View Full Version : Shares

15/07/2007, 10:01 AM

15/07/2007, 10:38 AM
Whats the story with shares ..how does it work?

15/07/2007, 10:43 AM

Old keeper
15/07/2007, 1:55 PM

15/07/2007, 5:21 PM

Old keeper
15/07/2007, 5:47 PM
Firstly I can assure you that all share certs will have been issued by next Wed complete with co stamp, secondly included with the cert is information on the club and date/time of a shareholders meeting hopefully we can iron out any issues at this.

15/07/2007, 7:00 PM
Firstly I can assure you that all share certs will have been issued by next Wed complete with co stamp, secondly included with the cert is information on the club and date/time of a shareholders meeting hopefully we can iron out any issues at this.


15/07/2007, 11:29 PM
Bonovox could you not have gone to the club at a match and said your piece instead of comming on here and spouting off? your all for this public **** so when/if you cash in your share(s) maybe oldkeeper will put ur details on here for us to see whos lost faith in Limerick 37 FC already. We might/WILL even make a new chant for you

15/07/2007, 11:48 PM
Awful lot of editing going on in this thread :p

17/07/2007, 12:41 PM
Awful lot of editing going on in this thread :p

Thats cause he knows he was wrong!! :eek:

18/07/2007, 5:48 PM
Please don't comment on something you know nothing about. Are you a shareholder? I am because I had faith in this venture but was unhappy at the lack of a piece of paper to show me that I was in fact a shareholder. Would you like a receipt if you handed out a four figure sum in good faith? It wasn't for the lack of asking for it either I can assure you. If I get that clarification then there is no problem as far as I'm concerned but please hurry up L37! I suppose you have never/never will criticise a player/performance during the season. Welcome to the real world pal....it's harsh out there.
BTW - I have sung this boards praises for putting this venture together in a remarkably short period of time, a little criticism does no harm from time to time when it is justified.

18/07/2007, 9:32 PM
Please don't comment on something you know nothing about. Are you a shareholder? I am because I had faith in this venture but was unhappy at the lack of a piece of paper to show me that I was in fact a shareholder. Would you like a receipt if you handed out a four figure sum in good faith? It wasn't for the lack of asking for it either I can assure you. If I get that clarification then there is no problem as far as I'm concerned but please hurry up L37! I suppose you have never/never will criticise a player/performance during the season. Welcome to the real world pal....it's harsh out there.
BTW - I have sung this boards praises for putting this venture together in a remarkably short period of time, a little criticism does no harm from time to time when it is justified.
So basically the person you "knew of" was actually yourself? :rolleyes: Hurry up L37, this man needs his certificate! :D

18/07/2007, 10:06 PM
So basically the person you "knew of" was actually yourself? :rolleyes: Hurry up L37, this man needs his certificate! :D

Well I do know myself :-)

19/07/2007, 7:49 AM
So basically the person you "knew of" was actually yourself? :rolleyes: Hurry up L37, this man needs his certificate! :DWell, to be fair, share certificates are normally issued within ten days of purchase. People buy shares as a financial investment, not just out of loyalty to a football club(which would be a silly reason to buy shares). It's natural that he has concerns, especially after shelling out a four figure sum.

However, I'm sure his fears are groundless, and the club will sort this out asap.

26/07/2007, 8:55 AM
Originally Posted by Old keeper
Firstly I can assure you that all share certs will have been issued by next Wed complete with co stamp, secondly included with the cert is information on the club and date/time of a shareholders meeting hopefully we can iron out any issues at this.

And over a week later we still wait despite assurances to the contrary........

Lim till i die
26/07/2007, 8:41 PM
Should probably get this sorted in all fairness

05/03/2008, 6:33 PM
Originally Posted by Old keeper
Firstly I can assure you that all share certs will have been issued by next Wed complete with co stamp, secondly included with the cert is information on the club and date/time of a shareholders meeting hopefully we can iron out any issues at this.

And over a week later we still wait despite assurances to the contrary........

Oldkeeper, if you're still out there in your fantasy world, there's a few people that wish to talk to you about "cashing" in their shares.

05/03/2008, 6:37 PM
i don't think Oldkeeper is the person you should be looking for.

lfc at heart
05/03/2008, 7:11 PM
how much is a L37 share worth these days and how much were they bought for last season.

05/03/2008, 8:55 PM
Try the club shop maybe?When its open..L37 must have some sort of offices around somewhere..surely

07/03/2008, 10:57 AM
Oldkeeper, if you're still out there in your fantasy world, there's a few people that wish to talk to you about "cashing" in their shares.

You can't "cash in" your share(s)!!!
No more than you can cash in your television or DVD player, etc.
Presumably, you can try to sell your shares to someone else...

i don't think Oldkeeper is the person you should be looking for.

The new majority shareholder, Jack McCarthy, might be a good person to approach. He may be interested in buying your share(s). For any other queries, I suppose the new CEO would be the person to approach, or maybe the General Manager.

how much is a L37 share worth these days and how much were they bought for last season.

They're only worth whatever people are willing to pay for them.
They cost €250 each when they were for sale.
As far as I know, shares are no longer for sale. I think Jack McCarthy bought out the shares held by the LDMC and LSL as well as all the unsold shares.

Try the club shop maybe?When its open..L37 must have some sort of offices around somewhere..surely

The Club's offices are at the rear of the shop on Davis St.
The shop is open 1-5:30 thursdays and fridays (until 10 on match nights)and 10-5:30 saturdays.