View Full Version : We don't want Muslim immigrants

18/07/2007, 8:53 PM
Haven't posted in quite a while, but I spotted this excellent article in the
Irish Independent....

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18/07/2007, 8:58 PM
Hell Condex, back to your usual tricks I see. Kevin Myers eh? :rolleyes:

Still living outside of Ireland?

18/07/2007, 9:03 PM
To think that Ireland is a Christian state in anything but name these days is ridiculous.

18/07/2007, 9:06 PM
By Kevin Myers
This is where you lost me.

18/07/2007, 9:47 PM
there are some 200 terrorist networks, with 1,700 members, now operating around the country.

helpful! this kevin myers chap should sort it all out, or did 1700 people tick 'militant islamist' on the census?

18/07/2007, 9:50 PM
Isn't Kevin Myers an immigrant himself

18/07/2007, 9:53 PM
Yes don't really know much about this guy but been told that he is a small minded idiot! and the nature of this article seems to confirm this!

18/07/2007, 9:58 PM
helpful! this kevin myers chap should sort it all out, or did 1700 people tick 'militant islamist' on the census?

Where did these figures come from how can you say 1/2 mill people think this way :confused:

He has some points that id agree with though

19/07/2007, 12:25 AM
This is where you lost me.
I got to this.

What does that mean?
the same as 'secular'?

19/07/2007, 12:58 AM
Isn't Kevin Myers an immigrant himself

ya, sure he's from leicster. he was 25 or 30 before he came to ireland.

stupid c**t

and btw secular would be kinda the opposite of sacred, not pertaining to religion

19/07/2007, 1:06 AM
So it makes sense?
I thought secular meant separate from all religions in which case there'd be no need to put a religion after the word.

19/07/2007, 1:21 AM
It doesn't make sense, secular-Christian is as canonical an example of an oxymoron as you'll find. With a stroke in place of the hyphen it would be semantically defensible but still utterly devoid of any meaning.

19/07/2007, 8:14 AM
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