View Full Version : Ex defenders as managers

25/07/2007, 11:36 AM
Was mulling this over while waiting for the lights to go green; there seem to be more ex-defenders as current managers in the eL than any other positions. Any ideas?

Erstwhile Bóz
25/07/2007, 11:42 AM
Defenders are too thick for real jobs? ;)

25/07/2007, 11:49 AM
Was mulling this over while waiting for the lights to go green; there seem to be more ex-defenders as current managers in the eL than any other positions. Any ideas?

Bizzare. I was thinking about the same thing this morning, at traffic lights!:eek:

25/07/2007, 12:06 PM
Just out of curiosity like, what where you doing with your hands at the time?:)

25/07/2007, 1:00 PM
Scully - Rovers = going well this year
Doolin - Drogs = finally appear to be getting there act together

Maybe defenders are the way to go........

25/07/2007, 1:03 PM
Doolin was more of a midfielder though....

NY Hoop
25/07/2007, 1:04 PM
Scully - Rovers = going well this year
Doolin - Drogs = finally appear to be getting there act together

Maybe defenders are the way to go........

What makes you think Paul Doolin was ever a defender?


25/07/2007, 1:05 PM
I'm too young for Doolin and McDonnell so I'm not sure. I always thought Doolin was a defender. I'm sure I heard it somewhere.

PS I'm a striker :D

De Town
25/07/2007, 1:34 PM
Scully - Rovers = going well this year
Doolin - Drogs = finally appear to be getting there act together

Maybe defenders are the way to go........

Mathews - Longford = Not going very well this year!

25/07/2007, 1:34 PM
Bizzare. I was thinking about the same thing this morning, at traffic lights!:eek:

Don’t know if those lights were on at all - whatever about changing:D

But check this out. I reckon the First Division lads would win this if it ever took place on the Astro – even with a man short - and at least they'd have a goalie:p

Defenders – Alan Matthews, John McDonnell, Gareth Cronin, Pat Scully

Midfielders – Paul Cook, Paul Doolin, Eddie Gormely

Strikers – Damien Richardson, Tony Cousins, John Robertson

Don’t knows – Pete Mahon, Sean Connor

Goalie Stephen Henderson

Defenders Paul Hegarty Dermot Keely Mick Cooke

Midfielders Tommy Gaynor Dermot Lennon Pat Dolan

Strikers Paul McGee John Ryan

Don’t Know John Gill

Mr A
25/07/2007, 1:52 PM
Hegarty was a midfielder. Pretty defensive though.

25/07/2007, 1:53 PM
Don’t knows – Sean Connor

Press officer and spoofer. ;)


25/07/2007, 2:00 PM
Drogs - Doolin - central midfielder
Pats - McDonnell - defender
Rovers - Scully - centre half
Bohs - Connor - PR officer :-)
Cork - Rico - striker
Sligo - Paul Cook - midfielder
Derry - Robertson - striker
Bray - Gormley - midfielder
UCD - Mahon - ??
Galway - Cousins - striker
Waterford - Cronin - Defender
Longford - Matthews - Defender

So I make that 4 out of 12, although I donthave a clue where Pete Mahon played.

Considering there are 3 out and out strikers in there, there doesnt seem to be any real merit to the idea that Defenders make good managers

The Lilywhites
25/07/2007, 2:04 PM
Don’t Know John Gill


Poor Student
25/07/2007, 6:55 PM
I think Pete Mahon was a defender. He played for Drumcondra at one point.

25/07/2007, 7:33 PM
Was mulling this over while waiting for the lights to go green; there seem to be more ex-defenders as current managers in the eL than any other positions. Any ideas?
It's true in general, not just the eL. I read a very good article on it once, though I forget where. It speculated that it was because they see more of the game - watch how everyone plays more than attackers, who are more concerned with play in front of them. Or something. (It was a while ago.)

Comic Book Guy
26/07/2007, 4:12 PM
As an aside is Stephen Henderson the only ex keeper who is managing in the EL, no doubt there have been other keepers I just can't think of them.

26/07/2007, 5:06 PM
It's true in general, not just the eL. I read a very good article on it once, though I forget where. It speculated that it was because they see more of the game - watch how everyone plays more than attackers, who are more concerned with play in front of them. Or something. (It was a while ago.)

Yep, I was thinking along those lines myself. Whether its true or not, its certainly saleable:)

26/07/2007, 5:12 PM
I think Pete Mahon was a defender. He played for Drumcondra at one point.

Definite defender, not sure where with Drums but in his later junior days in the early 80's with Francis was an assured libero/sweeper

26/07/2007, 6:17 PM
Sean Connor did play - for Distillery, Port Vale and Cliftonville. He career war ended by injuries sustained in a car crash - not sure what position

The Anti-Santa
26/07/2007, 6:38 PM
Sean Connor did play - for Distillery, Port Vale and Cliftonville. He career war ended by injuries sustained in a car crash - not sure what position

Drivers Seat perhaps?

26/07/2007, 6:53 PM
Passengers' seat, but afterwards he told everyone he was the driver.

26/07/2007, 6:56 PM
Passengers' seat, but afterwards he told everyone he was the driver.

:D:D classic