View Full Version : Eddie Hobbs and his new company

18/09/2007, 1:59 PM
Anybody who knows me personally will know how much I despise Eddie Hobbs. I won't go into how much I hate him, suffice to say that he's the person I'd most like to punch in the face (repeatedly)

Anyway, in his new venture, Ireland's self styled savings and personal finance expert is actively encouraging people to borrow to invest.

A few linkies for you
and a detailed discussion on AskAboutMoney.com (http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=63049)

Surely someone else out there hates him?

el punter
18/09/2007, 2:39 PM
I hate the society that has given us celebrity economists such as Hobbs and McWilliams with prime time tv slots.

As Weller said "The public get what the public want"

It's sickening how money orientated Ireland is. Bit of recession would be fine by me and see all the get rich quick property gimps washed up on the shore gasping for air with the tide receding behind them. Then they will learn that gambling is a big boys game no matter how it's packaged for them.

18/09/2007, 3:53 PM
Hope it doesn't go the way of Eddie's former business venture with Mr Taylor........although of course Eddie was a whistleblower, rather than an accessory to his dodgy dealings.....

18/09/2007, 4:50 PM
...I won't go into how much I hate him, suffice to say that he's the person I'd most like to punch in the face (repeatedly)...
He's second on the list of the Irish 'celebrities' I'd most like to punch in the face*. A whiny fecker who takes up an irritating portion of the broadcasting spectrum explaining to people that spending more money than you have is a bad idea, in a particularly whiny Cork accent.

Hey, maybe there's an idea for a new show. Eddie Hobbs visits Shelbourne. i can picture it now, "You earned €17,000 this week, but you spent €35,000. This can't go on." Shelbourne official nodding glumly, saying "I know Eddie, I know."

*He also occupies fourth through seventh on that list.

pineapple stu
18/09/2007, 4:54 PM
Hate is too strong a word. But I've seen some of his talks, and they're very much "Isn't big business great? I'm going to make points in a really condescending way so everyone laughs and agrees with me without thinking."

Show Me The Money is fun, though. Remember one person who wanted to save up to go to the World Cup, but then went on the p!ss regularly, buying drinks for all her mates too, and put her credit card in behind the bar. Was actually surprised when she was told this was the main part of the reason she was broke. There are some seriously stupid people out there.

18/09/2007, 5:33 PM
If its legal people can make up their own minds & I am sure plenty of other schemes to take the money if Mr. Hobbs did not have one.

I do find that he is a it confusing. I can never remember if he is encouraging people to spend/invest or not?

Celebrity Death Match Oirish Style: Hobbs v McWilliams. :eek:

19/09/2007, 8:56 AM
Don't know why you'd be bothered hating Eddie Hobbs, surely there are more worthy recipients.
His new venture stinks to the high heavens though, setting yourself up as the champion of consumers and expert in personal financing and then several years on set up a company asking people to invest in a European Property venture.
I wonder what he would have said about this several years ago if the whole of the western world was getting caught up in the biggest banking crisis brought on by mismanaged property investments?

19/09/2007, 11:05 AM
I do not have that much problem with David McWilliams as he is an intelligent man and having met him once a very nice bloke. He is what you get. Yes I know he lays it on a bit thick, but he does believe what he writes and no hidden agenda.

The self-serving Eddie Hobbs on the other hand makes me want to vomit. I recall that first show he did of Rip Off Ireland and he going on about bad Public Transport - fair enough, but you know what his idea was "public" transport was. The Irish Rail first class service to Cork and something about the food not being good enough. Christ, I was half waiting for him to complain about no piano bar on the Luas.

The smug gob****e hadn't got the faintest idea what public transport and how we need MASS TRANSIT in this country - to make the segment worst there was a racist incident on the train were he belittles the foreign waiter on the train for the amusement of the audience. Shocking.

All all though this expose of his complete ignorance and cluelessness is this "I'm a clever little langer ain't I" look in his face. At least McWilliam's knows what he is talking about. Eddie Hobbs is really thick - and here is passing himself off as this financial wiz. It's unreal.

This is what I hate about this country. These people like Hobbs who think public transport is bad because it does not serve him truffles, and not because it does not go to anywhere were people actually live/commute and offers high frequency (except for Luas) and the like of Duncan Stewart saying we can't have Nuclear Power in Ireland because he doesn't like it. Even though we are facing a major power shortage in coming years and Nuclear Power stations are not designed to explode and nothing else. This is what you are dealing with in this country. Muppets who know half nothings, based mainly on US and British pop culture influencing national and public policy and derailing new thinking and ideas because 'if it hasn't been done in paddyland before, then it can't be done'.

We have too many self-appointed experts and most of the talk utter rubbish with Hobbs at the top of the heap and who the hell gives these people their soapbox anyways!

19/09/2007, 1:08 PM
Hear hear.

19/09/2007, 1:41 PM
Small and whiny. You've just reminded me of Pat Fenlon. I hate Dodge for that alone and for starting this topic and thus ensuing my hatred for Fenlon would re-emerge this fine afternoon. Dodge, Eddie Hobbs and Fenlon - I hate you all.

19/09/2007, 1:49 PM
Ouch, thats some shocking company I'm in. No problem with you hating me...

19/09/2007, 2:20 PM
His TV show was basically find an idiot that earns 2 grand a month but spends 4, Give them great advise like dont spend so much and save a little and thats about it.

Why is that on my telly

19/09/2007, 3:01 PM
Why is that on my telly

People watch it i suppose. Some of the stuff that gets high ratings on RTE1 is fairly strange.

I only saw a small bit of but that Rip Off Republic got huge ratings.

19/09/2007, 8:24 PM
Can't stand Hobbs but have no problem with McWillaims. Read a bit of the Pope's Children and laughed at how accurate it was. Hobbs however plays the populist hero. Not often I agree with Bohs man but BSG hit the nail on the head. The piece about the train was ridiculous. People don't want meals on trains the same way they don't want meals on Airplanes. That's why The Ryan family and Michael O'Leary are rolling in it. (simplistic but you know what I mean)

20/09/2007, 7:35 PM
Hey, maybe there's an idea for a new show. Eddie Hobbs visits Shelbourne. i can picture it now, "You earned €17,000 this week, but you spent €35,000. This can't go on." Shelbourne official nodding glumly, saying "I know Eddie, I know."

Post of the month to John83. :D

pineapple stu
20/09/2007, 7:50 PM
Am I allowed mention it was mooted as a possible article for STIG last year? Was dropped in favour of the much easier to parody Dragons' Den.

Bald Student
20/09/2007, 8:14 PM
Am I allowed mention it was mooted as a possible article for STIG last year? Was dropped in favour of the much easier to parody Dragons' Den.Eddie Hobbs would tell you to include links (http://stigonline.com/misc/dragons.htm) in this type of thing. Visitors give us more advertising revenue.

20/09/2007, 10:50 PM
Has he really told people they should borrow to get a share in this though?

Vitruvian Man
21/09/2007, 4:36 PM
IMO Hobbes staked his credibility on removing the Groceries Order and it turned out to have no impact whatsoever.

Thus he is reduced to selling timeshare.

McWilliams actually annoys me even more with his doom and gloom "We will be a third world country in 5 years becuase you bought a BMW. By the way have you got my cheque for this TV show as I have to be in Patrick Guilbauds in half an hour."

21/09/2007, 5:10 PM
McWilliams actually annoys me even more with his doom and gloom "We will be a third world country in 5 years becuase you bought a BMW. By the way have you got my cheque for this TV show as I have to be in Patrick Guilbauds in half an hour."

The Celtic Tiger & its nastier excesses made TV "stars" of McWilliams & Hobbs. Hobbs moans about overcharging for professional services yet he charges a packet for his own services.

Both massive Hypocrites.


22/09/2007, 5:23 PM
Anybody who knows me personally will know how much I despise Eddie Hobbs. I won't go into how much I hate him, suffice to say that he's the person I'd most like to punch in the face (repeatedly)

Surely someone else out there hates him?

I hate him. He's a smug **** with an annoying accent.

23/09/2007, 11:10 AM
Surely someone else out there hates him?

actually Dodge i dont particularly like him as well, but HATe maybe is too strong a feeling

He is just a chancer, telling us something we all know, and we wont hear from him in 5 to 10 years time, i bet

24/09/2007, 9:31 AM
Eddie visited our neighbours in Co Louth a couple of seasons ago:

Noelys Guitar
24/09/2007, 11:51 AM
Eddie visited our neighbours in Co Louth a couple of seasons ago:

haha. Although a Hoops fan had to laugh at that. Good one.

24/09/2007, 12:51 PM
They where saying on the sunday business show on today fm that there are big questions being asked about this new property investment Hobbs in on the radio about