View Full Version : Starting 11 v UCD

17/04/2003, 7:19 PM
Here's what I'd go with:

Hoggy Murray Bennett Gaz
Warren Greg Georgie Billy
Flynny Doyle

I left both Carey and O'Grady out and only left Billy in through neccessity.
Who would the rest of ye play?

I'm very worried about tomorrows game as it is the first of a run of 4 very difficult games, UCD away, Bohs home and Longford and Rovers away. Those fixtures don't really inspire confidence.
However, if we could somehow manage a win tomorrow night it would set us up very nicely for our big clash with Bohs on tuesday. Heres hoping.

17/04/2003, 7:31 PM
Originally posted by Colm
Here's what I'd go with:

Hoggy Murray Bennett Gaz
Warren Greg Georgie Billy
Flynny Doyle

Ditto. Think Warren should be given an extended run, and from what ive seen, George plays better in the centre of the field.

or do u have the line up on good authority Colm????

:p ;) :D

17/04/2003, 7:36 PM

Hoggy Murray Bennett Gaz

Georgie Greg Grady Woods

Flynny CPOB

If I put Gaz on the left wing instead of Woods it would be GGGGGGreat!

17/04/2003, 11:18 PM
I would like to see CP O'Brien get a few games in the first team. He has never really had a consistant run of games.

Cronin Murray Deccie Hoggie
O'Callaghan O'Hallorahan O'Grady Woods
O'Flynn C P O'Brien

18/04/2003, 5:42 PM
In my opinion this is City's best team




O' Flynn, Colin P.

Pablo Escobar
18/04/2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by applehunter
I would like to see CP O'Brien get a few games in the first team. He has never really had a consistant run of games.

Cronin Murray Deccie Hoggie
O'Callaghan O'Hallorahan O'Grady Woods
O'Flynn C P O'Brien
Hoggie's a right-back and Gaz is a left-back!

20/04/2003, 11:57 PM
until we can sort out another cnetral midfielder to replace grady I'd go with the team that actually did start against UCD