View Full Version : Irish Stats lovers

24/07/2007, 7:53 AM
Have been working on Irish Stats for the last couple of months - Have now entered all teams at senior level.

You can view here http://www.soccerscene.ie/sssenior/index.php

Have copied match reports up to 1952

What do you think?

As you can see I have not yet got around to completing all the info on players - it is still work in progress.

I would appreciate if - this is aimed at those like myself who love stats - you see any glaring errors you could let me know

Intend working on Under 21 and Underage as soon as I finish the seniors

24/07/2007, 8:06 AM
the basic idea is very good, page is easy read and navigate through, well done. Just need to keep compiling more players. very good start though!

24/07/2007, 9:21 AM
I've already been using it a lot for past lineups. Excellent work!

24/07/2007, 9:55 AM
Top notch stuff patmac, dizzyingly large amount of facts and figures there!

24/07/2007, 12:36 PM
without wanting to drag up any old debates on the issue, ive always been very interested in the english born players and the way they qualified for us so would like to have access to that on tap.

for example kilbane (legend) i dont know whether he has one or 2 parents irish or just a granny and where in ireland they are from.

24/07/2007, 12:37 PM
Honestly not trying to knock you here patmac because content is excellent but navigation is not great. Columns need to be aligned the same size and change the '> >' signs. Also could have blocker that dosen't allow you to pick '1994' 'US Nike Cup' because result will come up blank (i.e. no stats for any players).

Or maybe I'm just being annoying. Otherwise good lookup.

24/07/2007, 2:26 PM
kilbanes cousins are all from achill island. 1st and 2nd, he has been there before.


check out his picture above, he looks like jaws from james bond!!

24/07/2007, 2:33 PM
Very nice work. I'll be bookmarking it.

One suggestion: for competitions, add a category called "competitive".

25/07/2007, 9:46 AM
Great work, a serious amount of effort must have gone into it, well done P

25/07/2007, 9:51 AM
Great work. Front page is poor though as it gives an impression they are the only players in it

if you could get the seach page http://www.soccerscene.ie/sssenior/searchengine.php as part of the home page it'd be far better.

Minor design quibble only as the work you out in is there to see. Well done

25/07/2007, 9:21 PM
Thats brilliant patmac, well done & thanks :ball:

25/07/2007, 11:32 PM
Brilliant site, well played to you patmac.

26/07/2007, 10:13 AM
Fantastic, well done PatMac

27/07/2007, 8:58 AM
Thanks very much for the nice compliments. I have taken on board your thoughts and ideas and will work on these over the next few months.

If anybody has any photos or stories of games I would appreciate if they could forward to info@soccerscene.ie and I will put up on site-

27/07/2007, 10:25 AM
excellent work. Very handy.

27/07/2007, 11:00 AM
For waht its worth lads, every Irish international team is usually in the old Rothmans football annual (think its now a Sky Sports thing).

Ordinary Fan
27/07/2007, 2:16 PM
Good work patmac.

Need to update the Slovakia result, it is appearing as 1:1 (things are bad enoughy already)