View Full Version : Stereophonics

07/05/2003, 3:26 PM
I think Doolin wants him to become the midfield commander to free tony up for centre back.

I have a head ache :(

Met a bohs fan in the pit for the stereophonics gig...we both got chucked out for robustly 'dancing' (possibly on other peoples heads) while waving a crowe for ireland tricolour :)

07/05/2003, 3:27 PM
BTW, the stereophonics were muck...they used to be a good band...had a great night tho...

07/05/2003, 3:40 PM
Originally posted by @ndy
we both got chucked out for robustly 'dancing' (possibly on other peoples heads) while waving a crowe for ireland tricolour :)
Chucked out of the pit or the gig? They're getting a bit harsh if it was out altogether, unless the bouncer was a Rovers fan.....

They've been sh!te for ages - even their first album was only okay.....

08/05/2003, 2:06 PM
Just the pit...but we got back in for the last few tracks...and as soon as we were fkd out we were havin the craic in with all the peasants...for we were peasants again...

great craic altogether, then met these women from manchester and started singing united songs skippin down dame st...with this lad in a leeds jersey leadin us on...hillarious...no one gave a f'ck!!!

08/05/2003, 2:17 PM
ah now, they used to be great...went to see em in 99 and it rocked like something that rocks quite a lot. first album was great...secong one had better songs, but they were *******s when they were playin it...and they were startin to hang around with people they'd meet in the met bar and top o the pops and the like...now they're bleedin atomic kitten!

08/05/2003, 6:11 PM
Their only song thats any bit fast is 'The Bartender and the Thief'.

09/05/2003, 9:00 AM
Originally posted by kilbrin
Their only song thats any bit fast is 'The Bartender and the Thief'.

You've obviously never been a fan so Kilbrin, on word gets around theres tramps vest, last of the big time drinkers, check my eyelids, a thousand trees, looks like chaplin, too many sambos...they're all rocky uns...used ta be boleeeeeexed after a sterophonics gig...now you'd be mellowed! Travis went the same way, but they kept making half decent music. Phonics really sold emselves...

09/05/2003, 11:49 AM
u cant beat local boy in the photograph tho .

12/05/2003, 11:22 AM
true true