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Claret Murph
09/11/2007, 6:39 AM
Any news on season tickets for next season ?

Will it be the same price for anywhere in the ground or could you have to pay more for a seat in the new stand .

Any talk about the price of the season ticket ?

And last are you going to invest again as around 1000 of us did last season , and I will be taking my new season ticket for 2008 how about you :)

Tir Oilean
09/11/2007, 7:50 AM
I'll be taking one again too. I noticed that the season ticket in Waterford was €220 this season so there will surely be an increase in our one. I would say however that if people choose to get a bronze, silver or gold season ticket they should get what they pay for. By that I mean the parking space, media pack and the merchandise. And before anyone says contact the club if you didnt get it, I shouldn't have to. The one thing I really did need I was denied it. If parking spaces cant be provided they shouldn't be offered.

09/11/2007, 9:19 AM
Season Tickets information will be out next week

09/11/2007, 11:25 AM
think they will be doing well to make the 1000 mark - like last year - the early take up is the indicator - most were sold early on and very few with the onset of the season

will there be a sunderland type carrot this year????

Patrick Dunne
09/11/2007, 11:45 AM
All will be revealed next week, as trainee says.

07/12/2007, 6:09 PM
Droghed's Price List

Drogheda United Season Tickets 2008 will be available from Saturday, 8th December at 9:30am in The Drog Shop. The prices are as follows:

Pre-Christmas Price-----------------------------Post-Christmas Price
Stand €300--------------------------------------------€340
Terrace €250------------------------------------------- €290

Category Price
Stand €140
Terrace €110

Category Price
Stand €100
Terrace €70

The admission fee for next season is:

Adult €20
Child €5
Concession €8
Stand Extra €5

08/12/2007, 7:29 AM
Is there much of a difference in what we are charging and what the league champions are charging? For entertainment value this bit of news is only bad news for gufc.

Patrick Dunne
08/12/2007, 10:39 AM
Drogheda are charging E340 for a seat in a decrepit ground.

GUFC are charging E250 for a seat in what is probably the best stand in
the country.

If we want to compete with these clubs, then we have to charge similar prices.

08/12/2007, 3:03 PM
lads we can keep talking about this until the cows come home. We cant make people buy the season tickets but spending a month moaning is only depressing everyone.I wish the new season was starting next friday asi I feel as excited already about next season as I have done in a decade :)so lets all get behind the club and concentrate on football.

08/12/2007, 3:38 PM
Note though that drogheda are offering a pre xmas discount.

08/12/2007, 6:34 PM
you get a kids ticket free if you buy your season ticket before christmas saving €40 .

As ive said we could stay arguing on here for ages if you want to see a succesfull team in Galway you have a choice to make no one else can do it for you. :ball::ball:

09/12/2007, 10:08 AM
you get a kids ticket free if you buy your season ticket before christmas saving €40 .

As ive said we could stay arguing on here for ages if you want to see a succesfull team in Galway you have a choice to make no one else can do it for you. :ball::ball:
You have to argue !!
why do you think they are throwing in the kids ticket now..they changed there tune because of the response they are seeing on the forums.so dont keep telling people to keep quiet.

09/12/2007, 1:21 PM
we cant just close our eyes. I didnt disagree with the increase either but fans like us will buy season tickets even if the games are on at 3am n the morning. The problem i am finding and this is a real example that 4 lads in one place of employment have told me they are not renewing when i asked them to. 1 lady who bought 2 off me for christmas presents last year said her husband and the son really got into united over the season and really made use of them but they would have tolerated a 30-40 euro increase but felt this christmas €500 was just a bit too far for 2 tickets. She said her husband and son would pick and choose games this year. Now this is a genuine problem we got 4 lads who were never regulars to buy tickets last season they enjoyed the experience but this year feel they are being squeezed a bit too much. Maybe a gradual increase over the 2-3 seasons would be better but thats hindsight. Maybe united can come up with some concession and imaginative ideas not to lose these fairly new recruits from last season and keep them coming up the dyke. Dont get me wrong gufct I am all for having to pay if we want to compete and I like you am genuinely excited about the
prospects for the next few season but its important we dont bury our heads as well and face some of the issues. If we do that im sure we can hold on to these fans and build the support. The most important resource united have are season ticket holders and above all else, these people should be cherished, made feel very special evrytime they walk through the turnstiles at terryland and it is well worth while for united to spend time on all season ticket holders of last season and ask, listen and come up with solutions to make everyone renew. In fact the full time staff are in place now to measure,protect and mine utds most valuble resource. That activity will pay for itself in multiples over the next 5 years

09/12/2007, 4:47 PM
you get a kids ticket free if you buy your season ticket before christmas saving €40 .

As ive said we could stay arguing on here for ages if you want to see a succesfull team in Galway you have a choice to make no one else can do it for you. :ball::ball:
I don't have a kid - offer not relevant.
I don't need to sit in the Corrib stand - offer not relevant.

Of course we have the right to express our opinions, surely that's the point of a forum and messageboards.

I think that the club have been disrespectful to the season ticket holders of the past few years in not offering them any real tangible incentive to renew.
I think that they are gambling on these supporters renewing regardless.

10/12/2007, 11:40 AM
I bought two tickets on the night of the forum and signed the nephew up for the free "Tiger Ticket". I received the new season ticket there and then. The Tiger ticket was to be mailed to me. Does anyone know if these tiger tickets will be mailed before Christmas?
Also wasn't there supposed to be a free scarf and hat included with all tickets sold on the night? are these also going to mailed out?

10/12/2007, 12:01 PM
Drogheda are charging E340 for a seat in a decrepit ground.

GUFC are charging E250 for a seat in what is probably the best stand in
the country.

If we want to compete with these clubs, then we have to charge similar prices.

apples and pears PD.

drogheda are backed by money men who many people believe are doing a 'shelbourne', the percentage of overall income coming from season ticket sales is very small indeed.

in any business when settling on a price for something you have to work out at what price something can be sold at in order to maximise uptake and consequently return - supply and demand (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_and_demand).

in this instance GUFC have just seemed to see at what price they can get away with charging for something!!

if there were 800 season tickets sold for €150 in 2007 then they have to sell almost 500 at €250 to equal last seasons return, i doubt there will be 500 sold and if there is there won't be many more than that. yes the people who always buy them will but the 'floaters' who bought them last year most definately will not. i reckon there would have been more of a chance of selling 600 at €200 than 500 at €250.

GUFC took in approximately €120,000 from season tickets last season. about 10% of the overall budget. (they took in a similar figure for the sunderland game!!)

if they sold the same amount of season tickets this coming season they will only generate 7.5% of the overall budget.

why on earth are they risking alienating supporters, or that every least loosing goodwill from the casual supporter, for the sake of a small proportion of the overall budget??? why not just organise a couple of high profile friendlies to get the money in???? or look to the corporate sector for an increase.

10/12/2007, 12:23 PM
why on earth are they risking alienating supporters, or that every least loosing goodwill from the casual supporter, for the sake of a small proportion of the overall budget??? why not just organise a couple of high profile friendlies to get the money in???? or look to the corporate sector for an increase.

Everthing has increased, companies who have signs in terryland have been hit with a 125% increase since Nick took over, main sponsorship has gone up 50% for this season.

it is planned to have 2 sunderland games one in Feb and one in race week

Even with all these increase's and fundraisers planned the bugeted income for 08 would not have macthed the expenses for 08 so the only option is to increase prices

10/12/2007, 12:45 PM
it is planned to have 2 sunderland games one in Feb and one in race week

i presume we are not playing sunderland twice!!!!

that would be two sunderland-type games surely????

i doubt, what with the fad passing slightly, that sunderland would be as popular this year as last.

10/12/2007, 12:56 PM
also it was the match with the new stand etc.

that will have worn off aswell - will need a different team to get the 5000+ crowd to attend - the celtic reserves proved how not to do it

10/12/2007, 1:06 PM
Trainee meant one pre season friendly in february against Premier League opponents and likewise one mid season (race week) friendly where season ticket holders will have first preference in relation to tickets for both games.

10/12/2007, 1:42 PM
I really think, given the season ticket rices, that each ticket holder should get one ticket to these glamour games and first refusal on another ticket. As it stands, the st gets you in to all DOMESTIC frienldies, so at least that is clear this time, but it might be more of a carrot for people to get the season ticket if they were given a ticket to when the Celtic first team come over in August

Tir Oilean
10/12/2007, 1:53 PM
Sales appear to be healthy enough. There were a total of 80 or so prior to the fans forum. After that they are selling three to four a day since. There were 4 sold in the space of 20mins in Terryland on Friday pm while I was there. Dont know what the breakdown is though.

10/12/2007, 2:32 PM
I really think, given the season ticket rices, that each ticket holder should get one ticket to these glamour games and first refusal on another ticket. As it stands, the st gets you in to all DOMESTIC frienldies, so at least that is clear this time, but it might be more of a carrot for people to get the season ticket if they were given a ticket to when the Celtic first team come over in August

Nick said on Tuesday that he would be happier to sell all the tickets to existing ticket holders.

Claret Murph
10/12/2007, 3:26 PM
To be honest I would say how many season tickets will be sold by 31st of Dec and only then it will be easy to work out how many we will be down on last season .

Anyone know how many were sold by 31st last year ???????

10/12/2007, 4:03 PM
not a huge amount Claret as we only got the word of our "promotion" on the 11th December 2006 so the selling only really started after that.

11/12/2007, 10:33 AM
Interesting viewpoints lads. However I wonder if Galway are starting from the wrong place. The changes in prices comes from an assumption that crowds can be maintained at current levels, or that any falls in crwods will be offset by increases in prices. Now, I'm not a Galway supporter, but is the buzz/hype etc as strong as it was for last season? Are you not in danger of the same type of fluctuations that every other club has?

11/12/2007, 2:01 PM
its all down to hard work, if all the season ticket holders of last season are approached, talked to and made to feel appreciated most will sign up. Once you explain to people the reasons they are fairly forthcoming in the end with the readies. The great thing about professionalism is that the old "we done our best" attitude is not tolerated and the staff at the club are making it work, by doing the work on the ground. Its onwards and upwards

20/12/2007, 9:36 PM
Season tickets sales are going well over 200 sold when all the adult, concession, and family tickets are added together.

If anyone wants to buy a season ticket they can pm me

Patrick Dunne
22/12/2007, 10:29 AM
sold as of today, not including "Terry the Tiger" juvenile tickets.

If you want to purchase a ticket as a Christmas present, please go to Zhivago Records, Shop Street, as the club office is closed (see www.galwayunitedfc.ie).

Alternatively, as trainee said, pm him, gufct or me if you want to purchase a ticket for yourself.

Ronan Coleman - (087) 6972823 - also has season ticket forms and can meet supporters anywhere in the city centre.

23/12/2007, 9:45 AM
I'd recommend getting them off Pa, that Ronan Coleman guy is not to be trusted:rolleyes:

09/01/2008, 10:30 PM
Not a bad figure considering the time of year and those friendlies vrs premiership sides havent even been announced yet.It was said that the team coming in March will be a team that got knocked out of the 3rd round of the cup last saturday,so Everton,Blackburn or Bolton it would seem.Sunderland came last year so doubt they will again.Everton would get a crowd,maybe Blackburn might with a couple of irish lads.Also Liverpool and Newcastle could have a free week that weekend but doubt they would come.
Im trying to get 2 casuals to buy season tickets but one said he wouldnt because of the standard of games last season but the other probably will cave to my constant requests.

10/01/2008, 11:34 AM
Either West Ham or Man City wiil be knocked out after the replay. Either would attract a massive crowd to terryland, Im sure nick has good Man City contacts so it could be a possibility.

10/01/2008, 2:34 PM
Either West Ham or Man City wiil be knocked out after the replay. Either would attract a massive crowd to terryland, Im sure nick has good Man City contacts so it could be a possibility.

what exactly are his man city connections? he played in a celebrity/ex-pro tournament on sky i remember hearing recently but what is his involvement or is he just a fan????

11/01/2008, 1:30 AM
I'd be happy with West Ham or City. They wouldn't be too bothered about the game so, if we played our strongest team... whatever that is, we could keep the score respectable and maybe win over a few new fans...

11/01/2008, 9:28 AM
what exactly are his man city connections? he played in a celebrity/ex-pro tournament on sky i remember hearing recently but what is his involvement or is he just a fan????
Yeah he's a fan, he arranged a "United Airways" corporate trip to Man City the season before last so i'd say he's got a few contacts over there.

28/02/2008, 3:37 PM
with the season just around the corner what is the up to date number of season tickets sold?

if you buy one now is it true you don't get to sit in the new stand???

Patrick Dunne
28/02/2008, 4:10 PM
Season ticket holders have access to both the new and "old" stand.

28/02/2008, 4:48 PM
Season ticket holders have access to both the new and "old" stand.
Has it changed from this?
Pre-Christmas purchase for access to Corribside stand
Purchases after Christmas O'Connell's stand & unreserved areas

28/02/2008, 10:34 PM
yes it has.

29/02/2008, 7:20 AM
The need to advertise that fact so.

29/02/2008, 8:25 AM
ring 767336 and inform them.

29/02/2008, 8:49 AM
how many sold??

29/02/2008, 10:20 AM
as above . I have missed the last 2 mgmt meetings due to personal reasons but im sure if your so interested they will give you any details you need.

29/02/2008, 10:55 AM
last i heard was just under 500,im not sure what the exact breakdown is though as reguards how many are Adult,Student etc.that figure has probably changed now as was a few weeks ago.

29/02/2008, 11:26 AM
it doesnt include Tiger,Gold or Corporate.

29/02/2008, 12:12 PM
it doesnt include Tiger,Gold or Corporate.

How does that compare with financial targets that were set out for season tickets so?

29/02/2008, 3:12 PM
as above . I have missed the last 2 mgmt meetings due to personal reasons but im sure if your so interested they will give you any details you need.
not too bothered tbh, just thought that i'd ask the resident propaganda machine(s) on here. ;)

personally i didn't buy one this year as it financially doesn't make sense to me as i will only make it up to about 8 or 9 games due to work and other commitments.

was just wondering how many others have not bought one this year, who did last year, and if the policy of the massive price increase has worked for the club. i personally know about 5 people who bought them last season who maybe used them 5 or 6 times but at last years price bought them to give a few bob to the club. this seasons price has made that a non-runner if you were only buying one for the sake of buying it, knowing you would only get to some games and not all.

29/02/2008, 3:35 PM
was just wondering how many others have not bought one this year, who did last year, and if the policy of the massive price increase has worked for the club.

I got 2 last year 1 for me and 1 for a friend. My friend has told me that he wont buy one this year and i have not bought 1 yet but i still might but only if i bump into Ronan over the weekend i certainly wont be going out of my way to get one. I do however want to see a successful gufc and instead i will do my bit by buying 3 yearly lotto sub instead and just pick and choose the games i want to go to as i cant make every game either.

I really believe the season ticket prices has done a lot of damage to the club and i hope it does not come back to haunt us.While the club may believe it is needed financially and the correct thing to do we got a hugh amount of goodwill from the galway public last season and got a lot of first timers into terryland however any of them i talk to this year say that they wont go again because of the price. I personally would not have any problem paying the money if i thought i was going to be entertained but with the rubbish we played last year its hard to know if the 250 is good value for money in fact i would go so far as to say i would gladly pay 35 a match to see cork play as when they came to terryland last year they were great. I would happily pay that kind of money if i thought we would see that standard every week.

I hope the club can put together a package for one of the lesser home games to encourage these people back into terryland next season.

29/02/2008, 4:15 PM
If you checked out Cobhs Prices are the same as ours and I dont see them going crazy over that.

29/02/2008, 4:32 PM
If you checked out Cobhs Prices are the same as ours and I dont see them going crazy over that.

I dont really want to open this old can or worms again the price of the tickets is set and thats the end of it.

I dont support Cobh and i dont really care what they do but you want to talk about other clubs Cork are only 195 that sounds like great value to me. 250 to see cobh or us does not sound like value for money.