View Full Version : XBox360 v PS3

Lim till i die
04/10/2007, 11:48 AM
Which Should I get??

And Why??

04/10/2007, 11:54 AM
A SNES, its cheaper and better than both of those :p

Lim till i die
04/10/2007, 12:01 PM
A SNES, its cheaper and better than both of those :p

Ah but where to lay hands on one??

And how much??

04/10/2007, 12:02 PM
i'm think of buyin one of em today as well. what do ppl recommend?

04/10/2007, 12:08 PM
Ah but where to lay hands on one??

And how much??

E Bay, and about 80 to 120 euro last I looked. You can borrow mine to wet your appetite for it if you want

Lim till i die
04/10/2007, 12:26 PM
E Bay, and about 80 to 120 euro last I looked. You can borrow mine to wet your appetite for it if you want

We shall discuss this further :)

Can Kevin Keegan Player Manager still be purchased though?? :p

04/10/2007, 12:30 PM
I have a SNES sitting in cupboard at home with a few games if you want it?

Was wondering which for Santa to bring to our house but upon discussion with the guy in Game in Monaghan Shopping Centre, I think I will encourage my son to ask for an XBOX 360. That is mainly based on the fact that there are more games suitable for kids on it and will take a while for PS3 to catch up on them in that regard.

Lim till i die
04/10/2007, 12:35 PM
I have a SNES sitting in cupboard at home with a few games if you want it?

Which games and how much??

That is mainly based on the fact that there are more games suitable for kids on it and will take a while for PS3 to catch up on them in that regard

Surely the Wii is best bet for kiddie fun??

Besides they gotta learn about crack, hos and drive bys at some stage

Never warped any of us Limerick folk :)

04/10/2007, 12:39 PM
Which games and how much??

You can get games on e bay from anything from a euro to a fiver, including Kevin Keegans, which I've been tempted to get manys a time.

I can lend you a few games anyway, I'm mostly just playing Mario Kart and Donkey Kong at the moment, I have far too many games to remember but they include Street Fighter, Bomberman, Zelda, ISS, Starwing, Fifa 90-something, and an American game called My Neighbours Are Zombies or something like that which is great fun if you can get the always annoying American to European SNES converter to work

04/10/2007, 12:40 PM
Which games and how much??

Surely the Wii is best bet for kiddie fun??

Besides they gotta learn about crack, hos and drive bys at some stage

Never warped any of us Limerick folk :)

Naw Wii doesnt suit Dylan & I, Jake wanted it last year and we talked him outta it! They like real games too, and Wii just doesnt cut it.

You are defo never getting to spend more than 2 minutes in their company now! :eek:

Not sure what games, will look at it and come back to you.

Lim till i die
04/10/2007, 12:47 PM
Outstanding from both of you :)

04/10/2007, 1:30 PM
Naw Wii doesnt suit Dylan & I, Jake wanted it last year and we talked him outta it! They like real games too, and Wii just doesnt cut it.

You are defo never getting to spend more than 2 minutes in their company now! :eek:

Not sure what games, will look at it and come back to you.

Depends on the age, if the kids are under 10 get a wii it is a very good console as well as being a fun kids toy . 90% of the major releases will get an incarnation on the wii

Over 10 then a PS3 is the way to go way more kid friendly than the xbox and will have the staying power ( its built to last ten years with out technoligy bypassing it ) it has tonnes of kids games to download like calling all cars 7 euro, loco roco 3 euro, lemmings 5 euro etc etc .

Dont listen to the guy in the shop that stuff about the games is nt true anymore all the good games are now on both . the xbox has more games but they arent great so its hardly a selling point anymore .

Xbox is also a great machine but its more aimed at adults much larger controller that isnt really too good for small kids and there small hands . You do have xbox live arcade where you download old arcade games Double dragon sensible soccer ( when it comes out) etc . sounds great but they arent as good as you remember .

You have to pay 7 euro a month to play online with the xbox the PS3 online is free .

You can buy an xbox now and have to trade it in for a ps3 in 2 years or just get the ps3 now .

04/10/2007, 1:45 PM
PS3 all the way... XBOX is for cheap skates!!

04/10/2007, 5:56 PM
PS3 all the way... XBOX is for cheap skates!!

What games yah got that made it worth the purchase?

Wii is great for fun.
360 is great for games.
Ps3 has no games worth paying 70 quid for.

its built to last ten years with out technoligy bypassing it

My pc bypassed it last xmas before it even came out over here, how did you figure its gonna last 10 years when a Dell can be configured to be faster than it.


04/10/2007, 7:25 PM
Wii is fully endorsed!!

Busy playing SNES games I downloaded for it (and typing this message while browsing on it!)

Probably wouldn't suit serious gamers

04/10/2007, 7:39 PM
Probably wouldn't suit serious gamers

Thats the thing , it does have serious games must give you a lend of res Evil 4 possibly the best Res Evil ever made now with Wii control.

Res Evil UC with the Zappers should be good crack, metroid is out soon and thats a decent game well wroth buying. and Mario Galaxy and a new Zelda and Super Smash Bros.


04/10/2007, 10:07 PM
What games yah got that made it worth the purchase?

Wii is great for fun.
360 is great for games.
Ps3 has no games worth paying 70 quid for.

My pc bypassed it last xmas before it even came out over here, how did you figure its gonna last 10 years when a Dell can be configured to be faster than it.


We're talking about consoles sony said the PS2 would stay at the forefront of the market for 5 years and it lasted 7 nearly 8 so i am pretty sure the PS3 will last it cant get much better anyway you must have some PC that its better than a PS3 how much did it cost ?

04/10/2007, 10:10 PM
THis wont last long and i hope its not against forum rules but this deal is really good might do for a xmas present site is fine ive ordered plenty of things


04/10/2007, 10:48 PM
We're talking about consoles sony said the PS2 would stay at the forefront of the market for 5 years and it lasted 7 nearly 8 so i am pretty sure the PS3 will last it cant get much better anyway you must have some PC that its better than a PS3 how much did it cost ?

I own a ps3 so thats 700 blips that not gonna get back.

My pc cost a lot more 2x8800gtxs being the most expensive part.

ps3 and 360 both trying to be pcs with its all encompassing home entertainment package (HD DVD/Blu RAY) to the dumbass punter it will possibly work but people are becoming more clued up to tech and neither does what it says it would. fact is everyone wants games and movies off the HD (thanks to the ps2 being hacked).

Its what i want and im sure it what everyone else wants, i want to download full games and movies and play them from my main "box" without doing anything other than pressing buttons.

I can only do that illegally now, it took 5 years for the music industry to accept mp3 do we have to wait the same for consoles and movies to do the same?

Which console will have a 1TB hd addon 1st ? Blu ray vs HD is a futile war that neither is going to win "HD on demand" is going to be the only winner.

My pc has 2TB atm no real season to have it other than it was cheap, i can play most of my games on couch and all my movies from there.

How can anyone say the ps3 is going to be a hit in 10 years when when simplae fact is games make a console and tech makes a device, something the ps3 has neither off.


05/10/2007, 9:22 AM
I own a ps3 so thats 700 blips that not gonna get back.

My pc cost a lot more 2x8800gtxs being the most expensive part.

ps3 and 360 both trying to be pcs with its all encompassing home entertainment package (HD DVD/Blu RAY) to the dumbass punter it will possibly work but people are becoming more clued up to tech and neither does what it says it would. fact is everyone wants games and movies off the HD (thanks to the ps2 being hacked).

Its what i want and im sure it what everyone else wants, i want to download full games and movies and play them from my main "box" without doing anything other than pressing buttons.

I can only do that illegally now, it took 5 years for the music industry to accept mp3 do we have to wait the same for consoles and movies to do the same?

Which console will have a 1TB hd addon 1st ? Blu ray vs HD is a futile war that neither is going to win "HD on demand" is going to be the only winner.

My pc has 2TB atm no real season to have it other than it was cheap, i can play most of my games on couch and all my movies from there.

How can anyone say the ps3 is going to be a hit in 10 years when when simplae fact is games make a console and tech makes a device, something the ps3 has neither off.


Think your being a bit harsh on it i dont know the specs behind the console but ive never seen a PC match it graphics wise for 600 euro . and the online gaming is top and having a controll pad instead of a mouse sells it for me . I bought a cheap laptop and it still cost me 650 euro .

You can download films etc and watch them from the HD its due to licencing issue in europe that you cant get them yet but in the states for example you can download the new south parks the day after them being on tv and all new movies etc like 300 .

You can also download full games straight to the HD and play them from the HD warhawk being an example ( simply by pressing buttons ) .

You can also increase the memory in them by sticking in a new hard drive or just plugging in your externals ive over a thousand Gb's of space on mine i think thats more than enough and it can play back all the vids music mp3's etc i have on them .

So basically it can do everything you listed that your pc can do i can also sit on my couch play my games watch my movies etc .but my Ps3 cost me no where near what your pc did .

06/10/2007, 9:48 PM
So basically it can do everything you listed that your pc can do i can also sit on my couch play my games watch my movies etc .but my Ps3 cost me no where near what your pc did .

lol i use my wiimote to control my pc when on couch, how frikkin handy is that :D

nothing i listed can be done on my 360 or ps3 in ireland now, i cant download HD movies i cant download full games and play them from couch.

can with Pc.


09/10/2007, 8:31 AM
lol i use my wiimote to control my pc when on couch, how frikkin handy is that :D

nothing i listed can be done on my 360 or ps3 in ireland now, i cant download HD movies i cant download full games and play them from couch.

can with Pc.


Just because you cant do it doesnt mean the console cant , split the hard drive on the Ps3 install Linux operating system and hey presto you can install any software packages you like then down load your HD movies and play them .

The Only reason you cant get HD movies from the PS store is beacuse of EU licencing issues which should be sorted soon . And you can get full games now i did so yesterday .

Raheny Red
09/10/2007, 1:39 PM
Got G1 Jockey for the WII a few weeks back, amazing :D - great crack

09/10/2007, 1:42 PM
Got G1 Jockey for the WII a few weeks back, amazing :D - great crack

I knew there was something I was supposed to get....

10/10/2007, 10:56 AM
40gb PS3 is out now for 399 euro !!!!

Few foot notes with that 40gb version it has 2 USB ports not 4 , it has no HDMI memory card slots ( not too important they are just the mem cards in your camera etc ) , It is not backwards compatible ( cant play ps2 games at all !!) not too bad as if you have tones of PS2 games you have a ps2 !! and there will be 65 PS3 games out by xmas this year . But the main thing is its not wireless like the 60gb one . So if you dont have your internet connection in the same room your going to be running cables all over the house . ( controllers are still wireless bluetooth ) , EDIT : im not sure on this now the reviews are sayin git isnt wireless but sonys own site is saying it has wireless internet access ?? not sure worth checking in the store .

But they are flogging off all the remainign 60gb ones ( with wireless and HDMI slots etc ) for 499 while stocks last not sure if you will be able to get them after that but its the better machine and worth the extra 100 if you have it .

10/10/2007, 2:05 PM
are all xbox's as loud as mine??

10/10/2007, 2:06 PM
are all xbox's as loud as mine??

Yes sounds like it could take off at any second :D