View Full Version : "B" Internationals

22/04/2003, 2:39 PM
with the league of ireland now in the best position it has ever been in and the promotion of glen crowe to the senior irish squad, surely it is now a good time to re-introduce the b international games

flynny and co. can only benefit from these games

with the wealth of talent in the L.O.I. a manager wouldnt even have to go cross the water to make up his squad

23/04/2003, 8:53 PM
am i the only one that thinks this

25/04/2003, 2:31 PM
Would be a great idea for the development of the EL if the FAI organised a few 'b' internationals selecting only/mainly EL players.

26/04/2003, 1:17 AM
But did they not try a similar idea with an Irish side made up of EL Players only to suggest they did'nt play Internationals but Club Teams or some such nonsense?? I cannae remember the exact details but I remember a bit of an uproar about it.

An EL 'B' International would be nice to see, although the amount of Derry Players in it would'nt be good to see.......