View Full Version : Michael Moore on CNN

16/07/2007, 11:48 AM
did anyone see this? fair play to him

a friend of mine told me when he came over for the galway festival he was a bit of a primma donna, with the food requests and transport etc but this is class:


i might add the guy at the end is a real smary tw@t, its obvious he has vested interests.

16/07/2007, 12:08 PM
I have very little time for him , he screws people over gets interviews edits them to make them say something else cut in some other clips and dumb people fall for it. perfect example is in Bowling for col. when the sopposed NRA meeting a week after the girl was killed shows the head guy making a statement along the lines of " from my cold dead hands " about taking his gun away .he made out that this was said at that meeting where as it was a year before :eek:

16/07/2007, 12:16 PM
Point was that he still said it.

Very little grey are with moore you either love him or loathe him. Chances are your political thinking makes the decision for you

16/07/2007, 12:41 PM
dodge, i dont necessarily think its political view as such, i mean the latest film has a go at all, more ideologies. I didnt think a great deal of Fahrenheit 9/11 i just thought he threw a load of "dodgy one liners" about the place in the hope that someone might connect them together and make up somegreat conspiracy theory, but i did appreciate BFC, as it struck a chord, it was something new to come from the cinema and it was largely correct.

For me, personally the healthcare system is a joke, i was an intern in the states and interns dont have medical insurance. I was charged $250 -which at the time was 1euro to 1 dollar about or the dollar may have been even stronger then ( euro just introduced ) - to see a doctor, it was the closest place to where i worked ( still about 2 - 3 miles ) and only place i could go to because i wouldnt be admitted to a county hospital ( besides it was way away ), i had a pain in my head, it took between 1 hour and 2 hours to see the doctor after going from queue to queue. Finally when i got to see him i spent about 5 mins with he and he told me to come back in 3 weeks if there was still pain. As the man says that would clear you up fairly quickly and or make anyone sick for 250 dollars. If the same thing happened me here in england i would be in and out for free, and have seen the doctor tomorrow and queued for roughly 1 hour. If it happened in ireland i would pay 50 euro ( actually i wouldnt pay anything as covered by the NHS for GP visits in ireland ) and be seen in around 1 hour also.

The guns thing as well, so many arguments and discussions with very different thinking people in america, and a lot of them still had the same belief when it came to guns, and they couldnt see past it. Again it was something that I personally noticed and why I appreciate michael moore to an extent.

16/07/2007, 3:01 PM
I had an American friend who described himself as a "Progressive" who used to say that having Michael Moore on his side of the big questions is kind of self defeating in certain circumstances - he described him as a "Rush Limbaugh of the left", which is a scarey image when one thinks about it.

In my opinion, his documentaries are better when he isn't playing the panto hero, but his sense of empathy with the ordinary punters he interviews, particularly the working class of Michigan, etc, is a laudible contrast with the usual Entertainment News type approach used by the major network newscasters.

16/07/2007, 3:35 PM
I think Bowling for Columbine was good but Fahrenheit 911 just pure entertainment going for the cheap laughs.

I would not go to him looking to be educated about any facts.