they only have the penalties, hardly surprising given the lack of goalmouth action.