View Full Version : Those slippery slopes I warned of are here

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26/07/2007, 9:11 AM
They are here earlier than I envisaged, but by God are they here. The club cancelled, well thats not right, they didn't bother to turn up at their own table quiz last night because they had to call an emergency meeting over finances. Nice of them to let the 30 odd of us who turned up in Foleys know, and also the staff of Foleys who were expecting a big night!!

Anyway, now is the time for the man who has been strangely hiding from his usual pontifications on here, Mr. Limerick37 to grow a pair and tell us what the hell is going on. Players are owed money, players have been told they can leave, players have been 'assured' by Finnin at training that everything is going to be alright...yada yada yada...

I said it before, and I take absolutely no pleasure in it..the sums don't add up. €5K plus every week going out....less than €5K plus every fortnight coming in...ain't fu ck ing rocket science now is it.

Time for some serious clarification Ger, which as a shareholder who still hasn't received his documentation, I am entitled to. :mad:

Mercurial Vapor
26/07/2007, 9:26 AM
They are here earlier than I envisaged, but by God are they here. The club cancelled, well thats not right, they didn't bother to turn up at their own table quiz last night because they had to call an emergency meeting over finances. Nice of them to let the 30 odd of us who turned up in Foleys know, and also the staff of Foleys who were expecting a big night!!

Anyway, now is the time for the man who has been strangely hiding from his usual pontifications on here, Mr. Limerick37 to grow a pair and tell us what the hell is going on. Players are owed money, players have been told they can leave, players have been 'assured' by Finnin at training that everything is going to be alright...yada yada yada...

I said it before, and I take absolutely no pleasure in it..the sums don't add up. €5K plus every week going out....less than €5K plus every fortnight coming in...ain't fu ck ing rocket science now is it.

Time for some serious clarification Ger, which as a shareholder who still hasn't received his documentation, I am entitled to. :mad:

Would I be right in thinking that the quiz didn't take place PBW. Your obviously very peeved and rightly so.

26/07/2007, 9:50 AM
wasn't there myself last night but how did ye find out it wasn't going ahead or did it go ahead without them? Did they ring foleys or did someone show up in person to tell ye?

26/07/2007, 9:57 AM
Even if this "financial crisis" meeting had to take place last night, It did not have to rake place at the time of the quiz. Surely before 8.30 or after the quiz or this morning would have been suitable.

Scant regard was shown to the most loyal supporters last night. The same ones who will attend Limerick games through thick and thin, through one regime or another :mad:

Credit must be given, however to Cathal who volunteered to come in and try to explain as best he could what happened last night

Also from a financial point of view we could have raised monies for the club last night.

If we are in a crisis situation as Pinball Wizard has said then questions need to be asked about the Commercial side of the club and it's lack of success in getting sponsorship. If we do not get Sponsorship to meet the shortfall in cash ie difference between Wage,Utilites etc bills and Gate reciepts we are obviously in the red.

The Fans need to be told what the actual story is now regarding the Financial situation and the future of the club for everyones' sake.


26/07/2007, 10:00 AM
Its terrible to hear that lads, but whats the story with the radio sponsorship i tihnk its a great idea that they sponsor ye and ye play there station on the pitch. Win all round.

26/07/2007, 10:05 AM
From what I gather, two representatives of the club are in Dublin this morning to plead their case to the FAI. I'm pretty sure the FAI won't want an embarrassment like this on their plates, so hopefully will help out in whatever way they can.

However, this would be a short-term solution for a very serious problem. As John said, there are some people who have supported the club through trhick and thin, mostly thin, and we deserve better than this. Full disclosure is required. This is a mirror of the situation last year with Daft Dave...At least with Daft Dave you knew what to expect.

26/07/2007, 10:09 AM
From what I gather, two representatives of the club are in Dublin this morning to plead their case to the FAI. I'm pretty sure the FAI won't want an embarrassment like this on their plates, so hopefully will help out in whatever way they can.

what is wrong though is it a major shortfall in cash or what, were strapped for cash all year long like, is this serious like.

26/07/2007, 10:24 AM
It seems quite serious, but as usual, we're always the last to know.

26/07/2007, 10:28 AM
It seems quite serious, but as usual, we're always the last to know.

ah **** it, thats awful now, sorry to hear that now lads. Magges fines prob the cause:D

26/07/2007, 10:47 AM
Right now, there are a couple of things wrong!

1. We don't know what's wrong, we just know that something's wrong!

2. Whatever's wrong, last night has just made it worse! Genuine supporters showed up to give financial support to the club, only to be told (belatedly) the club apparently had greater priorities that night than fundraising. Also, the club will have soured its potential relationship with the bar by letting them down. As someone has previously posted, surely the meeting could have been organised so as not to undermine the quiz. This whole debacle suggests that there are quite serious problems (i.e. more than mere financial problems). I'm afraid to speculate what...

I wasn't there for the quiz. This was partly due to a prior commitment, but the quiz was priced WAY out of my league anyway.

26/07/2007, 10:49 AM
They are here earlier than I envisaged, but by God are they here. The club cancelled, well thats not right, they didn't bother to turn up at their own table quiz last night because they had to call an emergency meeting over finances. Nice of them to let the 30 odd of us who turned up in Foleys know, and also the staff of Foleys who were expecting a big night!!

Anyway, now is the time for the man who has been strangely hiding from his usual pontifications on here, Mr. Limerick37 to grow a pair and tell us what the hell is going on. Players are owed money, players have been told they can leave, players have been 'assured' by Finnin at training that everything is going to be alright...yada yada yada...

I said it before, and I take absolutely no pleasure in it..the sums don't add up. €5K plus every week going out....less than €5K plus every fortnight coming in...ain't fu ck ing rocket science now is it.

Time for some serious clarification Ger, which as a shareholder who still hasn't received his documentation, I am entitled to. :mad:

You are right about those facts and entitled to express them on here as no one else has the guts to tell the truth about the goings on behind the scenes at limerick.
Certain players are being payed to keep them happy along with magee before he runs away to another interview.he definitely went for the Athlone job "FACT"

Other players haven't been payed in a month and in 1 instance a player hasn't been payed in 2 months:o

Another thing is that players aren't been told that they are going to be left out of the team but the supporters know before the players.

This club is being run by a few with inflated egos who seem to spend more time in front of the camera's than the supporters.

26/07/2007, 11:47 AM
Jesus Christ, not again.

26/07/2007, 12:00 PM
From reading your threads for the last number of weeks i had a suspicion something was wrong,,didnt realise it was this bad..hope ye get sorted lads L O I football needs clubs like ye...

the dazzler
26/07/2007, 12:29 PM
lads from what i can gather from a player is the three lads who came from rovers are getting nearly double the other lads are getting and still being paid the lads there all year have not being paid six players were told they could leave :mad:

26/07/2007, 12:31 PM
Who is Ger Finnan? Chairman?

Mercurial Vapor
26/07/2007, 12:58 PM
They are here earlier than I envisaged, but by God are they here. The club cancelled, well thats not right, they didn't bother to turn up at their own table quiz last night because they had to call an emergency meeting over finances. Nice of them to let the 30 odd of us who turned up in Foleys know, and also the staff of Foleys who were expecting a big night!!

Anyway, now is the time for the man who has been strangely hiding from his usual pontifications on here, Mr. Limerick37 to grow a pair and tell us what the hell is going on. Players are owed money, players have been told they can leave, players have been 'assured' by Finnin at training that everything is going to be alright...yada yada yada...

I said it before, and I take absolutely no pleasure in it..the sums don't add up. €5K plus every week going out....less than €5K plus every fortnight coming in...ain't fu ck ing rocket science now is it.

Time for some serious clarification Ger, which as a shareholder who still hasn't received his documentation, I am entitled to. :mad:

Hey PBW, the details of the quiz that were still on the clubs website this morning have been removed and more interestingly there is a notice stating that any shareholders who have not received their packs should contact the club immediately. This would indicate to me that Oldkeeper has seen this thread but is declining to post any answers that you have asked.

26/07/2007, 1:03 PM
Hey PBW, the details of the quiz that were still on the clubs website this morning have been removed

That was done by me. Purely as the event is in the past and I try to keep the website as up to date as is possible regularly..no conspiracy here ;)

26/07/2007, 1:46 PM
Personally I think the SC should be kept informed of what is going on at the club. If there are financial troubles we can organise fundraisers and the like to help out, keeping us in the dark won't help. especially when you 'forget' to invite our chosen representative to the emergency board meeting :rolleyes: I mean what's the point of asking us to come along in the first place if you're not going to allow us into the important meetings?

26/07/2007, 1:56 PM
From what I gather, two representatives of the club are in Dublin this morning to plead their case to the FAI. I'm pretty sure the FAI won't want an embarrassment like this on their plates, so hopefully will help out in whatever way they can.
Help out? As far as I know the FAI owe Limerick a lot of money but there's no sign of it winging our way. Limerick have been spending money on the back of this expected FAI money, for example as far as I know new turnstyles were purchased recently. A club in financial crisis does not buy new turnstyles. So by all means I think our officials trip to Dublin is to get money that we are owed, not to beg for help...

As far as the commercial aspect of the club goes, it is not good enough at the moment. For one, our pitch should have continuous advertising boards all around the perimeter of the pitch. Even stand up boards behind the walls of the bottom goals. Drop the price a little, get more sponsorship. Next year you can ask for a little more. There's not enough sponsorship coming in to meet the wages and running costs of the club, and that's going to be a continuous problem regardless of that FAI cheque.

I wouldn't be too hard on Ger Finnin. One man can only do so much, the rest need to pull the finger out. Maybe Ger needs to delegate more as well. There are highly qualified people who should be involved with Limerick and working with Ger Finnin, who are not, I can think of two straight away

26/07/2007, 2:14 PM
The only problem with this lads is that the damage to the reputation of the club may have already been done. A lot of people in Limerick have the opinion that Limerick senior football, under, any guise is a joke, and wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. All of this is thanks to a certain man of the cloth, but that attitude is there, and if they hear 'Limerick 37 in financial trouble' they'll feel they have been justified in keeping a safe distance from the club

26/07/2007, 2:30 PM
Help out? As far as I know the FAI owe Limerick a lot of money but there's no sign of it winging our way. Limerick have been spending money on the back of this expected FAI money, for example as far as I know new turnstyles were purchased recently. A club in financial crisis does not buy new turnstyles. So by all means I think our officials trip to Dublin is to get money that we are owed, not to beg for help...
As far as I can see, the main outgoings for the club are wages. The FAI aren't going to help with those. I appreciate that new turnstiles have been bought, but for Jackman Park, a ground we lease. I would question why the club put new turnstiles in at their own expense when they are only tenants. Would you put a new door in a house you rent, or would you expect the landlord to do it? The grant money is for development only, so the only money the club can claim back is what they've spent on development of Jackman, which, lets face it, isn't a whole lot. There is a reason that the FAI money hasn't arrived before now. I would like to know what it is. And it still won't be the solution to the problems. The club needs a full time commercial whizz in place, someone well paid and motivated. There are a lot of well-intentioned people out there, but good intentions don't make you money.

26/07/2007, 2:40 PM
Would appointing a full time commercial manager not be a big drain on club....if ye cant afford to pay the players how are ye going to pay a commercial manager...thought when LIM37 was formed ye had high profile people in place that could run the club properly like a business

26/07/2007, 3:15 PM
A proper Commercial Manager will work best off a high commission/bonus structure.

26/07/2007, 3:25 PM
Finance is simple.You cannot spend what you havent got.What is this redherring about FAI money??As far as I know to get any licence you need to be able to pay your way.Thats why they put in place the rules about wages not exceeding the % of your income (???).I would think that the arrival of the lads back from Rovers has severely overbalanced that equation.As far as I know again the FAI do not contribute to wages.Can anyone tell me I am wrong about that.

The only positive I can take from this is that it has not been let run too long so its not a Shelbourne size thing yet and may be salvaged by interim funding but then the horns of expense have to be pulled in.

The issue has to be players wages expectations.They attract the crowds so based on the gates less the expenses that leaves money for wages(before tax).If they only attract 700 then the net figure (taking into account home and away for simplification)divided by 2 leaves the amount that can be shared out with the players .Any more than that and that "slippery slope" has added oil on it.The people who take control have to do exactly that=ONLY PAY OUT ON WAGES WHAT IS LEFT.Otherwise its mismanagement not management.

26/07/2007, 4:04 PM
The only positive I can take from this is that it has not been let run too long so its not a Shelbourne size thing yet and may be salvaged by interim funding but then the horns of expense have to be pulled in.

Good point. We have time to sort all this out. Maybe now is the time for the Club to Launch their "Friends of Limerick 37" direct debit campaign. Also the Supporters' club could start up a fundraising campaign.

We have a big match coming up soon v Finn Harps we need to sell the importance of this game to the general public and media and get over 1,000 people through the "new" turnstiles ;)

Lim till i die
26/07/2007, 8:48 PM
lads from what i can gather from a player is the three lads who came from rovers are getting nearly double the other lads are getting and still being paid the lads there all year have not being paid six players were told they could leave :mad:

Bull$hit, Laughable Bull$hit

Lim till i die
26/07/2007, 8:53 PM
I appreciate that new turnstiles have been bought, but for Jackman Park, a ground we lease. I would question why the club put new turnstiles in at their own expense when they are only tenants. Would you put a new door in a house you rent, or would you expect the landlord to do it? .

Could you honestly see the LDMC Comittee going to buy turnstiles without coming back with magic beans??

The grant money is for development only, so the only money the club can claim back is what they've spent on development of Jackman, which, lets face it, isn't a whole lot.

Believe it or not, it's an awful, awful lot

There is a reason that the FAI money hasn't arrived before now. I would like to know what it is.

The FAI are a shower of clowns???

And it still won't be the solution to the problems. The club needs a full time commercial whizz in place, someone well paid and motivated. There are a lot of well-intentioned people out there, but good intentions don't make you money

Fully Agreed

Lim till i die
26/07/2007, 8:55 PM
The issue has to be players wages expectations.They attract the crowds so based on the gates less the expenses that leaves money for wages(before tax).If they only attract 700 then the net figure (taking into account home and away for simplification)divided by 2 leaves the amount that can be shared out with the players .Any more than that and that "slippery slope" has added oil on it.The people who take control have to do exactly that=ONLY PAY OUT ON WAGES WHAT IS LEFT.Otherwise its mismanagement not management.


No club in the world could pay its wages of gate receipts alone.

It's on the commercial side we're falling down

27/07/2007, 12:26 AM
So much for this professional league. Look what is happening with us now Limerick again. Surely the FAI must pump money into this league or it will never get better:(

27/07/2007, 12:33 AM
Am I right in saying that L37 are in financial trouble, organised a fundraiser but then cancelled it to have an emergency meeting about raising funds?

the hoops
27/07/2007, 6:45 AM
bring back danny drew:D

the only 1
27/07/2007, 6:48 AM
lads same story every year with limerick no money always begging :mad: stARTED WHEN THEY ANNONCED a signing of a player on the radio which player knew nothing about some commercial side of the club ok what a joke

27/07/2007, 8:17 AM
Quote JoeSoap:

The grant money is for development only, so the only money the club can claim back is what they've spent on development of Jackman, which, lets face it, isn't a whole lot.
Quote Lim till I die:

Believe it or not, it's an awful, awful lot

I know exactly how much it is. However on that note I ask one point, annd you were around in the last few years so you'll know where I'm going with this. How was Danny Drew able to do the work he did in Hogan Park (which to be fair was a fair bit of good work) for one third of the cost that L37 were able to tarmac a car parking area and throw a lick of paint on the shed for?

Either Danny is a very very good bargainer, or L37 got ripped off in their development work in the jacks...

the hoops
27/07/2007, 8:22 AM
Quote JoeSoap:
Quote Lim till I die:

I know exactly how much it is. However on that note I ask one point, annd you were around in the last few years so you'll know where I'm going with this. How was Danny Drew able to do the work he did in Hogan Park (which to be fair was a fair bit of good work) for one third of the cost that L37 were able to tarmac a car parking area and throw a lick of paint on the shed for?

Either Danny is a very very good bargainer, or L37 got ripped off in their development work in the jacks...

was a lot of wasted money spent when a certain person was with the ldmc and seems to be happening now with lim37 strange;)

27/07/2007, 9:47 AM
What has any of the developement funds got to do with the day to day costs versus incoming revenue of runing the club??They are 2 completely seperate issues and if there is an idea that the former can influence the latter then the slippery slope is avalanching down behind the skiier.

27/07/2007, 10:02 AM
What has any of the developement funds got to do with the day to day costs versus incoming revenue of runing the club??They are 2 completely seperate issues and if there is an idea that the former can influence the latter then the slippery slope is avalanching down behind the skiier.

We have had to channel funds that were earmarked for elsewhere into devolpment, as the FAI haven't produced the money they said it would. Simple enough for you?

27/07/2007, 11:31 AM
Thats the opposite to what is normally the problem with things like this.Anyway this is not the place to go into detail.
But if L37 goes down through not fault of the people in control and solely down to the FAI someone needs to let them know fast that all their new job appointments and all the PR in the world will not gloss over the demise of what should be the third biggest football centre in Ireland and was up to this clearly on the road to achieving this.

27/07/2007, 11:52 AM
well if it happens to us it could very easily happen to other clubs that aren't financially sound, Longford in particular, and other 1st Division clubs that have schoolboy club attendances, Kilkenny, Monaghan etc., so hopefully the FAI will start pulling the finger out for all of us, and not just for one club

27/07/2007, 12:23 PM
In fairness Jebus, I don't thinkthat there's any blame to be passed the way of the FAI on this. It's pure and simple bad management. You don't hear of Kilkenny, Monaghan, Wexford in financial trouble because they live and operate within their means. Even Wexford, who could afford to go wild with Mick Wallaces's money, don't do so because there are prudent commercial minds at the club.

Mr A
27/07/2007, 12:35 PM
This is kind of scary considering that the performances and the crowds have been pretty good. What would have happened had the team played poorly and the crowds stayed away?

Hopefully it's a storm in a teacup or some sort of cunning tactic to pressure the monies owed out of the FAI, but still, it ain't good.

One point- last year I think the proportion of Harps income that came from gates was about 35%, and it's been around that mark for quite a while. (It'll probably jump a bit this year due to the Derry and Celtic games though).

Getting income streams set up other than gate receipts is a prerequisite for survival in this league, simple as that. Our own commercial side has been traditionally very weak, yet it still brings in a good few quid. With the launch of the new club in Limerick an opportunity was missed to capitalize on the good publicity and vibe to get some sponsors aboard. I guess that's easily said now, but getting some form of commercial income could and should have been one of the central planks of the new club setup.

27/07/2007, 12:39 PM
In fairness Jebus, I don't thinkthat there's any blame to be passed the way of the FAI on this.

Surely something could passed the FAI's way Joe, the bad weather equalling poor turnouts? The negative Limerick City image put across by the Dublin media? There has to be something, it's the FAI for Christ's sake :D

27/07/2007, 1:26 PM
lads get your asses in gear and hget a trust going

27/07/2007, 1:30 PM
lads get your asses in gear and hget a trust going

We don't know what the story is with the club, how much is needed, what it's needed for, where any trust money will go, etc. Basically the first any of us heard about this was Wednesday night/Yesterday morning, and until we're given answers by the club then how can we get our asses in gear?

27/07/2007, 1:38 PM
Quote JoeSoap:
Either Danny is a very very good bargainer, or L37 got ripped off in their development work in the jacks...
Who was the development work contracted to in the Jacks? That is the question, isn't it?

Lim till i die
27/07/2007, 4:24 PM
Either Danny is a very very good bargainer, or L37 got ripped off in their development work in the jacks...

Eh, isn't Darren Hehir involved in the building trade??

In fairness Jebus, I don't thinkthat there's any blame to be passed the way of the FAI on this.

Would it really be that surprising to hear of the FAI going back on promises??

lads get your asses in gear and hget a trust going

And what, oh wise geezer would you have this trust do at this moment in time??

Maybe you could come back when you've something useful to add....................

Fans of other clubs I suggest you ignore this. It's just our annual round of Limerick backbiting. There is an issue in the short term. The players are fully aware. It will be resolved in the long term. Lots of Junior folk with agendas will keep firing $hit off in all directions in the hope that some will stick. The attitudes of some people in this town disgust me at times. So much more pleasure is got from failure than success for these tiny, bitter people.

Foot.ie is no place for this garbage anyway but shur ye know that don't ye :rolleyes: :mad:

Mr A
27/07/2007, 4:27 PM
It's just our annual round of Limerick backbiting.

Sorry, that made me smile. No eLOI club has only annual rounds of backbiting, it's an Irish art-form!

Lim till i die
27/07/2007, 4:32 PM
Sorry, that made me smile. No eLOI club has only annual rounds of backbiting, it's an Irish art-form!


Nah, little backbiting is constant but if you want to look back through the annals of Limerick football history every year one item will be pounced upon for everyone to get a major hair up their collective ass about

As they say over on the general forum - FACT :)

27/07/2007, 4:52 PM
to advise yee. A trust isnt much good when the crisis is upon you thats true but at most clubs their will be issues like this every few years and if a trust is available and has got on its feet you would be amazed how it could mushroom and be there to get things back in control by the fans for the fans.
it could not have been much of a business plan that was presented to the fai only some short months ago. it would make you wonder how thoroughly vetted the new bunch and their ideas were at the time.

27/07/2007, 4:58 PM
Not the only thing that makes you wonder about our SuperDuper League, but I get your point

Lim till i die
27/07/2007, 5:03 PM
to advise yee. A trust isnt much good when the crisis is upon you thats true but at most clubs their will be issues like this every few years and if a trust is available and has got on its feet you would be amazed how it could mushroom and be there to get things back in control by the fans for the fans.

Forgive me but:

lads get your asses in gear and hget a trust going

Didn't strike home as one of the best pieces of advice ever

Fairplay though, you could yet hear from us in future. The SC is actually really well organised so it's just another step.

it could not have been much of a business plan that was presented to the fai only some short months ago. it would make you wonder how thoroughly vetted the new bunch and their ideas were at the time

Wouldn't worry too much (not that anyone in Galway is, I'd say :p). The problems are nowhere near as big as the assorted $hit-stirrers and liars on here will try to make out