View Full Version : Dean Kiely

25/04/2003, 12:31 PM
Not exactly huge news, but of interest to some.


pineapple stu
25/04/2003, 12:47 PM
That's a major surprise!

So who's oging to replace him? We've got Give (class), Colgan (okay, but playing in Scotland) and AN Other.

Joe Murphy (on the bench at WBA)?
Paddy Kenny (Sheff United)

Not a huge amount of othe candidates, so maybe an eL player? That'd have to be Bazza "Judas" Ryan... (despite what all the Cork heads will say...:( )

25/04/2003, 2:20 PM
I'm still waiting for those that vilified RK for retiring from International Football to do the same to Kiely..... Or is it different when they're not high profile and don't play for Manchester United? Double standards, never... :rolleyes:

25/04/2003, 2:21 PM
Kiely admitted that “it was an incredibly tough decision to take but I’ve been thinking about the situation for a while and I believe this is in the best interests of myself and Charlton.”

25/04/2003, 3:10 PM
Originally posted by Macy
I'm still waiting for those that vilified RK for retiring from International Football to do the same to Kiely

Circumstances Macy, circumstances. Personally I think Keane was right to officially declare his retirement when he did, any problems I had with him pre-dated that announcement. Even so the retirments of Kiely and Keane are very different kettles of fish and deep down even you'll surely have to admit that?

Pauro 76
25/04/2003, 3:15 PM
Reckon Kiely is making a big mistake. He’s 32, still young for a keeper. Maybe he’ll never be first choice but what if Given has a complete loss of form (happened before) or gets injured? Kiely is a more than handy back-up, best of luck to him, but he will regret it. Whos the undisputed No.2 now? Kenny or Colgan, neither with any top-flight experience?

25/04/2003, 9:44 PM
Personally I think Keane was right to officially declare his retirement when he did [/B]

except that it was on the eve of brian kerr's first game in charge

I'm kinda surprised, Dean did play well for us and he's a good goalie. Maybe Paddy Kenny? Never know, he could be in the top flight next year. Arrah we should just bring back Packie.
Shay's only 27 though. He'll be around for a while...hopefully still playing as well.
What about Iker O' Casillas??

Real ale Madrid
25/04/2003, 9:47 PM
Or Oliver McKan

28/04/2003, 10:40 AM
Kiely's decision is an absolute disgrace.
Who ever heard of a goalkeeper for a mid table club retiring at 32 to prolong a club career.
He hasn't had a serious injury, the club doesn't play in Europe.
He's retired because he's not the 1st choice keeper.

In any event I think that we are quite well covered for Keepers.
Given, Colgan, Murphy and Kenny will do a good job for us.

Murphy is an excellent prospect. He was unlucky this season with Hoult playing out of his skin.

28/04/2003, 5:41 PM
I'm still waiting for those that vilified RK for retiring from International Football to do the same to Kiely..... Or is it different when they're not high profile and don't play for Manchester United? Double standards, never...

Any player who refuses to make themselves available for selection for their country when still likely to be selected deserves vilification in my book. That includes Keane, Irwin and now Kiely

28/04/2003, 6:04 PM
i was more disappointed when dinny irwin retired than when keane did

29/04/2003, 5:33 PM
Originally posted by Greenbod
Any player who refuses to make themselves available for selection for their country when still likely to be selected deserves vilification in my book. That includes Keane, Irwin and now Kiely

Irwin was insulted by McCarthy, and anyone who saw him play for United after his retirement would know that his stamina was going anyway. His retiremant makes sence, and Keane, aside from the personal reasons, whether you agree with them or not, has had a huge number of recent injuries, and looks worn out.

Kiely on the other hand has thrown his rattle out of the pram. He's not first choice, so feck this, he's retiring. Like Colster said, he's not had injuries, his club isn't in Europe - there was no real physical reason to retire - unlike Keane or Irwin.

30/04/2003, 1:20 PM
Irwin was insulted by McCarthy, and anyone who saw him play for United after his retirement would know that his stamina was going anyway.

Good God, insulted by McCarthy was he. The poor baby. Well that's alright then.

We're only talking about the chance to don the green Jersey and play for the tricolor here you know!

I have seen him play for both United and Wolves since his international retirement. He's still well capable of playing international football if he cared. He doesn't. That makes him an ******* like Keane and Kiely as far as I'm concerned.

30/04/2003, 3:28 PM
Denis Irwin was treated like absolute sh*t by McCarthy, an assh*le who wasn't fit to lace Denis's boots.
McCarthy wanted Irwin "to prove himself to me"!!!
Prove himself ?
To a f*ckin mucker like McCarthy????
Get a grip man.:rolleyes:

The Sheliban
30/04/2003, 3:52 PM
What are you trying to say? That Irwin should have got an automatic place in the side, no matter how badly he plays? Nobody has the right to an automatic place, and anyone should be willing to "prove themself" if it means representing your country.
Though to be fair to Irwin, I'm sure Ferguson had a big hand in it.

30/04/2003, 6:25 PM
Originally posted by The Sheliban
What are you trying to say? That Irwin should have got an automatic place in the side, no matter how badly he plays? Nobody has the right to an automatic place, and anyone should be willing to "prove themself" if it means representing your country.
Though to be fair to Irwin, I'm sure Ferguson had a big hand in it.
I'm not saying that Irwin had an automatic place, but for mucker to suggest that Irwin had to prove he was worthy of a place in our starting line up, while picking some of the mupetts that mccarthy did was bullsh*t.
Was mccarthy suggesting that he was not sure how well Irwin could play?
On top of that, Irwin should always have been in our starting eleven.
Who did we have who was better than him?

Denis Irwin was a player about 100 divisions ahead of what mccarthy could ever be, and, manager or not, it was insulting to him the way he was treated.
Are you suggesting that Irwin somehow didn't want to play for his country?

The Sheliban
01/05/2003, 7:40 AM
I'm sure that Irwin wanted to play for his country, the same as Keane and Kiely. But he's a modern breed of footballer. Which would you rather do, play four games a year for your country, or earn a million from your club? The financial carrots are too great and you don't go against Ferguson or you are out. Which is why I have a lot more respect for McGrath and Quinn and people who will battle to the end of their careers to play for Ireland.

01/05/2003, 9:14 AM
Originally posted by The Sheliban
I'm sure that Irwin wanted to play for his country, the same as Keane and Kiely. But he's a modern breed of footballer. Which would you rather do, play four games a year for your country, or earn a million from your club? The financial carrots are too great and you don't go against Ferguson or you are out. Which is why I have a lot more respect for McGrath and Quinn and people who will battle to the end of their careers to play for Ireland.
Fair enough.
But do you not think that the last national team manager also had something to do with it?
Certainly it did in Irwins case.

The Sheliban
01/05/2003, 9:51 AM
Yes, I would agree that McCarthy is of the old style school of management, the type of "I'm the boss - you do as I say" type of manager.
The modern breed of manager needs to be very much a psychologist too. When players were being paid ten bob a week, you could crush them. Now with million pound contracts and agents etc, you need to tread lightly. The manager at Real apparently can't say anything to his stars.
McCarthy lacks that fundamentally. IMO, he would be great to play for, because he never criticises his players in public. However he appears somewhat intolerant of the baggage that comes with being a superstar. And this undoubtedly caused his downfall.
You may gather I'm an oldie myself and typical of my generation, am not very tolerant of these superstars who earn more in a month than my dad earned in his lifetime.

01/05/2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by The Sheliban

You may gather I'm an oldie myself and typical of my generation, am not very tolerant of these superstars who earn more in a month than my dad earned in his lifetime.
Same here.
However, Mucker was paid quite a lot of money too, as are most managers, and whatever about any other players, Irwin had no "superstar" baggage, he just knew how good a player he was, and had consistantly shown that while wearing the green jersey.
I cannot remember a single bad game ever from Irwin.
(of course there may be some, just that I can't remember any)

01/05/2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Greenbod
Any player who refuses to make themselves available for selection for their country when still likely to be selected deserves vilification in my book. That includes Keane, Irwin and now Kiely
And what about all they contributed to the team?
Is that all forgotten?
Who does the vilification?
What is it that you have done which makes you deserving of the right to vilify players?
People can hold an opinion if they want, but to make the outrageous claim that people are entitled to vilify players because they retire to look after themselves is begrudgery of the worst kind.
You'd want to get another book, as your one seems to hold some very narrow-minded, petty views.....:rolleyes:

01/05/2003, 12:10 PM
Denis Irwin is one of the Ireland soccer team's greatest heroes. Played consistently good in every match he was picked during his entire time in the Irish team, never complained and got on with the job and played for Ireland untill he was 34, untill some fool had the cheek to ask him to "prove" himself. I don't want to hear another bad word about Denis!

07/05/2003, 10:10 AM
i think Irwin was in the right to want to retire when he did.
how can you say otherwise?

12/05/2003, 1:18 PM
Originally posted by brine2
Denis Irwin is one of the Ireland soccer team's greatest heroes. Played consistently good in every match he was picked during his entire time in the Irish team, never complained and got on with the job and played for Ireland untill he was 34, untill some fool had the cheek to ask him to "prove" himself. I don't want to hear another bad word about Denis!

Hear! Hear!