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28/07/2001, 11:08 PM
Today UEFA announced that Frank de Boer was guilty of taking nandrolone, and gave him a 2.5 month ban. This 2.5 month ban also just happens to occur during the summer break and end on the 31st of August. Holland play in Dublin on the 1st of September. What a coincidince.

So they basically said he's guilty, but they're letting him off. The Dutch press are already going on about how nice it would be for Frank to get his 100th cap at the World Cup. The cheek.

30/07/2001, 10:30 AM
Seems like some deal was done there?

How can they say he was guilty & only give a 2.5 month ban? On what basis was his ban reduced?

Seems like UEFA saw that they couldn't prove his guilt or something & didn't want to be dragged through the courts? Seems like an unofficial deal for de Boer not to pursue legally?

30/07/2001, 4:18 PM
thats one major pheckin fudge by the boyos in UEFA lads. i suppose it wouldnt b right if holland didnt makre it to the world cup

The Legend
30/07/2001, 11:34 PM
Calm down boys...

UEFA cut the ban, but FIFA did not (yet) so he still wont be playing against us!

06/08/2001, 12:07 PM
I guess the moral of the story is: If you are a pro footballer and want to take Nandrolone, then take it near the end of the season. Because then you won't miss any matches.

09/08/2001, 11:34 AM
I've been getting the lowdown from my "sunstance expert" & apparently its stupid to take Nandrolone as better "supliments" available. Also apparently the levels that footballers are tested at are way below say Athletics.

Still Frabkie is either guilty (& gets long ban) or innocent (no ban) :rolleyes:

15/08/2001, 6:51 PM
He's injured. (justice!)