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11/10/2007, 11:19 AM
In opposition to the favourite singers thread and coz am being inflicted with one voice I hate at the moment (James Dean Bradfield) I thought would start this thread.

James Dean Bradfield (love some of their songs just cant stand his voice)
Liam Gallagher
Freddy Mercury
Stephen Gately

Katie Melua

11/10/2007, 11:20 AM
oops wrong section. can some of the mods move it to music? Sorry! Brain was fried with JDB wreckin me head.

Pauro 76
11/10/2007, 11:58 AM
Mika, Daniel Bedingfield, Ronan Keating, James Blunt

Kate Nash (I caaaaaawwwwnt), Lily Allen, Celine, Mariah et al,

Lionel Ritchie
11/10/2007, 12:56 PM
Pretty much anyone considered a "diva", "soul diva" or "pop diva". While all deserve the contempt one normally reserves for dogs I'll make special mention of Kylie for sounding like a chipmunk.

All male equivalents included naturally. Anyone who uses a song as a vehicle for a voice should face a firing squad to fair.

11/10/2007, 1:03 PM
Pretty much just Pete Doherty, James Blunt, Mika and any of those reality show winners.

11/10/2007, 1:44 PM
Mariah Carey and Shakira

11/10/2007, 2:23 PM
shakira is hot, how dare you gustavo - who cares if she can sing or not!!!

11/10/2007, 2:29 PM
your man from the scissor sisters
pete doherty
britney spears
shania twain
delores o riordan
lilly allen

11/10/2007, 2:30 PM
shakira is hot, how dare you gustavo - who cares if she can sing or not!!!

Exactly... as long as her hips don't lie who cares about anything else, oh Shakira, Shakira... :D

On another note how can anyone not like Freddie Mercury, legend (if a bit of a tool by all accounts) and the most famous Zoroastrian of all time :)

11/10/2007, 2:32 PM
Justin Timberlake

11/10/2007, 2:46 PM
How can anyone hate a singer?

Jeesh, live and live people.

Pauro 76
11/10/2007, 2:52 PM
Shakira's voice is shocking beyond belief. She sounds like a bleating goat. Awful. 50 Cent's is pretty awful too, he just sounds like a thug after your wallet.

11/10/2007, 2:57 PM
How can anyone hate a singer?

Jeesh, live and live people.

Its the voice not the person, I thought the thread was about. I work with a girl who in everyway is a lovely person but her voice grates on me .

11/10/2007, 3:31 PM
Freddy Mercury

BY god. :mad:

11/10/2007, 3:37 PM
is pretty awful too, he just sounds like a thug after your wallet.

So does your, it doesnt mean i dont hate ye :p :D

11/10/2007, 4:16 PM
Pretty much anyone considered a "diva", "soul diva" or "pop diva".

I hate that modern trend in female R&B singers, and thus also in Max Factor, Fop Idle and all that sh!te, of people trying to shoe-horn 20 notes in where one will do. Does me nut in!
Also hate latter day Bjork. The rot started with 'Oh So Quiet', utter garbage.
And 'kooky' Tori Amos. You're not Kate Bush love, nor will you ever be!

Mika is atrocious, as is James 'Total Blunt' Blunt, and Daniel 'Total Blunt' Beddingfield. His sister is not much better.

Ah shag it there's far too many to even begin to mention!

Am also afraid to say I've a physical revulsion to Bob Dylan's voice, though it pains me to list him here with these no-marks.

I'll make special mention of Kylie for sounding like a chipmunk.

Boooo!!! For Shame! :eek: :p

11/10/2007, 4:25 PM
In opposition to the favourite singers thread and coz am being inflicted with one voice I hate at the moment (James Dean Bradfield) I thought would start this thread.

Freddy Mercury

How can you hate this voice?


11/10/2007, 4:26 PM
Ronnie Drew:p.

Pauro 76
11/10/2007, 4:27 PM
Someone mentioned James Dean Bradfield. I like his voice. It's acutally Nicky Wire's voice I cant stand. the man should never be let near a microphone.

11/10/2007, 8:45 PM
James Blunt
David Hasselhoff(Can't belive I'm the 1st to mention him)
Micheal Bolton

Celin dion
Jennifer Lopez
Paris Hilton

Pauro 76
11/10/2007, 9:24 PM
A few more...

Ja Rule
50 Cent
Danny McNamara (Embrace)

Dolores O'Riordan

11/10/2007, 9:27 PM
James Blunt
David Hasselhoff(Can't belive I'm the 1st to mention him)
Micheal Bolton

Celin dion
Jennifer Lopez
Paris Hilton

Now there a man with sence :cool:

And magicme, for shame how could you not like freddys voice, he's a legend :eek:

Mika would make my list, then would be mika, oh did I mention mika? Oh that James blunt is a git and needs shot, that feckin song of his :mad: Westlife, anyone from xfactor/your a star/ any of these manufactured wannabees.

12/10/2007, 7:39 AM
Most of these to me are 'meh'. I have no opinion on them either way. James Blunt? I don't listen long enough to hate his voice.

Bob Dylan is one I can only listen to for short periods.

I'm a fan of Smashing Pumpkins (the first two albums anyway), but Billy Corgan's high-pitched nasaly whine does grate a bit, and seemed to get steadily worse with time (or maybe it's just me).

Lionel Ritchie
12/10/2007, 8:27 AM
I'm a fan of Smashing Pumpkins (the first two albums anyway), but Billy Corgan's high-pitched nasaly whine does grate a bit, and seemed to get steadily worse with time (or maybe it's just me).

It's not just you. I love the pumpkins but BCs talents lie beyond the realm of singing sounds like Ay, Ow or I.

12/10/2007, 8:30 AM
God forgot bout goat woman Shakira in my list. She makes me want to kill.

As for Freddie Mercury, only time could listen to him without wanting to punch his head in is in "Barcelona". If he stuck to opera fair enough. Thank f my whole family missed out on the "Queen Gene" and there will never be a cd of that tripe in my house.

Legend, more like leg end to me. Just cant hack him at all.

Totally agree with Stann with the "put as many notes into a few seconds as possible" phenomenon. Does my head in that warbling ****e.

12/10/2007, 9:41 AM
For the record I love Shakira's voice. 95% of her songs are cack but she's certainly unique.

The fact she's drop dead gorgeous with one the top 5 arses in the world is irrellevant

12/10/2007, 9:49 AM
The fact she's drop dead gorgeous with one the top 5 arses in the world is irrellevant

Course it is, Dodge.

12/10/2007, 12:31 PM
Dolores O'Riordan

Good call. Voice like a tortured cat.

Unreal Madrid
12/10/2007, 1:22 PM
Brian Kennedy although you cant class moaning as singing
David Bowie sounds as if he just had 100 cigs for breakfast
Bob Dylan I have never gotten what he is about

12/10/2007, 2:02 PM
David Bowie sounds as if he just had 100 cigs for breakfast

He prob did have 100 cigs for breakfast :p

12/10/2007, 2:07 PM
Has anyone heard Pete Doherty sing?

12/10/2007, 2:13 PM
Is he a singer now? I thought he was a full-time tabloid junkie (in both senses).

12/10/2007, 5:37 PM
Thom Yorke - Lets see how good he could sing a non-let's kill ourselves song, either way he's a whinging gasbag
Mika - **** right off
Jake Shears - You too
Daniel Bedingfield - Quite happy he's dead, wait whats that.....

Christina Aguilera - Going woo-woooooo a lot doesn't make you a good singer

On the topic of Shakira, I don't get why people complain about her, as far as I'm concerned she brings a lot to the pop table, especially in regards to sounding different to the rest of those scrots

13/10/2007, 11:01 AM
god how much do i hate celien Dion, a voice like a wailing cat

14/10/2007, 2:30 AM
Robbie Williams-Have to turn off the radio-he should try going back on drugs to see if it makes him in anyway interesting.
Westlife-a national embarassment,dont listen to the liberals.Extreme cases warrant the death sentence.
Michael Bolton-what he did to Dock of the Bay was the work of satan
The lead singer with Razorlight-thinks hes cool but the Balamory theme song sounds more cutting edge than you pal.
Rod Stewart-dont dislike him personally but oh dear.
Alaniss Morrisette-Its not our fault your so ugly so please stop it.
Christina Iguana-talentless tramp
Cher-see above inserting old before insult.
Chakira-Is it true that song was used in Guantanemo bay?If true its barbaric.The US has finally gone too far.I would talk.
Micheal Stipe at times.Sorry I know controversial but his voice in Everybody Hurts makes my head feel sore.

14/10/2007, 12:31 PM
Bono, Sinead O'Connor two voices i hate.

Lionel Ritchie
14/10/2007, 8:27 PM
Alaniss Morrisette-Its not our fault your so ugly so please stop it..

Actually I'd give her one at the drop of a hat but ...she does most definitely sound like a cat passing through a fanbelt.

14/10/2007, 10:23 PM
I hope your feeding your guide dog well Lionel:D

15/10/2007, 12:30 PM
Oh God, yeah. Agree 100% there. He's rubbish.

Pauro 76
15/10/2007, 12:52 PM
Oh God, yeah. Agree 100% there. He's rubbish.

Cant believe i forgot Conor Deasy. Awful stuff. Katie Melua is another one, a looker but cutesy crap. Did she really have a song called Belfast. And in brackets (Penguins and Cats). Hope its as bad as it sounds.

15/10/2007, 1:33 PM
Andrea and the Corrs.Blandness personified.

16/10/2007, 5:45 AM
The Thrills are the Ross O'Carroll-Kellys of the music biz :D And you know I'm roysh !

If you like Bob Dylan's songs but cannot stand his voice there was a compilation album released some years ago called '' It Ain't Me Babe'' it was classic Bob Dylan written songs sung by other artistes !

16/10/2007, 5:48 AM
On the subject of Belfast there has only been one decent song with the name in the title. Belfast Boy about George Best. Every other pop song from Boney M to Simple Minds which mentions the city in the title has been uniformly crap!

16/10/2007, 7:21 AM
You're obviously forgetting about Orbital. I'll allow you this oversight this one time.

Lionel Ritchie
16/10/2007, 9:34 AM
Cant believe i forgot Conor Deasy. Awful stuff. Katie Melua is another one, a looker but cutesy crap. Did she really have a song called Belfast. And in brackets (Penguins and Cats). Hope its as bad as it sounds.

I can't be the only person who's noticed she sounds like Avid Merrian? She should be wearing y-fronts and neck brace (and nought else:cool:)

16/10/2007, 9:47 AM
you weird perv!

16/10/2007, 12:59 PM
Three pages in and no mention for Sandi Thom.

Pauro 76
16/10/2007, 2:41 PM
Three pages in and no mention for Sandi Thom.

I was trying to forget about that woman. Was never a big fan of Bjork's voice either.

16/10/2007, 5:20 PM
Generally I dislike listening to all female vocalists.

However I really fu**ing hate the voice of the Stereophonics singer... Forget his name... Kelly something I think...

Pauro 76
16/10/2007, 8:45 PM
Generally I dislike listening to all female vocalists.

However I really fu**ing hate the voice of the Stereophonics singer... Forget his name... Kelly something I think...

Kelly Jones it is. Now that you mentioned it, Tom Jones has an awful feckin voice. The Welsh Joe Dolan. Think he once attempted a rap song with somebody from the Fugees or something. Beyond belief.