View Full Version : Flo Treatment

01/05/2003, 10:47 AM
The treatment Flo got last night was an absolute disgrace.
Booing him because he played for Rangers! I can't believe Irish fans are as bigoted as that.
There must be some pathethic morons out there.

01/05/2003, 11:50 AM
It was incredibly stupid, I was almost hoping he'd score! I wonder how they'd react if Damien Duff went to Rangers. :D

01/05/2003, 12:16 PM
He was booed when announced as half time sub & think booed a little when touched the ball a few times.

I could understand it if the game was been played in club ground (e.g. Newcastle) & opposition player played for their rivals down the road but booing a player could he played for a Scottish team in the past is sad.


01/05/2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
It was incredibly stupid, I was almost hoping he'd score! I wonder how they'd react if Damien Duff went to Rangers. :D

If Duff went ot Rangers then I'd say they'd still boo him.
These people are in the same class who hounded Neil Lennon out of the Northern Irish team.
I suspect that these people are not the true fans as there didn't seem to be too much booing away in Scotland.
Either that or they are cowards.

I know this is probably a minority but a lot of people seemed to be joining in last night which is a shame.
It's not a bit of fun to boo a player because of sectarianism.

What was done last night was akin to booing Carew because he's black.
If that had been done Uefa could have stepped in a closed the stadium for the next match.

The Sheliban
01/05/2003, 1:00 PM
I remember Jimmy Holmes' testimonial at Dalymount in the eighties. Some 16 year old kid, supposed to be the next big thing, came down from Linfield and guested for one team or the other. And he was booed every time he touched the ball. A sixteen year old at a testimonial game.

01/05/2003, 2:29 PM
I don't think there was any real hate in the booing last night as i get the impression most peopl thought it was just soem fun which is probably worse in some ways.

Pauro 76
01/05/2003, 3:00 PM
Idiots... im really hoping Brian Kerr speaks out about this, and if he spoke out, people might just cop on. not holding my breath though. Best fans in the world my arse.

02/05/2003, 9:02 AM
He didnt deserve all the booing but I didnt feel it was in any way malicious.

And im sure he expected it aswell.

02/05/2003, 5:45 PM
its worse that people were sarcastically laughing at kilbane and gary breen and richie dunne every time they got the ball

The Legend
02/05/2003, 5:47 PM
No, that was funny!

02/05/2003, 6:42 PM
? irish cynisim who would u have had in CD then

07/05/2003, 10:15 AM
theese people are a waste of space the booers.
they are boring they follow other nations teams and then have the audacity to boo another nations player.
they think there virtuistic all celtic loving pro RA rangers haters.
they should go and follow england nstead.
ill never support that shower of supporters or the team they pretentd to follow.

Badweather Fan
07/05/2003, 3:16 PM
A small majority of Landsdowne-goers are muppets.
There's no atmosphere there.
Ole Ole just after a goal and boos when we're behind.
Ya Schumi.