View Full Version : Controll pad V Mouse

08/11/2007, 2:26 PM
What do people think is one better than the other or is it a case of what your used to?

I've allways hated FPS untill the next gen consoles came along. Ive only ever used my PC for Footy manager and Comand and Conquer which you need a mouse for .I've allways prefered consoles and control pads.

Now im starting to wonder with games that can be multi format online games ( PS3 v PC ) does one user have an advantage.

How does the mouse work ? is the pointer your target giving you much faster and more acurate shooting ive allways been annoyed with games where you spent ages trying to hit the enemy but the curser keeps going from one side to the other.

I think ill stick with the xbox controller anyway love having a trigger rather than clicking a mouse button to shoot

10/11/2007, 10:10 AM
Get a proper mouse, i use the Mx518 or the G3.

Car games = ps2 pad

Football = Ps2 pad

FPS = mouse KB

Stategy = Mouse and Kb

Altho with res evil 4 and Metroid on the wii i have found it incredibly easy to play both games with the wiimote.
