View Full Version : Gaming, Music, Travel, Betting

26/10/2007, 5:31 PM
Can I move all of these into an Entertainment category?


26/10/2007, 5:32 PM
I think betting should be separated from the others.

pineapple stu
26/10/2007, 5:32 PM
Might be handy keeping travel as a sub category, as you can sort the headings to find a place easily.

26/10/2007, 8:39 PM
Don't really mind either way but from a moderation point of view, it might make it a bit easier but as I say, either way is fine.

26/10/2007, 8:41 PM
Fly away but won't that mean all movies/telly/celebrity carp will go in there as well?

26/10/2007, 8:51 PM
I'd keep betting out

26/10/2007, 8:58 PM
I'd say have them like the community section

Under the 'Entertainment' umbrella but in different sub forums and add a movies and tv forum to remove them from off topic

27/10/2007, 2:07 PM
Merge gaming and music into an entertainment category and include movies, TV and that sort of thing. Betting and travel don't really fit in entertainment IMO, I'd keep them separate.

28/10/2007, 8:47 AM
Can I move all of these into an Entertainment category?


Why not , seems practical

28/10/2007, 1:07 PM
Out of curiousity, why do people object to putting Betting in an Entertainment category? I realise a tiny minority of people use gambling as a source of income, but how exactly would the rest of ye categorise it?


28/10/2007, 3:05 PM
Out of curiousity, why do people object to putting Betting in an Entertainment category? I realise a tiny minority of people use gambling as a source of income, but how exactly would the rest of ye categorise it?

Personally I see it as entertainment. I'm not a betting man though so maybe people who do bet see it in a different light.

29/10/2007, 1:04 PM
Out of curiousity, why do people object to putting Betting in an Entertainment category? I realise a tiny minority of people use gambling as a source of income, but how exactly would the rest of ye categorise it?


From my own point of view, because it's not very entertaining. I'd categorise it as something that'd be nice to have in a separate section that I can avoid going into. :)
For my own curiosity adam, why do you need to combine them at all? What's wrong with the way things are at the minute? Is it a technical thing, or just aestethics?

29/10/2007, 1:19 PM
Bit of both. There's four forums at the top of this one, which pushes the thread list way down the page on my horse of a monitor, never mind a 17" or 19" monitor, or god forbid someone trying to work on a laptop. OT is an important, busy forum, people should be able to use it without thinking.


29/10/2007, 1:33 PM
OT is an important, busy forum, people should be able to use it without thinking.

Its pretty obvious that most people post without thinking already.

29/10/2007, 2:48 PM
I knew some smartarse would say exactly that when I posted it, but decided to continue just to see how long it would take. A whole 14 minutes it took for someone to demonstrate irony. :rolleyes:

30/10/2007, 1:04 AM
I knew some smartarse would say exactly that when I posted it, but decided to continue just to see how long it would take. A whole 14 minutes it took for someone to demonstrate irony. :rolleyes:

glad to be of help.

Also, does your post count include all the posts of the "feeds" forum? If not, you have been posting an incredible amount.

30/10/2007, 9:37 AM
Merge gaming and music into an entertainment category and include movies, TV and that sort of thing. Betting and travel don't really fit in entertainment IMO, I'd keep them separate.

I'd keep betting seperate as its mainly to do with either football or other sports.

Travel I think is obvious.

What would happen to off topic if the rest went?

30/10/2007, 11:01 AM
Are ye saying I should fully merge the gaming and music forums, into a single Entertainment forum; or move them under an Entertainment umbrella?

30/10/2007, 11:18 AM
I'd have an off topic umbrella with forums for entertainment, current affairs, betting, other sports & travel (of the current/proposed categories)

Only problem is I'm not sure what else would go into off topic (POTM maybe?, meet ups?)

30/10/2007, 11:22 AM
Can't speak for anyone else but I meant a single forum.

30/10/2007, 3:47 PM
I'd have an off topic umbrella with forums for entertainment, current affairs, betting, other sports & travel (of the current/proposed categories)

Only problem is I'm not sure what else would go into off topic (POTM maybe?, meet ups?)

You mean you forgot Totty Watch!!!!

For some of us, it's what gets us through the night!

By some of us, ahem, I mean my, eh, friend.

kingdom hoop
31/10/2007, 12:28 AM
I think I'd kinda agree with Schumi and Dodge and suggest separate forums to independently run down the left side of Other Stuff , entitled; Entertainment/The Arts (TV, music, films - YouTube inclusive, gaming, and a resurgence of discussions on books and paintings)
Travel (I like it on its own, good forum that would lose usefulness if mixed)
Betting (can't see how it fits in elsewhere)
Random (POTM, totty watch, 'One of my nails just broke, what do I do', etc) and Current Affairs. In other words, I don't think Travel and Betting should be lobbed in with Gaming and Music as that forum would then be too encompassing and pretty confusing as to the subject matter of each thread.

Similarly, one thing with a broad entertainment category if it arises is that it might be important if thread titles be pretty succinctly, not vaguely, named so people would know if it's a new album, film, TV show etc that is being discussed, or does that defeat the whole purpose? Ah, whatever... Anyway, I'm sure things will work out fine adam, you can be sure we'll jump on any issues, if they arise. I think things are fine now but might be improved with some innovation that is beyond my powers at the moment.