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View Full Version : Question:Inserting RAM

31/10/2007, 5:18 PM
Hey, I got a labtop with 1GB(2 x 512MB) of RAM. I also bought two 1GBs of RAM seperately.

I'm going inserting the two 1 gigs and taking out the two 512MBs... my question is is there anything i need to be wary of or is there something i need to do to the computer once they get put in?

Looking at the computer it just looks like a case of cliping out and cliping in with the RAM. And before anyone asks the maximum RAM for the labtop is 2 GB so its ok to add this extra RAM.

31/10/2007, 5:28 PM
First time you switch it on - the BIOS should pick up the change and ask you if what it finds is what you put in.

I'd also check in Windows how much RAM it reports once you get in there - which you do by right clicking on "My Computer" and then selecting Properties - the value will be at the bottom of the window which opens.

31/10/2007, 5:36 PM
I don't think the BIOS or OS will prompt tbh, it should just appear.

Be sure to touch the case or ground yourself in some other way before handling the RAM or touching yer innards, so to speak. Best approach is to wear a static strap, but who has static straps to hand?!


31/10/2007, 5:54 PM
In a realated question I have a 5 year old laptop (Dell Inspiron 1100) which seems to be slowing down a fair bit of late. It came with 254 of Ram but I recently doubled it which made a bit of difference.

Could I increase it more by just through in two 512 chips in place of the two 254 I have at present to boost it or is there a certain level of RAM that my old lap top just cant handle due to its age or even the heat generated etc etc?

31/10/2007, 6:01 PM
Crucial says (http://www.crucial.com/store/listparts.aspx?model=Inspiron%201100%20Series) it'll take 2x512MB and they're usually pretty good, but it might be worth registering on the Dell site (http://support.euro.dell.com/support/topics/topic.aspx/emea/shared/support/personalize/en/register?c=ie&l=en&s=gen) and adding the service tag to your system list, to check the spec.

(I highly recommend Crucial for RAM in general. Good prices, fast delivery, great service.)


31/10/2007, 6:05 PM
Crucial says (http://www.crucial.com/store/listparts.aspx?model=Inspiron%201100%20Series) it'll take 2x512MB and they're usually pretty good, but it might be worth registering on the Dell site (http://support.euro.dell.com/support/topics/topic.aspx/emea/shared/support/personalize/en/register?c=ie&l=en&s=gen) and adding the service tag to your system list, to check the spec.


Go raibh maith 'ad

Open Office wont know what hit it once I get the old girl purring again!

31/10/2007, 6:10 PM
You can never have too much RAM. I think this rig'll take about 8GB, so I'll be firing another 2GB in soon. :)

31/10/2007, 6:43 PM
thanks for the speedy feedback. Nice one!

01/11/2007, 8:57 AM
You can never have too much RAM. I think this rig'll take about 8GB, so I'll be firing another 2GB in soon

Ya, but there is only so much ram can do....