View Full Version : Facebook, Myspace or (gasp!) Bebo...which is most popular?

Pauro 76
31/07/2007, 12:13 PM
Just wondering if someone could do a poll of which is the most popular? Facebook for me easily. Myspace is ok but some people's personalised pages are vile looking and its handy for music, instant messaging but not much else. Bebo looks like a kiddie website but handy for pictures, Facebook easily the best for networking and wondering where ex workmates and people you thought you'd long lost contact with have got to. Id vote Facebook anyway, can we have a poll if possible? ta!

Pauro 76
31/07/2007, 12:18 PM
that was quick! voted Facebook anyhoo. :)

31/07/2007, 12:18 PM
im on all 3, but facebook is the new revolution it appears. since it appeared on the metro and a couple of papers about 4 months ago it has all of a sudden just exploded, even though it has been around for years. Its weird the way these things work, I am sure there is some marketing/pr guy who is paid to go out and use his contacts to get it out to the papers.

its annoying in facebook that you have to be a friend ( by default ) before you can view someones profile. especially if you are looking up a common name and you cant make out the person in the pic ( group photo for example ) and/or there is no pic.

31/07/2007, 12:21 PM
I like Bebo the best , mostly cos most people i know are on it so thats the one I use most and for me its a lot easier to navigate than Myspace , it also looks better.

31/07/2007, 12:22 PM
I'm on all three too. Never got into MySpace at all, don't think I even got around to adding any friends. Still use Bebo a good bit, it looks very childish, but, it's very effective and easy to use. Only starting to use Facebook a bit and it seems to be somewhere in the middle. A bit like a grown up Bebo. Bebo has to get my vote for the moment :o

Pauro 76
31/07/2007, 12:26 PM
Facebook came from out of nowhere. It's addictive and i just cant put my finger on why. Agree that you have to be someone's friend before looking up a profile but maybe its a security thing. Myspace was annoying cos most of the people who wanted to be on your friends list were all bands playing in the area you live in and random freaks. Most of my friends were on myspace but most of us all on facebook now.

31/07/2007, 12:33 PM
Bebo is the easiest to navigate. Although not the best for searching long lost friends up as you need to know their email.

Myspace is annoying, rarely use it and as Pauro said, always get bands trying to add you. Unlike Bebo though, very easy to search for people on it.

Facebook, I registered on it about 7 or 8 months ago. Haven't been back since:p.

31/07/2007, 12:35 PM
never heard of facebook, hate bebo, like myspace bar the ****e bands trying to get you to listen to them, or travel 6 hours up the road to watch them.

31/07/2007, 12:37 PM
Bebo's the only one I use. Never thought MySpace was anything special. I don't know what Facebook is.

31/07/2007, 12:48 PM
ya facebook is big here in england, and its more of an "office" networking thingie, less formal than linkedIn.
Myspace is for americans really, thats how it started and its still used mostly by americans, though searching through bands can be fun. Some hot women on it too.
Bebo is the UK and Irelands kiddie version of facebook, hence you can customize your page to look stupid and you cant do that with Facebook, so it keeps it more professional looking.

My Profiles differ greatly between myspace, bebo and facebook. Though at the moment i use facebook the most, its definately a fad thing thouhg. Be sure to see another one within a year.

31/07/2007, 12:50 PM
New used any of these sites before as felt Bebo just for kids.

Only just signed up to Facebook as know someone on there already. Seems to be feck all Irish people on it though.

Lionel Ritchie
31/07/2007, 12:55 PM
Just working on a facebook at the moment so I've no opinion of it yet.

Out of neccessity I have a couple of myspace pages and a bebo.
Both platforms are vile.

The tools have a clanky, Windows 95 feel to them and most pages tend to look like something out of a late 90's personal webpage.

Myspace -a place for adverts!

Pauro 76
31/07/2007, 12:57 PM
there's a fair few irish people on it. Look up your hometown and chances are you'll find either a group or someone you might know on it. look up your ex workplace and you'll find people you used to work with. Not sure has it caught on in ireland though. agree that you cant make your page look 'pretty' in facebook as in Bebo, thats a good thing. some Bebo or MySpace layouts are vile to look at.

31/07/2007, 12:57 PM
I'm on bebo myself. Haven't looked at myspace in any great detail.Just flicked through it. Seems ok but a little cumbersome. Bebo is foolproof and i suppose that is why it's so popular.
Haven't looked at facebook at all so i can't really comment on it. Most Irish people are on bebo but that doesn't make it the best. If I'm searching for a long lost friend i generally just google their name and i find it that way

31/07/2007, 1:08 PM
I've heard that if you've applied for a job the job interviewer actually searches your name to have a look at your page on bebo/myspace etc. and if you have anything racist or discriminatory etc. at all. They disgard your job application. Good way of keeping check!

31/07/2007, 1:27 PM
sligoman, cant be true, just left jobs a couple of months ago, however they do google your name and I have found out about that......some fella defaced my CV from college and put it on the net, its no1 thing to come up when my named google and page 2 i think if you look up my town.

31/07/2007, 1:33 PM
Bebo is the easiest to navigate. Although not the best for searching long lost friends up as you need to know their email.

www.bigulo.com is handy for searching for people .

Pauro 76
31/07/2007, 1:40 PM
I never put where i work or used to work on those sites. One guy i know who used to work in my old job in Hemel Hempstead outside London put something about him working for a specific printers there. Always not a clever idea, especially if someone does a google search on the company and the myspace profile appears in the search. He got in trouble for that.

31/07/2007, 1:44 PM
www.bigulo.com is handy for searching for people .That's very good. Cheers gus!

31/07/2007, 2:07 PM
I'm on all three. Started on myspace, but have become very facebook oriented as most of the locals here in foreign with whom I associate are on it. Bebo is for kids. Possibly specifically for Irish Kids as everyone in Ireland under 25 seems to have one.

Thus spake Bluebeard.

31/07/2007, 2:17 PM
I'm on all three. Started on myspace, but have become very facebook oriented as most of the locals here in foreign with whom I associate are on it. Bebo is for kids. Possibly specifically for Irish Kids as everyone in Ireland under 25 seems to have one.

Thus spake Bluebeard.Just found you on Myspace:p

Pauro 76
31/07/2007, 2:50 PM
i just found myself! :eek:

Lionel Ritchie
31/07/2007, 2:56 PM
www.bigulo.com is handy for searching for people .

let me finish that sentence for you ....is handy for searching for people if they are aged between 18 and 22


31/07/2007, 2:57 PM
I voted bebo because its the only one I'm on and is real handy for keeping in contact with all the gang that are away

31/07/2007, 9:35 PM
I prefer myspace for the music and it doesn't have as many posing toss pots tell everyone how mad they are

31/07/2007, 9:36 PM
I'm on them all. I've tried several times to get the bulk of my friends to switch to Myspace or Facebook but they seem happy with Bebo which means I must persevere.

31/07/2007, 9:37 PM
Hey there was no 'All Rubbish' choice when I voted!!

31/07/2007, 10:31 PM
It took me a fraction of one second to make up my mind

01/08/2007, 9:37 AM
Have signed up to all 3 and rarely use any of them. Bebo is the one would use the most tho.

01/08/2007, 11:00 AM
Just found you on Myspace:p

Cool, my very own stalker:D

I had kind of hoped you'd be about 5'10, slim bodied, ampled chested, nymphomaniacal and female, but I suppose any port in a storm.:p

01/08/2007, 12:12 PM
Bebo is the one would use the most tho.Log in, I've added you;).
I had kind of hoped you'd be about 5'10, slim bodied, ampled chested, nymphomaniacal and female, but I suppose any port in a storm.:pSorry to disappoint:p.

01/08/2007, 7:30 PM
bebo because its the only one i use

Pauro 76
03/08/2007, 10:35 AM
Suddenly long lost Longford pals have started added me as friends on Bebo. Being slowly dragged in again. but i shall resist. Its like the Bebonic Plague all over again. ;)

03/08/2007, 11:43 AM
Suddenly long lost Longford pals have started added me as friends on Bebo. Being slowly dragged in again. but i shall resist. Its like the Bebonic Plague all over again. ;)
Quality pun:D

Pauro 76
03/08/2007, 1:29 PM
Quality pun:D

Pun most definitely intended! :)

25/11/2007, 3:40 AM
gotta be facebook all the way...

25/11/2007, 7:37 AM
Is nobody else sick of Facebook (I ask about Facebook because I've never used the other ones, but I imagine they are similar)?

All this crap about vampire-biting, drunk-dialling, throwing sheep at people.......you can even buy a present like a "beer" for a dollar and send it to people. Who in their right mind would do that?

The site has a valid function as a way to keep in touch, and display some images, but it has reached a whole new level of crapness recently.

Lionel Ritchie
12/02/2008, 12:48 PM
Am working on something at the moment that requires me to start a myspace, facebook and bebo.

They're all clanky. facebook doesn't appear to be in any way customisable (is that even a word?) and how bad ...makes my task easier.

Does anyone know of any straightforward Bebo editor? Something like Thomas' Myspace editor?

This is hateful work by the way. Young people are idiots. They really are.

12/02/2008, 1:07 PM
All this crap about vampire-biting, drunk-dialling, throwing sheep at people.......you can even buy a present like a "beer" for a dollar and send it to people. Who in their right mind would do that?

Thats exactly why I rarely use it. Hadnt logged on in ages and then
when I did I'd been bitten by a vampire, turned into a werewolf,
tickled and then had a snowball and hot potato thrown at me!!!

Had a Bebo for a while but them started getting loads of friend requests
from people Id never heard of because they wanted to prove to their other
friends that they were the most popular kiddie on the internet!

They're all a load of muck i.m.h.o.

12/02/2008, 1:16 PM
Actually, I just got a notification that someone just bought me and I made €30 profit!!!! WTF!!!!

12/02/2008, 1:41 PM
have you got a bit of a rep round athlone ash?! ;)

I am wondering whats going on as the add for singlemuslim.com is just showing above as I type this, so I'm wondering if you have been sold into a muslim marraige.

12/02/2008, 1:52 PM
have you got a bit of a rep round athlone ash?! ;)

I am wondering whats going on as the add for singlemuslim.com is just showing above as I type this, so I'm wondering if you have been sold into a muslim marraige.

Ok, thats a bit scary as when I logged in to Facebook it was infact
a muslim girl I know who bought me!!!!

12/02/2008, 1:55 PM
Ok, thats a bit scary as when I logged in to Facebook it was infact
a muslim girl I know who bought me!!!!

now its just gotten worse, its a gay dating website :eek: what the heck are ye doing?! have you been bought again?! is it by schloomp in a fit of mad rage and jealousy?! :confused::p

Maybe that muslim girls father has a big dowry for ye, so might not be all bad!!!! is she hot?! i often wonder that when i walk by the ones in ninja suits over here.