View Full Version : Shotters nation - Babyshambles

28/09/2007, 10:35 AM
Out Monday and I've not seen a bad review for it so far. Uncut and the observer mag gave it 5 stars(out of 5) and NME 8 out of 10. I liked Down in Albion despite its poor production but this is supposed to be a special album. Produced by Stephen Street (Blur and Smiths) it is supposed to be a clean sounding album.

Any shambles fans? I think its a shame that his reputation as a druggie tars his musical/lyrical talent.

28/09/2007, 10:44 AM
Any shambles fans? I think its a shame that his reputation as a druggie tars his musical/lyrical talent.

I think his reputation as a musical/lyrical talent tars his druggie name to be honest.

I mean all those reviews giving it 5/5 and what have you, well its not like a Doherty project has ever been over-rated before has it? The Libertines had 4-5 very good songs spanning two albums, thats a pretty poor return. Babyshambles have been a joke thus far, his solo appearances seem to be better as I think he has a good voice for stripped down shows, but all this tabloid nonsense with Kate Moss has made the guy a figure of fun in the music industry and its gonna be hard for him to be taken as anything other than a running joke at this stage. Still could be worse, he could be Carl Barat

28/09/2007, 10:44 AM
I seen a review yesterday - can't remember where but is was not good. It was saying that it was a big disapointment and was a overrated by other magazines especially uk ones. If I find it again I will post the review here.

I think it's one to wait and see and then buy it.

kingdom hoop
28/09/2007, 12:48 PM
This is what I thought of it; yes, I am Brian Boyd from the Ticket, I'll give it three stars I think, not great.

Disentangling this brisk 12-song second album from the inevitable media circus is a challenge in itself. First, Stephen Street was a judicious choice of producer - and you suspect this was a bigger challenge for him than ever working with Morrissey or Damon Albarn. The sound is a lot cleaner than the ramshackle Down in Albion, the guitars sound like they're actually in tune, and the best possible job has been done with Pete Doherty's not very impressive lead vocals. There is some indie-by-numbers stuff that so characterises Babyshambles' peers, but many a time Doherty gets in touch with his inner poet and comes out with inspired couplets. It takes until track seven, the ballad gone awry Unstookietitled, for the album to really soar, while The Lost Art of Murder (with Bert Jansch of all people on guitar) is one of the best songs Doherty has written. Elsewhere there are an awful lot of Stone Roses bass lines and guitar riffs that have barely been disguised.

Edit; here's a link to The Lost Art of Murder song; http://www.myspace.com/babyshamblesofficial

28/09/2007, 1:54 PM
jesus christ, here's how one Babyshambles fan summed up their new effort on that MySpace page

" Shotter's Nation is the best brittish pop and rock album since The Kinks We are The Village Green Preservation Society."

I mean I realise that a lot of Pete Doherty's fans are brainless tw@ts, but jesus ****ing christ

kingdom hoop
28/09/2007, 2:02 PM
Weird, I saw that too and was going to post it up until my phone rang and I got flustered.

28/09/2007, 2:30 PM
Weird, I saw that too and was going to post it up until my phone rang and I got flustered.

Not that weird Kingdom, the guy who wrote that obviously offends people on a daily basis with his musings, I still can't get over it. I think what annoys me about that statement is that the guy who wrote it isn't just some 14 year old going 'Babyshamble R D Bst', he has obviously listened to some good music, I mean I presume if he has listened to Village Green that he's searched out albums by the likes of the Clash, Jam, Specials, Smiths, Stones Roses, Pulp and Blur, and thats just to name the obvious

Lionel Ritchie
28/09/2007, 6:57 PM
" Shotter's Nation is the best brittish pop and rock album since The Kinks We are The Village Green Preservation Society."

I mean I realise that a lot of Pete Doherty's fans are brainless tw@ts, but jesus ****ing christ

:D ...oh mercy. ...and who in the name of feck releases "pop and rock" albums? Hall & Oates I s'pose ...maybe.

02/10/2007, 12:54 PM
just got it there at lunch going to give it a listen after . i like babyshambles so take it as a biased review .

Here is some of what the observer said

Shooters nation Review - The Observer
Babyshambles, Shotter's Nation

Behind all the tabloid headlines there was a great Peter Doherty album waiting to get out. Now it's here, says Garry Mulholland

Sunday September 16, 2007
The Observer

He couldn't have timed it better. The 'Pete Doherty gets it together' album arrives just as his position as Britain's favourite pop ****-up has been definitively usurped by Amy Winehouse. This means that the second Babyshambles album, the oddly named Shotter's Nation, gets to our ears as an actual piece of music and carrying less media baggage than it would have at any time in the past three years.
Not that it is baggage-free. Shotter's Nation is about smack, crack, Kate Moss, tabloid infamy, junkies and their flunkies, and what we think we know about Peter Doherty, as it has to be. It's also about love, loss, the British urban landscape, laughing at yourself, great guitars, exciting chord changes, tight rhythms, the Stones-Who-Kinks-(Small) Faces-Clash-Jam-Smiths-Happy Mondays-Stone Roses-Oasis-Blur history of Britrock, rich, simple production, songs with layers, a really good band and a singer who has relocated his voice.

For reasons why Babyshambles have snapped dramatically into focus, after the almost unlistenable chaos of 2005's Down in Albion debut, juggle any one or more of these: Pete's straightened up; or the pain of the break with Moss has woken him up; or the band - that would be the excellent Mick Whitnall (guitar), Drew McConnell (bass) and Adam Ficek (drums) - got fed up with being Sideshow Pete's hired goons and kicked his arse until he stopped stumbling into the drum kit and started singing in tune. Or Pete needs a strong, relatively straight musical foil and, in replacing guitarist Patrick Walden, Whitnall has actually replaced Carl Barat of the Libertines. Or new producer Stephen Street, best known for his work with Morrissey and Blur, won't allow Doherty to indulge himself and has whipped the boy into shape. Or corporations like EMI don't sign former Rough Trade indie icons, even infamous tabloid mainstays, if they're just going to **** about. All of the above probably played a part, and this sounds like a band's first album for a major label.

So, at last, the narratives of hapless Junkie Pete and genius songwriter, bandleader and chronicler of Noughties British bohemia Peter Doherty have connected and fused. It sounds like a boy wiping the lines off the mirror, taking a good hard look at the man looking back, shedding a tear, cracking a wry smile, and going to work. Perhaps that's the best rehab a self-destructive genius can get. Someone tell Amy.

First listen its very very good if you like babyshambles you ll love it if you have your mind made up about him all ready then avoid it as no matter how good it is you ll hate it .

Loving 6.Crumb begging baghead ( stone roses ) and 7.Unstookie titled

02/10/2007, 6:42 PM
track 4 unbilo titled is quality. Sounds much more polished and his voice is a big bloody improvement.