View Full Version : Rooney takes top FAI job

29/04/2003, 7:07 PM
Speaking of news...

Rooney takes top FAI job (http://www.breakingnews.ie/2003/04/29/story97177.html)

A former high-flying figure in the international high-tech businessworld is to become the top man in Irish soccer.

The Football Association of Ireland tonight named Fran Rooney, once the head of Baltimore Technologies, an Internet security firm that was a smash hit with investors on both sides of the Atlantic before the sector’s downturn, as their new chief executive.

Mr Rooney takes over from Brendan Menton, who quit after a critical report by consultants of the controversial build-up to Ireland’s appearance in last summer’s World Cup finals in Japan and Korea that ended with skipper and Manchester United star Roy Keane being sent home by then manager Mick McCarthy.

Confirming Mr Rooney’s accession, FAI President Milo Corcoran said he was delighted “to be able to announce the appointment of someone of the calibre and experience of Mr Rooney to the position of chief executive.”


30/04/2003, 11:22 AM
I can't believe not one person has something to say about this. This man will unreservedly make or break the FAI and the eL, and I mean that literally: He'll either bust it or he'll take it to the top. And no-one here thinks it's worthy of a comment?


30/04/2003, 11:43 AM
I know nadda about the man so didn't feel I could comment on his appointment. That's my excuse (good old ignorance), what about the rest of ye? ;)

30/04/2003, 12:11 PM
and a rich one with it, but I never knew he had any interest in Irish Soccer? I can't see where his motivation is coming from

30/04/2003, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by boynesider
i never knew he had any interest in Irish Soccer? I can't see where his motivation is coming from

well he did used to manager the irish ladies team (can that be classed as soccer?)

personally i think its a great appointment, did great job with baltimore tech
one wonders will he put up with the incompetance of the rest of the FAI all around him. will he just get sick of it, and abandon ship?

30/04/2003, 3:09 PM
If i was cynical i could say Rooney will hire the former Iraqi Information Minister as PR man & fill Merrion Square with marketing men.

Is easy to look back in hindsight being critical of Rooney after the dot bomb but he did build up a company on massive hype & marketing bull. The again could be said he was just doing what everyone else was doing.

Its hard to know if Rooney is a good appointment as don't know what the other choices were. I think may have been better with an experienced Chief Executive which i don't think rooney really is...

30/04/2003, 3:14 PM
Originally posted by pete
he did build up a company on massive hype & marketing bull. Might be what the league needs. It's worked well in England.

30/04/2003, 9:59 PM
Originally posted by boynesider
and a rich one with it, but I never knew he had any interest in Irish Soccer? I can't see where his motivation is coming from

1. He's probably gonna put the national team first, if he does anything positive for us I'd be shocked.

2. I'd say he's doing it for the fame. Meeting famous players, managers and more than likely a good few celebs at dinners and what not.

30/04/2003, 11:01 PM
apparently he has more money than the FAI!

A face
01/05/2003, 12:07 AM
Sounds like it might be good, cant say really cos i have never heard of him. Can only be bettter than what was there !

01/05/2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Vetinari
I can't believe not one person has something to say about this. This man will unreservedly make or break the FAI and the eL, and I mean that literally: He'll either bust it or he'll take it to the top. And no-one here thinks it's worthy of a comment?

Well any opinions yourself on the man?

From what I can remember of Fran Rooney he definitely born of the dot com boom. Seem to get caught in the whole marketing hype of the boom & think he was criticised for some inaction when things sstarted to slide (he not alone there). Get the impression that he has not been in a day to day role recently but has invested in other IT companies & sits on their boards...

Suppose plus points would be he irish & business person of the "new ireland" & should be fairly media savy. Probably also learnt lessons from the IT rise & fall & would have good contacts for raising money for the FAI...?